You are missing my point.
They are not trying to destroy anything as much as not be destroyed by society. If you don’t want to be LGBT then cool, just don’t force others.
I’m sorry, but I think you are missing the other point of view.
While, I know there some sexually active homosexuals who honestly believe homosexual acts are sins (Milo for example), most people who commit homosexual acts (or who are close to people who do) do NOT believe it is sinful.
It’s the same for some women who have abortions (and their loved ones). Some women who have had abortions realize that they did was a mortal sin & they repent and change. But for other women who have an abortion, they insist it is not sinful.
Again, same thing for people who commit the mortal sins of masturbation, fornication, & co-habitation, etc. Some acknowledge what they are doing (or did) is a mortal sin; while others insist it isn’t sinful.
Personally, I’ve committed a TON of sexual sins in my lifetime. But I acknowledged that every single one of them I did was a mortal sin AND I do NOT want my kids to commit the same sins I did.
It’s bad enough that Hollywood & pop culture is telling my kids that sexual sins are not sins - that’s a battle in a half. But when the government starts saying that mortal sin are not sinful; then we really have a steep hill to climb.
It’s one thing when an individual disagrees with Catholic/Christian teachings; to each their own. However, to actively teach / preach that Christianity is wrong is another thing altogether.
I know we don’t live in a Catholic country, however, you can’t expect devout Catholics (and other Christians) to sit idly by and watch the place they live to become more anti-Catholic / anti-Christian.