Non sequitur. Significance does not depend on frequency or quantity.According to that argument any event that has occurred
Evasion! Your statement “We know dinosaurs got cancer, so nature never was in a “perfect” state, pre-fall” implies that cancer is attributed by** all** Christians to the Fall.The fact that “all Christians” do not hold a position is irrelevant, and a nice dodge there. Deflection.
This is a philosophy forum…Define “chance”. There IS no such scientific term. Only probability.
I ignore abuse on principle.The word “chance”, is normally used, in these arguments as a pejorative term, but in fact, if YOUR Creator created the structure of Reality, probabilities it’s HOW HE wanted things to work.
You have evaded and failed to refute my statement:You are STILL mixing up pre-event probability with post event probability. They are NOT the same. The ID argument also assumes, without explanation, that Bayesian statistics are applicable to the problem, in the first place. No one is saying they HAD to occur. The pre-event probability says what the non-certain pre-event probability may have been. The post event probability is 1.0. They are two entirely different concepts.
The issue is the relative distribution of possible orderly universes and possible disorderly universes…
IAll your “Perfect Creator” stuff is a corruption of the ID argument with YOUR FAITH position, and is not useful.
Argumentum ad hominem - in addition to being a false, unsubstantiated assertion.
If you NEED evidence for your faith, it bespeaks only your weak faith. Nothing more. Your statement that disease is a result of chance, and not the actions of God, is ASTOUNDING for a person of faith. OMG. I cannot believe you actually admitted that. Christian theology teaches nature was in a “preternatural” sate of perfection, until the Fall. Deflecting the argument, by saying it’s not held by “all”, has not answered the argument. You’re really very good at that sort of thing.ID is interesting as in a scientific age, science is what is held in highest regard, so obviously people want to use it, so their positions appear to be supported by the popular paradigm/world view. In this case, it simply doesn’t work. “Design” assumes that what my brain sees as “designed”
a.( as Sair just reminded us), was MY concept of the Designer, (which it cannot address)
b. that the proximate designer, was the ultimate designer, (which is not established or even addressed, in the argument
c. that the reality, or a substantial portion of it, is apprehend-able to my brain,
d. that what makes intuitive sense to my brain, IS both real, and necessary. We know that ois NOT the care, (Dirac, Heisenberg, and Einstein).The “contingent/non-contingent” argument is NOT what the ID argument is about.
a. Despite the cop-out in Aquinas’ “perfection” argument, (created being are not perfect because perfection exists only in the mind of God), a Perfect Creator, using this argument WOULD have created perfect creations, and anything less, implies a less than perfect Creator. So that argument is out.
b. “Contingency” presumes an already extant structure, (contingency vs non-contingency), in Reality. A Being who, of necessity is non-contingent, participates in only PART of that structure, and cannot be the Creator of the larger structure.I ignore irrelevant abuse on principle - which infringes the forum rules in addition to being unChristian:The argument : “The fine tuning of the universe involved not just one chance event as in winning the lottery, but involved the coordination of at least twenty universal constants coming together in the first moments of the Big Bang” is "god of the gaps’’, AND just a more complicated, but essentially the SAME mix-up, of pre event probabilities, with POST event probabilities.
From a scientific view, we simply don’t know, (yet). If there were a very very large number of universes which come and go, eventually one which has the properties of this one would “crystallize” out. The pre-event probability is low, but not zero. The more universes which pop into existence, the higher the probability one, or some “could”.
The issue is the relative distribution of possible orderly universes and possible disorderly universes…
If faith depends **entirely **on its own it is irrational. Jesus constantly gave **reasons **why we should believe His teaching.Faith stands or falls on it’s own. Ultimately, this argument is answered ONLY by a faith position of the “designer”, of (your), choice. The ultimate question has not been answered here, by this argument.
NB To resort to invective is evidence that one’s reasoning is defective.