Parable of the Talents. What are yours?

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Look to the example of Christ. From man’s viewpoint, He was an utter failure.

But, was He?

It is a grace, a mercy and a blessing that we are (usually) not able to see the fruits of our work in this life. It is a shame, a failure and a call to judgment if we fail to strive, even if we fail.

We are not called to be successful - we are called to be faithful.
To me, the focus of the parable is the wicked servant, specifically his failure to do good. So it is less about being talented than doing something good when the opportunity arises.
I actually found a resume writing book to be helpful here. I used to think the same way you did, but it forced me to write down my talents and what I’m good at. What I’ve come to think that some people are just really terrible at some things pretty decent at naturally.

I was a science major in college, and some of those people were brilliant, where I could sometimes struggle. But do not put some of them where interpersonal communication was required…
I struggled with some math, where they could make something that rhymes to save their life…

You probably have more talents than you might think.
Everyone is special to God who created us. Some have talents that cause them to become famous such as great singers, and those with extraordinary talent to play a specific musical instrument.

It is not less outstanding to have quiet talents that are used daily. I am aware that if one gives a pleasant smile and hello to someone that doesn’t expect it, it can make their day.

Being a wife and mother requires talents that the Lord has given you. At times it can be very challenging…and accepting the challenge with the grace of God is serving Him!
I have been thinking about what my talents might be, and honestly I can think of none. I am a mother, wife, help others in my job, but I mean, millions of other people in this world can say that.
you just list some of your talents! It’s the most important thing!
I have no specific talents or virtues that I feel I use to the best of my ability in order to serve God!
By using your talent to raise children in the faith, you make the more useful contribution to serve God and the Church!
I am a massive introvert, and therefore any possible positive characteristic will never be used for good as I am too shy and nervous to put myself in uncomfortable or new situations.
really? and volunteer a little for helping others in need for eg? Now or when you will have more time? It’s the first step who is the more difficult. after it can become a routine.
there is many things an introvert can do to help others, even if it’s gardening to give the vegetable to poor people, cultivate flowers for your church’s masses.

You can pray for you, family, others.

You can use your talent under a screen.
Of course, I also could have low self-esteem (which I do), & humble (which I am) about my talents. Yes, indeed I do think I have several or more talents, but I feel discussing them right now would make me commit the sin of pride. And despite having low self-esteem as I’ve said, I am most certainly guilty of pride at times. It’s a conundrum, no? And then additionally, I have to deal with that I may project a false modesty, (which itself is probably a sin of deception) which is a talent into itself, and at certain times in history was in vogue among some circles in society. And yes, if you think this is confusing, trying being inside my brain for a minute. But I digress…
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It has less to do with talents and more to do with grace and the message of salvation. It means that what we do as Christians to advance the Kingdom will determine whether we have a place in it.
I have none whatsoever.
I don’t have any talents either
I found a quotation that may be relevant:

Whatever is done out of love, be it ever so little and contemptible in the sight of the world, it becomes wholly fruitful. For God weighs more the love out of which a man works, than the works he does.
— Thomas à Kempis
So I started thinking, what if I think of my talents as my burdens , because then that Gospel makes a lot more sense for me right now. How can I bear my burdens so they give increase to the Lord?
I love this so much!!

I was wondering my if “talents” could = Faith, Hope, and Charity? These are the theological virtues given to us at baptism. We can go through life not developing them… or we can grow them through prayer & use & asking for more.

As an aside, why does “you reap where you did not sow” mean? That part confused me.
I am a massive introvert, and therefore any possible positive characteristic will never be used for good as I am too shy and nervous to put myself in uncomfortable or new situations.
Our priest simplified the concept for us in yesterday’s homily. Simply checking in on someone isolated during the COVID outbreak is using the talent of compassion. (He even “assigned” us to do just that this week).

It is a rather cryptic parable, however, because “talents” were actually a unit of currency, and I’m not sure how the Greek-to-English translation works for that.
How do I discover my talents and use them appropriately?
While there’s been the occasional Mozart or Einstein in history, for most of us, talent is something you develop, not discover. The process is active, not passive. I can knit a beautiful shawl only because I’ve been knitting and practicing new skills at it for many years.

Writers get good by writing daily. Actors, musicians, and dancers all rehearse regularly. Artists and craftspeople work daily in their trade. Mathematicians and scientists keep their minds sharp. Find your interests and work on turning them into talents.

Finally, there’s nothing wrong with introversion, but if you suffer from severe social anxiety, consider professional therapy.
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Having spent a good chunk of my teenage years being bullied and then being severely depressed, I find these days that I am glad to talk about the talents I have. I hope it helps others to speak up about their own, or otherwise find out what theirs are.

I’m talented musically (vocal), and am a good writer / communicator. I’m also pretty good with cooking and baking these days. Some of these I’ve used directly for the Church in the past, but more often I use them to try and make the folks around me feel taken care of and loved.
Personally I believe that the “Talents” mentioned in the parable is talking about the work of the disciples to spread the gospel. My feeling on this goes back to Matthew 24, the beginning of the discourse with the disciples. Christ speaks of warnings about end times, but his task to them is that “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations…” The succeeding parables then urge the disciples to be faithful stewards executing their master’s will, followed by the parable of the sheep and the goats which illustrates the urgency of why the gospel must be proclaimed. From this standpoint, I would say to ask yourself, what and specifically whom has God placed under your charge? Do you have family? Talk to them about the gospel? Do you have children? Teach them that Christ died on the cross for their sins. Have them baptized and bring them into the life of the Church. Are there people you know or who you encounter in conversations that need to hear the gospel? Proclaim it if even in simple terms and point them to the Church. My feeling is that if you can do that, you can expect to hear the words, Well done good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a few things, I will make you lord over many things. Enter into the joy of your master.
Can I suggest that you investigate the Enneagram and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).

They aren’t particularly scientific or accurate but what they start to do is give you a framework for exploring your giftedness and help you to develop some language around it. This might help you in your desire for growing self awareness.

Another thing you could do is to ask others that are close to you and you can trust…even your Priest!

Part of the joy of being in a church community is that we all get to explore and use our God given talents for the good of others.

You be surprised by some talents…my wife has the gift of administration!

Praying for you in your search.
I am a mother, wife, help others in my job, but I mean, millions of other people in this world can say that. I am nothing special. I have no specific talents or virtues that I feel I use to the best of my ability in order to serve God!
You are like the sun.

The sun is ordinary, nothing special among the trillions and trillions of stars out there, yet to us here on Earth, the sun is special, very special. We cannot live without the sun.

To the people who know you, especially your family, you are life sustaining. You are necessary.

So yes, you are special.
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Talents can also mean sharing the graces and blessings God gives us.
I am a Tolkien geek so here is a quote from him. You don’t need to be great or mighty. You just have to be what God intends you to be.

“I have found that it is the small everyday deed of ordinary folks that keep the darkness at bay . Small acts of kindness and love." ~ Gandalf (J. R. R. Tolkein ~ The Hobbit)”
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I love to study and read and I taught older Sunday School for many years and Vacation Bible School.
I took a job that required some Sunday work so I had to give it up but now I’m not working with that job anymore so I would like to start it back up but with the pandemic we have moved all of that online for now.(They watch videos online of our course work at home.)
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