paraplegic marriage

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I’m curious. As a health care rehab professional, I have worked with many paraplegics. There is technology out there that enables men to have an erection and sexual intercourse. Would this be okay? It would not be “natural”, but if it would allow a man to have relations with his wife and possibly conceive a child, it seems that he would no longer be impotent.
I would have to say that yes, that would okay. A Priest told me once that many things like that are perfectly fine. The key is that it ‘restores natural function’. It would seem that in all but the most extreme cases, there would always be some doubt of impotence.
okay, i agree with i think 2 or 3 who stated if the marriage cannot be consummated it is not valid, in the church nor in the state! it is not a marriage and does not need a certificate or sacrament.
maybe i am the only one here but who in their right minds would not want to be able to have intercourse with their husbands! maybe i have a stronger drive or something than anybody else here but i doubt it. no it is not the most important thing but it is important, if you are capable of having kids or not. i think it is actually one of the main reasons people get married, so they dont have to be celibate or commit fornication for their entire life.also love and for having children, but it is right up there in importance.
also this brings up the question of gay marriage. why are men able to marry men in some states then what constitutes consummation? sodomy ? i think not!! and what about lesbians , they couldnt consummate the marriage either. has this been brought up in congress or in the government or did i just realize this from this post ? just wondering?
and i have nothing against paraplegics getting married as my sister is a paraplegic and i love her dearly and she desperately wants to be married but is not seriously dating.
i am just talking about not being able to consumate the marriage
i really do not think this is the case of discrimination against handicapped people, although i can see why some people would think that.
i think the Catholic church, even though it appears strict, actually always has the most LOVING answer, you just need to think a little deeper.
Well I just don’t understand the distinction then…

Sexual union serves two purposes in a marriage, procreative and unitive. Both unions here cannot meet the procreative purpose. But why is the parapalegic union any less ‘unitive’ just because there is no sexual union? Sex isn’t necessary for having a united, committed, loving relationship…it’s a plus…but I certainly don’t see it as critical. Look at couples in their menopausal years, when impotence comes into play, it doesn’t mean they can’t remain united and strong in their love for each other.
I don’t understand why a loving couple with one of the members being incapable of conjugal relations is deemed less in need of the sacrament than some of the examples stated above.

I’m not disagreeing with the Church’s position…I’m trying to understand it better. Help?
The marital embrace is a means of grace.

There are a few sacraments that are “renewable” communion, confession, anointing of the sick and marriage. That is, the grace is renewable. We can receive the sacraments of communion, confession and anointing more than once. In marriage, the couple can receive grace for their marriage more than once - each time they engage in sex that is chaste and open to life.
Can someone tell me the Biblical basis, and by that I mean book,chapter and verse, that says an impotent man does not have the right to be married?

Marriage is not just for procreation and raising of children in the faith, but also for the spiritual union of a man and a woman. If people think that this spiritual union is based on sexual intercourse or that sexual intercourse is nescessary to maintain it, I would say that they are misguided.

Jesus said that in marriage a man and a woman become one flesh. I do not believe that he was speaking of sexual intercourse, but that there is an intimate spirtual and emotional bonding between the man and woman.
Jesus said that in marriage a man and a woman become one flesh. I do not believe that he was speaking of sexual intercourse,
1 Corinthians 6:16 indicates that this is exactly what “becoming one flesh” means.
Can someone tell me the Biblical basis, and by that I mean book,chapter and verse, that says an impotent man does not have the right to be married?
This is a theology that predates the Bible and is based in natural law. The purpose of the reproductive organs (we even CALL them “reproductive” organs) is (ta-da!) reproduction. The primary purpose of marriage is procreation with all the other great stuff that goes with human intimacy in marriage shoring up the procreative purpose.
Marriage is not just for procreation and raising of children in the faith, but also for the spiritual union of a man and a woman.
Right. But with the impossibility of procreation, then the marriage is missing an essential ingredient.
If people think that this spiritual union is based on sexual intercourse or that sexual intercourse is nescessary to maintain it, I would say that they are misguided.
I don’t believe I have ever heard anybody say that spiritual union in Christian marriage is BASED on sexual intercourse.
Jesus said that in marriage a man and a woman become one flesh. I do not believe that he was speaking of sexual intercourse, but that there is an intimate spirtual and emotional bonding between the man and woman.
St. Paul certainly defines sexual intercourse as the definitive point making two people “one flesh.” (I Cor 6:16: Do you not know that he who joins himself to a prostitute becomes one body with her? For, as it is written, “The two shall become one flesh.”)

May I turn the tables and ask you where in the Bible a marriage is ever defined outside possibility of sexual intercourse? Capability of intercourse is the presumption. Barrenness does not nullify the marriage – and among those living according to the standards of the faith, barrenness would never be known before marriage – but it is considered a curse.
Catholic2003 said:
1 Corinthians 6:16 indicates that this is exactly what “becoming one flesh” means.

You did not post the quote, but I am using the NIV Bible and that says:
“Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, “The two will become one flesh.”** 17But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit.”

That says “unites with a prostitute”, it does not say “sexual intercourse with a prostitute” and presumably if it was meant that way it would have said “fornicates with a prostitute”. I take “unites with a prostitute” to be more general and mean “sexual activity with a prostitute”.

If you insist on there being sexual activity in order to form a spiritual union, then I would say that one can have physically and emotionaly bonding sex without intercourse (regardless of what the church might say about these matters)**
That says “unites with a prostitute”, it does not say “sexual intercourse with a prostitute” and presumably if it was meant that way it would have said “fornicates with a prostitute”. I take “unites with a prostitute” to be more general and mean “sexual activity with a prostitute”.
Creative but unconvincing analysis.
If you insist on there being sexual activity in order to form a spiritual union, then I would say that one can have physically and emotionaly bonding sex without intercourse (regardless of what the church might say about these matters)
Well, one might have “physically and emotionally bonding sex without intercourse” but in a Catholic marriage, the marital act must include ejaculation within the vagina for all of the well-thought-out reasons based in nature, philosophy and theology. To engage in sexual activity otherwise is to fail in “openness to life” and thereby to fall into mortal sin.

Nobody says that people cannot have “meaningful” relationships without intercourse. Meaningful they may be but they are not marriage. Go back to the “chocolate chip cookies” post.

Marriage is not whatever we decide it will be according to the whim of the moment. By your reasoning, there is no obstacle to calling a committed sexual and domestic relationship between two persons of the same sex “marriage.”
Right. But with the impossibility of procreation, then the marriage is missing an essential ingredient.I don’t believe I have ever heard anybody say that spiritual union in Christian marriage is BASED on sexual intercourse.

May I turn the tables and ask you where in the Bible a marriage is ever defined outside possibility of sexual intercourse? Capability of intercourse is the presumption. Barrenness does not nullify the marriage – and among those living according to the standards of the faith, barrenness would never be known before marriage – but it is considered a curse.
The first point above, you say that the possiblility of procreation is essential, but then why are infertile couples allowed to marry? There is no chance for procreation there outside of a miracle. If it is the possibility of a miracle that allows it, the I say, by a miracle a man who is impotent at the time of marriage, may be able to perform intercourse and procreate.

Point 2:
I am sorry, you can turn the tables on me, but I have the sense that you are asking me to prove a negative which is impossible. Also, I am posting here to be educated and I wish this point to be proven to me, I on the other hand, do not want to prove anything.

Point 3:
You then say barroness does not nullify a marriage, that it would not be known before marriage, I assume due to chastety. However, what about women after menopaus? They are known to be infertile, and they are allowed to be married

I am trying to understand all of this.
The first point above, you say that the possiblility of procreation is essential, but then why are infertile couples allowed to marry? You then say barroness does not nullify a marriage, that it would not be known before marriage, I assume due to chastety. However, what about women after menopaus? They are known to be infertile, and they are allowed to be married

I am trying to understand all of this.
You bring up an excellent point. Yes. In youth, before marriage, chastity (or even inchastity without a track record) would not allow one to know for certain that a person is infertile. As for post-menopause, here is a line from a CA tract. (I’m in a rush now and can’t dig up more resources, but do follow some of the leads on this thread.):
. . . sex after menopause or when suffering from other forms of infertility do not divide the unitive from the procreative. The couple’s act is still ordered toward procreation; it is simply that procreation will not occur.
I apologize for my “where in the Bible” crack. But we get a lot of questions that start with that phrase, and they are nearly always hostile.
Creative but unconvincing analysis.

Well, one might have “physically and emotionally bonding sex without intercourse” but in a Catholic marriage, the marital act must include ejaculation within the vagina for all of the well-thought-out reasons based in nature, philosophy and theology. To engage in sexual activity otherwise is to fail in “openness to life” and thereby to fall into mortal sin.

Nobody says that people cannot have “meaningful” relationships without intercourse. Meaningful they may be but they are not marriage. Go back to the “chocolate chip cookies” post.

Marriage is not whatever we decide it will be according to the whim of the moment. By your reasoning, there is no obstacle to calling a committed sexual and domestic relationship between two persons of the same sex “marriage.”
Thank you for discussing this with me.

As I said in another post, I am not trying to convince anyone of anything here (though yes I can see that it would look that way)
It is I that wants to be convinced.

My reasoning does not allow for same sex marriages, since clearly Jesus said in Matthew 19:5 that marriage is between a man and a woman. He was quoting Genesis 2:24. Not to mention 1 Corinthians 6:9 that specifically speaks against homosexual offenders.
You bring up an excellent point. Yes. In youth, before marriage, chastity (or even inchastity without a track record) would not allow one to know for certain that a person is infertile. As for post-menopause, here is a line from a CA tract. (I’m in a rush now and can’t dig up more resources, but do follow some of the leads on this thread.):

I apologize for my “where in the Bible” crack. But we get a lot of questions that start with that phrase, and they are nearly always hostile.
I am sorry, I did not realize I was using such loaded words. I belive that God’s word is the final answer to matters such as these, and I honestly was asking to be shown them. I am by no means a Bible expert and as I said, I am trying to understand this.
It’s called discriminating against handicapped people. That’s what…
It’s called discriminating against handicapped people. That’s what…
I really do not think this is the intention of the church. She is simply trying to help people avoid sin. And only in recent years have people like paraplegics survived long enough to consider marriage, and to live independently.
and i have nothing against paraplegics getting married as my sister is a paraplegic and i love her dearly and she desperately wants to be married but is not seriously dating.
i am just talking about not being able to consumate the marriage
i really do not think this is the case of discrimination against handicapped people, although i can see why some people would think that.
i think the Catholic church, even though it appears strict, actually always has the most LOVING answer, you just need to think a little deeper.
Please think a little deeper for me and explain to me how it is LOVING to tell an impotent man that he can not marry and experience the ulitimate spiritual unity with a woman just because his equipment does not work to the point that he can have intercourse. Furthermore that since he can not marry he can not adopt children to raise in the faith? That ultimately he must live alone since and forego any sexually intimate relationship with a woman, which he is quite capable of, since that clearly is a sin outside of wedlock.

I’m sorry if I’m being argumentative, but this is a grave issue, and to say, forget all of the above implications, that the Church is LOVING, think deeper, is not sufficient.

Jesus Christ IS LOVING and from what I’ve read about Him, He would not treat people in this way.

Again, I am told asking for a Bible reference is considered hostile, but I have read the Bible, and I did not see marriage defined in terms of sexual intercourse, I saw it defined as the spiritual union of a man and a woman, that they become one in the eyes of God. That they become one flesh is not graphic termonology for sexual intercourse.

Saint Pauls admonishon to not “unite with a prostitute” is not speaking about sexual intercourse with a prostitute but rather union with someone who is sexually immoral, marriage to someone who is sexually immoral. The following verse refers to “uniting” with the Lord, and that clearly is speaking in spritual terms. In the previous verse he says “Shall I take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!” Again, “unite” here is not refering to sexual intercourse. He is saying , Shall I, Paul, allow a believer to marry one who is sexually immoral, to associate with the sexually immoral at all.

Now I have said all that I can say on this subject. I will continue to read the thread and hope to understand the Church’s position on this.
Please think a little deeper for me and explain to me how it is LOVING to tell an impotent man that he can not marry and experience the ulitimate spiritual unity with a woman just because his equipment does not work to the point that he can have intercourse. Furthermore that since he can not marry he can not adopt children to raise in the faith? That ultimately he must live alone since and forego any sexually intimate relationship with a woman, which he is quite capable of, since that clearly is a sin outside of wedlock.

I’m sorry if I’m being argumentative, but this is a grave issue, and to say, forget all of the above implications, that the Church is LOVING, think deeper, is not sufficient.

Jesus Christ IS LOVING and from what I’ve read about Him, He would not treat people in this way.

Again, I am told asking for a Bible reference is considered hostile, but I have read the Bible, and I did not see marriage defined in terms of sexual intercourse, I saw it defined as the spiritual union of a man and a woman, that they become one in the eyes of God. That they become one flesh is not graphic termonology for sexual intercourse.

Saint Pauls admonishon to not “unite with a prostitute” is not speaking about sexual intercourse with a prostitute but rather union with someone who is sexually immoral, marriage to someone who is sexually immoral. The following verse refers to “uniting” with the Lord, and that clearly is speaking in spritual terms. In the previous verse he says “Shall I take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!” Again, “unite” here is not refering to sexual intercourse. He is saying , Shall I, Paul, allow a believer to marry one who is sexually immoral, to associate with the sexually immoral at all.

Now I have said all that I can say on this subject. I will continue to read the thread and hope to understand the Church’s position on this.
The Catholic Church also teaches that it is gravely immoral for a married couple to deliberately engage in sexual intimacy with no intention of completing the act of sexual intercourse. It is mutual masturbation, mutual self gratification through the use of another’s body. Thus it would appear that in Catholic theology that if a man is capable of legitimate and moral sexual intimacy, he is not impotent. Scripture clearly indicates that some men are “born eunuchs” (Matt. 19) and are included in the group of those who never marry. If one is prevented by some disability from engaging in certain good and moral acts, he does not become free to engage in immoral acts. Your comment about the impotent man not being able to enjoy sexual intimacy has more to do with what constitutes authentic, moral sexual expression than what is essential for marriage.

You claim that you are no Bible expert, yet you have decided to adopt a very un-traditional interpretation of the phrase “one flesh” and “one in body”. While “one flesh” may certainly involve more than just a physical dimension, you have defined it so that it excludes the physical dimension. On what Scriptural or philosophical basis have you determined that “one flesh” really means “one spirit” and “one in body” really means “one in spirit”? If that is what the Scripture writers intended, why didn’t they write that? Be advised that you are doing so contrary to the opinion of many actual Bible experts.
The Catholic Church also teaches that it is gravely immoral for a married couple to deliberately engage in sexual intimacy with no intention of completing the act of sexual intercourse. It is mutual masturbation, mutual self gratification through the use of another’s body. Thus it would appear that in Catholic theology that if a man is capable of legitimate and moral sexual intimacy, he is not impotent. Scripture clearly indicates that some men are “born eunuchs” (Matt. 19) and are included in the group of those who never marry. If one is prevented by some disability from engaging in certain good and moral acts, he does not become free to engage in immoral acts. Your comment about the impotent man not being able to enjoy sexual intimacy has more to do with what constitutes authentic, moral sexual expression than what is essential for marriage.

You claim that you are no Bible expert, yet you have decided to adopt a very un-traditional interpretation of the phrase “one flesh” and “one in body”. While “one flesh” may certainly involve more than just a physical dimension, you have defined it so that it excludes the physical dimension. On what Scriptural or philosophical basis have you determined that “one flesh” really means “one spirit” and “one in body” really means “one in spirit”? If that is what the Scripture writers intended, why didn’t they write that? Be advised that you are doing so contrary to the opinion of many actual Bible experts.
I was not going to post again, but I will respond to this since I should have made it clear in my last post.
If where the Bible says “one flesh” it meant sexual intercourse, it would have said so explicitly. The old testimate uses the term “sexual relations” repeatedly when it means sexual relations. (I’m reading the NIV Bible) And by the way, when it says “sexual relations” it is not so specific as to say “sexual intercourse.” The Catholic bible says “intercourse” when it means “intercourse”
Jesus’s and Paul’s reference to “one flesh” are them quoting Genesis so again would have said “intercourse”, or “sexual relations” if they meant it.
I was not going to post again, but I will respond to this since I should have made it clear in my last post.
If where the Bible says “one flesh” it meant sexual intercourse, it would have said so explicitly. The old testimate uses the term “sexual relations” repeatedly when it means sexual relations. (I’m reading the NIV Bible) And by the way, when it says “sexual relations” it is not so specific as to say “sexual intercourse.” The Catholic bible says “intercourse” when it means “intercourse”
Jesus’s and Paul’s reference to “one flesh” are them quoting Genesis so again would have said “intercourse”, or “sexual relations” if they meant it.
Can you give us the original texts in Hebrew and Greek for that? In the OT, male genitals are discreetly referred to as “feet.” Hm. Since your take on these passages seems to be unique, you might want to demonstrate your rationale for us.
Can you give us the original texts in Hebrew and Greek for that? In the OT, male genitals are discreetly referred to as “feet.” Hm. Since your take on these passages seems to be unique, you might want to demonstrate your rationale for us.
Though I believe you are holding me to a higher standard than you have done for yourself when you quoted the english translation of Paul’s remarks in Corinthians, I will go to the Greek New Testament on this and report back, this will take time, but is not impossible for me. Going to the Hebrew OT is impossible for me, sorry.

I have demonstrated all that I can demonstrate, and yes I am using multiple English translations. However you have a good point and I will investigate the Greek leading to the term “one flesh”.
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