Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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As an authentic feminist, I take great umbrage at the current concept that men can turn into women. Women deserve equal treatment and rights. Women should be able to vote, own property, chose to work or raise children without ridicule. Our testimony in court should be equal to that of men.

Now, we are being told that men can become women. A biological male was picked for the title Woman of the Year. Biological males are being promoted in make up and fashion ads. Biological males are taking biological women’s spots on sports teams and scholarships that were intended for biological women.

Women are now told that we are not allowed to talk about female issues in public spaces such as menstruation, breastfeeding, pregnancy, or menopause because it will “make Trans people feel bad”. We are being told to shut up and step aside. The very thing that we have fought against all these years.

We are called hateful names if we express discomfort with having to share changing, toilet and showers with men. It is completely unfair and we must push back to maintain our rights. Yes, it would be nice if there were separate shower or changing spaces. This is not going to happen. School districts, who can barely afford to pay teachers a descent wage or buy new textbooks for children do not have hundreds of thousands of dollars to retrofit bathrooms, locker rooms or showers. I have uploaded a photo of a local locker room for middle school. This is what all of them look like locally. If your child doesn’t shower they flunk gym class.(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
I’ve said multiple times that there are some things parents should most certainly teach their children, and that if they choose to teach sex ed then that’s fine; so long as the students can prove knowledge of the topic via a test as any other student would. As a teacher I always work with the parents of the students in my class.
I do like talking to you, and I respect you even when we disagree, and I have a lot of respect for teachers as a whole as my mom and niece are both teachers, but I can tell you this: if some school asked my child to take a test to prove what they know or don’t know about sex ed I’d be on the six PM news flipping my proverbial (and literal) lid.

And I actually (used to) have little issue with sex ed in schools, because I know a lot of kids don’t get straight answers. But it is indeed a parent’s right to opt out, and it’s not the school’s right to measure this kind of knowledge in a challenge exam.

I see the contradiction in what I’m saying, and I make no apologies for it.

I’m not some right-wing religious nut either. I just agree with the DSM-V that gender dysphoria is not normal. I wouldn’t encourage a depressed child to remain depressed or a child with OCD to avoid treatment - and I won’t here, either.
Building/fire code, perhaps?
No. It’s got nothing to do with fire code. It’s just the way it’s always been.

Even Google doesn’t have a satisfactory answer. They’ve been that way ever since I can remember and apparently before.
I suspect the whole locker room thing is similar; no school I worked at made students change in front of each other, we had stalls. I think I’d have curled up and died if they’d made me change with other people, male or female.
I did not have mass locker rooms in high school. I didn’t have that until basic training in the military. We had shower stalls with curtains.
I do.

Although, the fact that I’m at an all boys school may play into that
The American Psychiatric Association changed a diagnosis due to lobbying. The point here is kids and their immaturity. Kids don’t need to hear about this when they are kids. That’s all these parents are concerned about. And they are doing the right thing. Public schools should not be indoctrination centers for groups that want to normalize certain behaviors. By no means should people be bullied but no one protected me when I was in school and was bullied by guys who thought they had something to prove. And others like me.

Satan is Satan! God is God! If an Atheist, one would say—good and bad energy. The DEVIL ( bad energy) MADE ME DO IT!
There is so much pain w LGBT life style. To fulfill their happy bubble, they cause distress to family. Some do not survive. They cannot have children. They have to stand on heads to get children. Adoption, surrogate mothers, etc. Our body is a pattern. Follow NATURAL LAW. Don’t put leg in the arm of a shirt. Look up many scripture verses against ABOMINATION OF SODOMY. HMMM
Why is this an issue for Bible believers??
Homosexual behavior since Sumerians & Greeks& Romans was a free for all! WHY did a Monotheistic God, State it’s an abomination??
4000 yrs ago! What a mean Monotheistic God!
God has given us places where He cared for us—EDEN! We goofed. He continually gives us advice on how to live healthy.i.e. Mildew= through it away. Don’t eat meat of cloven hooved animals=trichimonous. Certain things hurt us=DONT! =Good things=HAPPY HAPPY!
Things that make us FEEL GOOD are NOT NECESSARILY GOOD FOR US!! Sex is a blessing for procreation in families. I hear we are allowed to continue after menapause and enjoy it! SMILE!
I wonder, if we buy, a lot of sex toys, doesn’t it elevate sex to a god, not a natural joy?? Having the biggest orgasm is not a key to enter heaven.
We forget we are asked to be chaste till death, unless married. God gives us SELF CONTROLto manage the journey. Personal happiness isn’t our goal. Loving and pleasing Our FATHER is our goal. IF YOU LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS. SIGH…
In Christ’s Love
Testy testy
Causes of Homosexuality
NEW-during very early development of neural tube, while it is open, a hormonal leak onto open brain may seal sexual identity. NOT CONFIRMED.
Regular hormonal imbalances—theory
NOW, this is tricky and not Catholic oriented.
REINCARNATION—if it is real(?) If you were a female and have been reincarnated into male body, and have a partial recall of previous life, could trigger desire for a male, while you are a male. We aren’t suppose to remember previous existences. BUT, for those that believe such, you are to experience life in the form you were given. Purpose behind Reincarnation is to improve from your previous life’s mistakes. So, you live the body you were given.
Another thing: who says, Spiritually, we are to fulfill happiness in our FLESH! We stumble along until we connect, really connect, w God!
Everything we have learned in a natural world is fine tuned into this wonderful Spiritual world.
In Christ’s Love
Who are we going to trust? God or the American Psychiatrc Assn.? In 1965, in my Psychiatry book, homosexuality was (and is still) a perversion. God didn’t change it!
Whenever, a meeting of Psychiatrists re-evaluated it’s category. There were gays in the jury. Now, Homosexuality is normal.
I’ve written much. So I’ll not continue. Fight for worldly happiness or Spiritual happiness. Our souls go on…
in Christ’s Love
The name is one thing but him following me into the women’s changing room would feel like any other 6’3 broad chested man following me in. Most women will have experienced inappropriate behaviour from men and this would make many women anxious.
I wouldn’t care about it. Why so anxious? He is coming in to pee. Wash his hands. Maybe touch up his hair and make-up, and leave. Same as anyone else in there. He isn’t going into the stall with you.

Everytime you go into a public restroom there’s a good chance that if there’s another woman in there, she’s a lesbian. Does that cause you anxiety as well?
Logically and biologically speaking, yes- Men are on average are larger, stronger and taller than women.

It would be way easier to fight off your biologically average lesbian or straight woman that your biologically average gay or straight man.
There are not stalls in all changing or locker rooms. Locker rooms at schools, community centers and YMCA are open floor plan with just banks for lockers. Why should women be forced to dress and shower in front of biological men?
They do feel comfortable in their skin…until somebody goes and puts ideas into their head.
I’ve never been groped by a lesbian so no. 98% of sexual crimes are committed by men (by that I mean adult male humans) and having lived my life in a country where sex segregated toilets are the norm I would see a man going into a female space as a pervert.
They do feel comfortable in their skin…until somebody goes and puts ideas into their head.
People don’t turn out to be transgender or gay or lesbian just because someone put ideas into their heads as children. There is likely a biological or genetic component to this.
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I don’t dress and shower in front of anybody. When did that become OK? I just go home and shower and dress there.
I also get the impression that most individuals with intersex conditions really don’t appreciate being dragged into the transgender debate.
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