Of course I don’t cease to be the same person, in the sense that I am centred upon roughly the same configuration of matter and energy…
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I might be the same person, the same proximal identity that I was when I was born, but I have some fairly apparent differences.
“might be” and “proximal” are nebulous.
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The claim of immutability, when applied to an eternal, spiritual being, one that is unimpeded by time, space or indeed any dimensional limitation, implies that there is no change, none whatsoever.
The issue is not “an” eternal being but the Supreme Reality:
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The literal interpretation of divine activity in terms of human activity is clearly unwarranted. God is not a created individual but the Creator of all things visible and invisible. “conceiving of a plan” and “executing that plan” presuppose temporal states which are inapplicable to the Eternal Being.
The phrase “however that might be accomplished by a nonphysical entity” reveals a physicalist mentality which fails to acknowledge the irreducibility of mental events to physical events. How do neural impulses conceive and execute plans?
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I will add, just because it seems to have been largely bypassed by this thread, that Intelligent Design is, demonstrably, a complete failure as science - that is, as a serious attempt to explain the world as we experience it. All it can do is insinuate itself into the ever-decreasing gaps in scientific knowledge.
Physicalism is demonstrably, a complete failure as science - that is, as a serious attempt to explain the world as we experience it. All it can do is insinuate itself into the gaps in scientific knowledge and reveal the desperate lengths to which its adherents will resort to evade the rational, purposeful nature of reality.
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Even Young-Earth Creationism at least makes fact claims, however wrong they have been shown to be. The design hypothesis offers no predictions, no fact claims, even, that could ever be verified.
False! Design predicts that the universe will continue to be orderly, intelligible and predictable, that the principle of induction will continue to be reliable and that persons will continue to make their decisions on the assumption that life is purposeful - and not a freak occurrence caused by fortuitous combinations of molecules.
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All it can do, and ever has done, is assert, prematurely and without support, that some things are inaccessible to science, and therefore must fall under the auspices of supernatural design. Until unequivocal evidence of the identity and direct action of the designer in question is presented, Intelligent Design, as a theory of reality, has nothing going for it.
All materialism can do, and ever has done, is assert, prematurely and without support, that everything is in principle accessible to science, and therefore must fall under the auspices of inscrutable matter. Until unequivocal evidence of the identity and direct action of this purposeless force is presented, Unintelligent Design, as a theory of reality, has nothing going for it - unless one is prepared to declare that everything is fundamentally absurd, thereby destroying the validity of one’s conclusion…
… scientific investigation will continue as long as reality demonstrates itself to be susceptible to scientific explanation.
Irrelevant. It is not self-evident that
the whole of reality is physical or scientifically explicable.
Unequivocal evidence of the existence and direct action of blind, impersonal forces has been presented, in every field of scientific endeavour.
Scientific endeavour is only one aspect of human knowledge and not even the most significant.
What has never, ever been demonstrated is that these forces are directed or controlled by any personal entity.
Do you never direct or control impersonal forces?
The entirety of the ID assertion is based upon the existence of gaps in scientific knowledge.
The basis of
all knowledge is the existence of rational, purposeful minds.
If there is actual evidence of design, scientific investigation will uncover it.
Scientific investigation is restricted to purposeless events. Design is beyond its remit.
What won’t uncover it is the assertion made by ID ‘theorists’ that such-and-such a phenomenon “can’t” be explained by science, before thorough investigation has even been undertaken.
Science cannot investigate or explain metascientific principles.
It’s almost as if such people don’t actually want anyone to find out how all these supposedly “irreducibly complex” phenomena actually came about.
“such people” are more realistic than those who have blind faith in the power of science to explain everything - including science itself.
If nobody knows, the ID proponent can assert his or her pet supernaturalist theory.
All schools of materialism are based on the unsubstantiated assumption that everything originates in matter.
At the end of the day, there is no necessity for the universe itself to have a purpose.
This assertion presupposes privileged insight into the nature of reality!
On what evidence is this claim based?
Purpose, from everything we have thus far been able to discern, requires the evolution of intelligent, subjective, self-directed beings who can develop and imagine their own purposes.
How has it been discerned that persons are derived
solely from impersonal particles?