Palestinian corpse used for IDF "anatomy lesson'"

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The Breaking the Silence organization has collected new testimony from Israel Defense Forces soldiers on harsh actions carried out during the course of the fighting in the territories.

Two of the testimonies pertain to a military doctor who gave medics “lessons in anatomy” using the bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces.

IDf sources said on Thursday that the army was unaware of the incidents and that the reports would be investigated.

An IDF conscript who served as a medic in the Ramallah district some two years ago told Haaretz that the “lesson” had taken place following a clash between an armed Palestinian and an IDF force.

The soldier said that the Palestinian’s body had been riddled with bullets and that some of his internal organs had spilled out. The doctor pronounced the man dead and then “took out a knife and began to cut off parts of the body,” the soldier said.

**“He explained the various parts to us - the membrane that covers the lungs, the layers of the skin, the liver, stuff like that,” the soldier continued. **

“I didn’t say anything because I was still new in the army. Two of the medics moved away, and one of them threw up.** It was all done very brutally. It was simply contempt for the body. I saw other dead enemy bodies during my service. No other doctor did anything like that.”**

The second report came from a soldier who served in Hebron in October 2000. The soldier told Breaking the Silence that a comrade had fired live rounds at a Palestinian youth, Mansour Taha Ahmed, 21, who was standing some distance from a group of stone-throwers.

The soldier said he was firing rubber bullets at the stone-throwers when he suddenly heard his comrade fire live rounds, killing the young man.

No Military Police investigation was opened into the incident.
John TE:
IDf sources said on Thursday that the army was unaware of the incidents and that the reports would be investigated.
That’s a good thing isn’t it?

Do the Palestinians do that when they hear about civilians being killed? If not, they should, shouldn’t they?
That’s a good thing isn’t it?

Do the Palestinians do that when they hear about civilians being killed? If not, they should, shouldn’t they?
Your attempt to spin this into a positive for the IDF is detestable

What good is an “investigation” going to do for the guy who had his organs cut out of his body in a mock anatomy lesson?

These things should not be happening at all. Americans, who’s taxes funded this “anatomy lesson” should be outraged about this.

Further, Americans should be highly concerned about the hatred for the US that this incident is likely to cause due to US funding of it.

The Israelis apparently couldn’t care less about how their actions damage the world’s perception of the US.
John TE:
Your attempt to spin this into a positive for the IDF is detestable

What good is an “investigation” going to do for the guy who had his organs cut out of his body in a mock anatomy lesson?

These things should not be happening at all. Americans, who’s taxes funded this “anatomy lesson” should be outraged about this.
Criminals will be prosecuted, but you know that.

I asked you some questions, are you going to answer them or not? The answers can’t be that frightening, can they?
Criminals will be prosecuted, but you know that.

I asked you some questions, are you going to answer them or not? The answers can’t be that frightening, can they?
In a just system criminals are prosecuted. Israel has failed to prove itself to be just–only when the world’s attention is focused on it, but many times not even then.
John TE:
In a just system criminals are prosecuted. Israel has failed to prove itself to be just–only when the world’s attention is focused on it, but many times not even then.
They will be prosecuted, you wait.

Now for the Palestinians, are you going to answer my questions about them? Do they prosecute crimes against civilians? Say blowing them up on busses? Of course not! Shame on them. Right?

Maybe now that Arrafat is dead things will change. Won’t that be better?
They will be prosecuted, you wait.

Now for the Palestinians, are you going to answer my questions about them? Do they prosecute crimes against civilians? Say blowing them up on busses? Of course not! Shame on them. Right?

Maybe now that Arrafat is dead things will change. Won’t that be better?
Palestinian terror is not funded with US tax dollars. Israeli crimes against the Palestinians are funded by US tax dollars.

I do hope that terrorism ends. That isn’t likely to happen until Israel stops persecuting Palestinians and stealing their land.
John TE:
Palestinian terror is not funded with US tax dollars. Israeli crimes against the Palestinians are funded by US tax dollars.

I do hope that terrorism ends. That isn’t likely to happen until Israel stops persecuting Palestinians and stealing their land.
Naw, it will end when the PA decides to accept the peace proposals Israel has been offering and not be insistant that Israel be pushed into the sea, and you know it.

It has nothing to do with Israel taking any more land. In fact, we will be seeing Israel give land back in the next months and you will be able to make your own mind up. see: Israel to Conduct West Bank Hand Over
It has nothing to do with Israel taking any more land. In fact, we will be seeing Israel give land back in the next months and you will be able to make your own mind up. see: Israel to Conduct West Bank Hand Over
It’s a shell game, my friend. Israel “returns land” in rhetoric only. In reality it is continuing to take Palestinian land even now.
According to the law, enacted in 1950, every person who was outside of Israeli territory between November 29, 1947 and September 1, 1948 was considered an “absentee,” and his assets were transferred to the Custodian of Absentee Property, with no possibility of compensation or appeal. But even though the Absentee Property Law remained in force, successive Israeli governments decided not to apply it to annexed East Jerusalem, because of the injustice this would wreak. The decision to once again apply this law has caused thousands of Palestinians, including many who live right next to their confiscated lands, to lose property overnight worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and for which no one intends to compensate them.
John, you’ll never get any condemnation out of Gilliam, prejudice has its own agenda.
Ill have to stand up up for gilliam on this one. You liberals always accuse, usually the hand that feeds you, of some evil thing, but “oh…those poor terrorist”…

Go live in Palestine if you think they are so wonderful and peachy. I’ll be seeing your head cut off on the next “video” to hit the Internet.
Seems like the only time I hear of “military force” being used on the palestinians is when some idiot hamas dude, fires a rocket into civilian’s or like gilliam said, blows himself up on a crowded bus.
If you dont want your butt kicked, don’t smack someone tougher than you. Its a pretty simple.

Whether or not Isreal takes land or not is a different issue…I would have to look at the entire history of the region. you can’t base who is taking what on the regions present day territories.
Ill have to stand up up for gilliam on this one. You liberals always accuse, usually the hand that feeds you, of some evil thing, but “oh…those poor terrorist”…

Go live in Palestine if you think they are so wonderful and peachy. I’ll be seeing your head cut off on the next “video” to hit the Internet.
Seems like the only time I hear of “military force” being used on the palestinians is when some idiot hamas dude, fires a rocket into civilian’s or like gilliam said, blows himself up on a crowded bus.
If you dont want your butt kicked, don’t smack someone tougher than you. Its a pretty simple.

Whether or not Isreal takes land or not is a different issue…I would have to look at the entire history of the region. you can’t base who is taking what on the regions present day territories.
Whilst your into history try looking up the immediate post war scenario in Israel (or Palestine as it then was) and then tell me about who was blowing things up or killing people or being terrorists!!

I have no patience with either side Palestinian terrorists or Israeli terrorists, unlike yourself or Gilliam I am not an apologist for either of them I condemn ALL acts of terrorism by individuals OR STATES, it would seem that a little more balance and a little less rhetoric from “Catholics” may do everyone some good.
John TE:
The soldier said that the Palestinian’s body had been riddled with bullets and that some of his internal organs had spilled out. The doctor pronounced the man dead and then “took out a knife and began to cut off parts of the body,” the soldier said.
At least the doctor used a dead body and not a live one 😃

All right, all right, yes I’m minimizing the wrongness of this act, but you guys need a cooling off period.

At least the doctor used a dead body and not a live one 😃

All right, all right, yes I’m minimizing the wrongness of this act…
But it was only a Palestinian, right quijote?

I highly doubt that you would offer the same “good natured” jest if the victim had been Jewish. If you had, the response would have been harsh and immediate.

Contrast that with the complete silence which followed your little “joke” directed at this Palestinian man who had the organs cut from his body.

I’m starting to get a feel for this place, “Catholic Answers.” I think I have it pretty much sorted out.
John TE:
But it was only a Palestinian, right quijote?

I highly doubt that you would offer the same “good natured” jest if the victim had been Jewish. If you had, the response would have been harsh and immediate.

Contrast that with the complete silence which followed your little “joke” directed at this Palestinian man who had the organs cut from his body.

I’m starting to get a feel for this place, “Catholic Answers.” I think I have it pretty much sorted out.
You are so racist. We live with Palestinians here as well as Israelis. I don’t know who you think you are talking to sometimes. We in America are so varied in our origins, that we meet people as people first. You are acting ridiculous John. Gilliam is trying to get you to see both sides of this. You tend to paint us all as forgiving of all things the Jewish people do, and we are not. Maybe you need to stop trying to fight all the time with everyone here. Try some more peaceful threads because this is a Catholic forum and you are only gettting mad and making everyone mad. The feel that we get when we read your posts is that you want to fight. I can’t even remember where you are from anymore, but I know you speak hate in almost every post for us. I feel sorry for you and I pray for you. :blessyou:
John TE:
I’m starting to get a feel for this place, “Catholic Answers.” I think I have it pretty much sorted out.
My own personal observation is, that a number of the posters here beat you to it, they have had you figured out for quite some time now.
Remember how the Muslims treated the bodies of US soldiers in Somalia, Iran, and Iraq? John doesn’t. But I do.
John TE:
But it was only a Palestinian, right quijote?

I highly doubt that you would offer the same “good natured” jest if the victim had been Jewish. If you had, the response would have been harsh and immediate.

Contrast that with the complete silence which followed your little “joke” directed at this Palestinian man who had the organs cut from his body.

I’m starting to get a feel for this place, “Catholic Answers.” I think I have it pretty much sorted out.
I don’t mean to be rude but if you don’t want to debate on facts then go in peace. Answer questions and stick to the facts and you will find that even if people disagree with you they will respect you. Man I miss Southernrich, he was a liberal but was polite and gave good reasons for his feelings.
Do you see anything in these quotes you disagree with?

I believe today that I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator. By warding off the Jews I am fighting for the Lord’s work. [Adolph Hitler, Speech, Reichstag, 1936]

And the founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of his estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary, He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God. [Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, pp.174]
Whilst your into history try looking up the immediate post war scenario in Israel (or Palestine as it then was) and then tell me about who was blowing things up or killing people or being terrorists!!

I have no patience with either side Palestinian terrorists or Israeli terrorists, unlike yourself or Gilliam I am not an apologist for either of them I condemn ALL acts of terrorism by individuals OR STATES, it would seem that a little more balance and a little less rhetoric from “Catholics” may do everyone some good.
The “entire history” of the region goes back a little farther than this century, liberal.

Maybe if your so worried about terrorists, you could help the IRA get the English Terrorists out of Ireland, now there’s a worthy cause.

America drove out the english insurgents, so we know it can be done.
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