please dont even take the risk. my intention is** not to encourage anyone to try and get possessed.** i think deep down you know it is wrong. i would have cooperation in that sin. i just wanted to point out that most people have an intuitive sense of the supernatural for a reason. it speaks to our soul. st. augustine said that we are created for God so that we will find ultimate happiness and purpose when we are united to him in heaven. i hope all neo-pagans and atheists come to know the truth in the catholic church. what i should have said is pray to God with an open mind and ask him to give you the faith to believe in him. if he exists, then he will give you the faith, if not, then you will not have the faith. don’t mess around with the occult or the oujia board.take #2. And I’d take the risk to prove that in an experiment. I do not fear any demon, Satan, Cthuthlu, Loki or whatever. But then, exactly that lack of fear (faith) will keep the spirits out, d’uh?
there are no such things as ghosts or dead people who manage to hang around after death. only demons and the devil manifest themselves. dead people are only in heaven, hell, or purgatory. they might appear under the form of deceased ones, but they are not them. so any attempt to contact deceased people will only bring demons and possible possession. God cast down satan and his mingons -fallen angels, to earth before he sends them to hell forever. this is why they cling on to us. they don’t want to go to hell and they know they are on borrowed time.