read the article more closely assuming you have.???
Padre Pio was canonized a saint.
And died before the Franciscans of the Immaculate were formed.
The article then launches into a story of a woman, already beatified, who apparently communicated with God.On this point, Padre Pio, with simple words, which were terrible, said that those who believe they can communicate with God directly, are on the way to Hell.
What things do you find suspect?There’s a lot of things about Padre Pio I find suspect. I’ll leave it there.
Possibly a worse fate.That story was debunked. Martin Luther’sentence was commuted to serving 15 years at the Delta terminal at JFK.
imo if Martin Luther had lived in the 19th or 20th century, he would have been a radical Marxist.
The Church has never stated with definitive assurance that anyone is in hell, not even Judas.
I offer Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta as a possible exception: “In a unique ceremony, he was canonized into Hell with the curse, “No mortal heretofore has descended into Hell with the ceremony of canonization. Sigi shall be the first deemed worthy of such honor.””The Catholic Church has NEVER stated that anyone particular is in hell.
I have no idea of the truth of this, but I present the wikipedia page for Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta for consideration. It says: Pope Pius II, who considered him guilty of treachery towards Siena arising from his long-running feud with Federico da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, excommunicated him, declaring him a heretic and attributing to Sigismondo a series of sins (incest, sodomy against his son Roberto and others) which smeared his reputation for centuries. In a unique ceremony, he was ca…