Please think a little deeper for me and explain to me how it is LOVING to tell an impotent man that he can not marry and experience the ulitimate spiritual unity with a woman just because his equipment does not work to the point that he can have intercourse. Furthermore that since he can not marry he can not adopt children to raise in the faith? That ultimately he must live alone since and forego any sexually intimate relationship with a woman, which he is quite capable of, since that clearly is a sin outside of wedlock.
I’m sorry if I’m being argumentative, but this is a grave issue, and to say, forget all of the above implications, that the Church is LOVING, think deeper, is not sufficient.
Jesus Christ IS LOVING and from what I’ve read about Him, He would not treat people in this way.
Again, I am told asking for a Bible reference is considered hostile, but I have read the Bible, and I did not see marriage defined in terms of sexual intercourse, I saw it defined as the spiritual union of a man and a woman, that they become one in the eyes of God. That they become one flesh is not graphic termonology for sexual intercourse.
Saint Pauls admonishon to not “unite with a prostitute” is not speaking about sexual intercourse with a prostitute but rather union with someone who is sexually immoral, marriage to someone who is sexually immoral. The following verse refers to “uniting” with the Lord, and that clearly is speaking in spritual terms. In the previous verse he says “Shall I take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never!” Again, “unite” here is not refering to sexual intercourse. He is saying , Shall I, Paul, allow a believer to marry one who is sexually immoral, to associate with the sexually immoral at all.
Now I have said all that I can say on this subject. I will continue to read the thread and hope to understand the Church’s position on this.