You are assuming human purpose is unique. Do you have any evidence?
I certainly don’t assume that purpose is unique to humans. Where have I ever implied this?
You implied that purpose is the product of events on this planet.
It’s obvious that other animals act with purposeful intent, even if we (perhaps rather arrogantly) consider it to be simpler than human intention and purpose.
Why aren’t they held responsible for their activity?
Even David Hume could understand that the laws of nature don’t cater for the welfare of individuals in **all **
How would the laws of nature, such as they are, even be aware of the welfare of individuals?
Exactly. That was the implication of your objection to Design.
Moreover the phrase “with human interests in mind” is a misrepresentation of Christianity with its implication that the world was designed solely
for man. The focus of Christian theology is human salvation.
Do you expect it to be otherwise? If so why?
That being the case, then according to the theological interpretation, the world was designed either as a cradle for human development…
Non sequitur.
…or a challenge to test human mettle, a way to prove worthiness for salvation.
Distortion of Christian belief.
Concern for other sentient beings is a relatively recent afterthought.
Only in your opinion.
You have made it abundantly clear that you regard reason as a product of purposeless events.
Which there is no reason to assume it’s not, unless you believe it impossible for simplicity to give rise to complexity.“no reason”! You are using reason to destroy its validity by reducing it to a physical process which lacks insight.
- What is the basis for this astonishing assumption?
If natural selection actually works, the existing environment would select for beings that succeeded in comprehending it, to the extent that such comprehension promoted their survival.An even more astonishing assumption! How on earth could that be proved?
- The fact that a phenomenon exists does not imply that it **must **
exist. Never said it does…You implied evolution was
… that would imply an ultimate purpose that I do not believe exists!
Non sequitur. Purpose is totally irrelevant in the context of “physical necessity”.
- How did atomic particles acquire the **potential **
to perform such an incredible feat? How indeed? How do the laws of physics operate on a subatomic scale? How do you still imagine that these atomic particles behave in such perfect isolation that they never interact to give rise to more complex phenomena? How does a single car braking cause a traffic jam on the freeway?None of these questions answers the question:
How did atomic particles acquire the **potential **
to perform such an incredible feat?
- It takes an enormous act of faith to believe inanimate objects
have the power to develop into
rational beings. Though rather less faith than it takes to imagine an entirely separate class of reality to the one we may access through experience. False dilemma. We access rational activity through
direct experience.