Well, there’s a challenge. Forget about a planet where conditions are correct – go to a laboratory where you can custom-**design **and modify conditions to exactly what you want. Then, take inert lifeless elements of whatever sort. Then, don’t even use the randomness that would necessarily take place on the surface of a planet, but instead, design (again) whatever kind of mechanism that can combine and synthesize those elements
I’m beginning to understand this viewpoint and surprised because ever since I was a kid (Catholic) I never thought things came about this way and still don’t…The lab would be the last place for the test I think because all the necessary preparation for life was in a very hot cooling earth as I understand. Its almost like saying the Creator waved his hand across the horizon and life came about. If this is true what about all the billion years preparing the way, the moon, the solar system itself making it possible…the sun we have…everything just right requiring the waving hand of God each step of the way. For my thinking these are limitations from the outset. I want it known this isn’t really a big deal to me because lets face it , the theist position is not implicated one way or another…I don’t like throwing the cards in on an idea which is only been in research for 50 years. The first billion years on earth was so hot there was no water apparently. These realities were obviously crucial in allowing the development of what we have today…so why even bother with interruptions using a God figure where there appears to be a missing link…? Not trying to be difficult but the way I see it, the unfolding nature of life a thing which we attribute to ourselves, nature, stable consequence, everything is any thing but apart from the whole development of itself …Its not only plausible it is expected…like the boson they recently suspected…all the evidence shows .
On the contrary – it all speaks of design and purpose. Blind, unintelligent matter does not form itself into specified, complex functioning systems. But we know that design can do that.
We’re questioning the idea that those are the sole building blocks. The claim is that everything came from inert matter. There is no mechanism that creates life out of non-life. Again, the question was – how could the desire to survive come from non-living matter? The desire to survive is directed towards a purpose – sustaining life. So again, how does a widespread, universal purpose emerge from that which is unintelligent and lacking purpose?
I’m not arguing this, what Im trying to figure out is how others believe things came about…as in God waving his hand over the earth.
You’re trying to reconcile what you’ve been taught about evolution with these challenges that, perhaps, you haven’t seen before. The materialist claim is that there is no evidence of design at all to be observed in nature. Supposedly, through random chance mutations and natural selection, all of the biosphere on earth developed from simple molecules to what we see today. That is the no-design, or anti-design view. But it doesn’t line up with what we actually observe in nature and in life (especially in human life).