Satan is Satan! God is God! If an Atheist, one would say—good and bad energy. The DEVIL ( bad energy) MADE ME DO IT!
There is so much pain w LGBT life style. To fulfill their happy bubble, they cause distress to family. Some do not survive. They cannot have children. They have to stand on heads to get children. Adoption, surrogate mothers, etc. Our body is a pattern. Follow NATURAL LAW. Don’t put leg in the arm of a shirt. Look up many scripture verses against ABOMINATION OF SODOMY. HMMM
Why is this an issue for Bible believers??
Homosexual behavior since Sumerians & Greeks& Romans was a free for all! WHY did a Monotheistic God, State it’s an abomination??
4000 yrs ago! What a mean Monotheistic God!
God has given us places where He cared for us—EDEN! We goofed. He continually gives us advice on how to live healthy.i.e. Mildew= through it away. Don’t eat meat of cloven hooved animals=trichimonous. Certain things hurt us=DONT! =Good things=HAPPY HAPPY!
Things that make us FEEL GOOD are NOT NECESSARILY GOOD FOR US!! Sex is a blessing for procreation in families. I hear we are allowed to continue after menapause and enjoy it! SMILE!
I wonder, if we buy, a lot of sex toys, doesn’t it elevate sex to a god, not a natural joy?? Having the biggest orgasm is not a key to enter heaven.
We forget we are asked to be chaste till death, unless married. God gives us SELF CONTROLto manage the journey. Personal happiness isn’t our goal. Loving and pleasing Our FATHER is our goal. IF YOU LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS. SIGH…
In Christ’s Love