According to that argument any event that has occurred must have occurred - which is obviously false because it attributes necessity to everything! The fallacy in your argument is that you have a retrospective view of reality. The wisdom of hindsight is being misapplied to that which was not inevitable. The fact that things have happened does not mean they had to happen.
In that case the anthropic principle has no implications for what may occur beyond our universe. It tells us precisely nothing about possible universes.
Chance may not be a reliable feature of reality, but that does not mean it never operates in what we may consider, with hindsight, to be subjectively desirable ways. Just ask any lottery winner…
The present issue is not improbability but the relative number of orderly and disorderly universes.
The assumption that it is possible to make a perfect physical universe is gratuitous, unverifiable and incoherent. Only the Creator is perfect in every respect because all other beings are contingent and limited in some respect.
The problem of evil does not stipulate a perfect universe, only one that is better than we find it.
Not according to the post to which I was responding:
The most convincing argument against design, is that a perfect God, would have made a perfect universe.
If physical perfection is not possible, why would a perfect god work with physical entities at all?
You are implicitly denying the immense value of physical existence to which you attach so much importance that you reject any other type of existence! Does physical imperfection outweigh the immense value of life?
Especially when there are supposed to be such things as angels, conscious beings who have no physical substance (incongruous though that notion is)…
Only incongruous in the opinion of those so deeply entrenched in material things they are incapable of appreciating spiritual values or recognising intangible realities such as truth, goodness, freedom, justice, beauty and love.
… yet still may aspire to perfect union with or perfect knowledge of god.
Such issues are obviously totally beyond the comprehension of materialists limited to information from their eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin.
The fact that god is limited by physical considerations in the act of creation seems to imply that god is likewise limited, in not being able to manifest a physical universe more favourable to beings to whom happiness and suffering matter.
The Creator’s power is unlimited but all created beings are necessarily limited by their finitude and contingency. God alone is perfect in every respect.
Only hedonists believe suffering serves no useful purpose and outweighs the immense value of life. It is absurd to expect to have everything for nothing…