Some of these arguments have already been discussed. Take for example the Kalam argument:
- Everything that begins to exist has a cause
- The universe began to exist
- Ergo, the universe has a cause*
- is not true because in a quantum vacuum,virtual particlespop in and out of existence without a prior cause. 0 = 1 + (-1). From zero you get two entities. Further, causality is aphysicalphenomenon which exists withinthe universe. How do you know that causality applies to the universe as a whole?
- How can you be sure that the universe began to exist and was not always there?
The quantum theory is just that, a theory and not fact.- that energy is not radiated or absorbed continuously, or discontinuously, and only in multiples of definite, individual units (mathematical measurement, the second degree of conceptual abstraction) being applied to a theory, not fact. You use the word “virtual particles” which means, being such practically or in effect (here’s the kicker)although not in actual fact. So here we got a theory, not a fact, and virtual reality, not a fact and this represents truth? We are dealing with a lot of subjective thinking and error, treating them as facts.
You have these virtual particles poping in and out of existence, how do you explain if a thing is not existing at one time, and existing at another without a cause? If the thing didn’t exist on one time, how in the world is it going cause itself to exist, this is a logical contradiction, unless you posit a “cause” outside of the particle that doesn’t exist. If it had existence as it’s nature, it couldn’t pop out of existence.
Mathematical symbols are just that, symbols with no meaning until we give them meaning. The foundation of math is based on the unit 1, we give one a meaning “a singularity” which is applied to an individual objective unit, or used in mathematical abstraction to symbolize a conceptual singularity. The rest to me, is mental gymnastics in the form of adding,multiplying, dividing, formulating. It is regarded as the "second degree of abstraction dealing with measurements. There are universal principles used in math, eg. the whole is equal to the sum of it’s parts, and can be verified in objective reality. Much of the trouble today is that mathematical formula is used to explain reality, that’s the empirical influence
Causality is not just a physical phenomena, but applies to reality as a whole. If I study and learn a science, I moved from a mental state of ignorance to one of acquired knowledge, the study caused the effect, knowledge. Is the mental state just physical, what are abstractions, or ideas, has empirical science ever discover a physical idea? Or knowledge? Or thought, or abstraction? Explain the nature of thought? Or motion? Or energy? Are these things physical? Make a guess. Is the truths of Faith about God physical, or did these truths have a non-physical cause?
If the Universe always existed that necessarily means that it didn’t need a cause, if it didn’t need a cause, then it would never change, because change is movement towards being, and in material things there is constant movement, meaning they do not have total being
Or if the Universe always existed, would mean the Universe has existence for it’s nature, it would have total being, that means no change in the Universe, which is contrary to the facts.
eg. Water can be ice, ice can be steam but not at once. Changes are the effects of causes and this is verified by objective facts in reality, whether physical, or non-physical, the principle of cause and effect is a universal principle. So logically, if we regress from effect to first cause, to explain the first cause in the series, we posit a first uncaused cause as the necessary cause for the first cause in the series, the first cause in the series can not explain itself.