Parents’ ‘Sex Ed Sit Out’ Protesting Forced Gender Ideology in Schools Spreads Across Country

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So you would wear a wet swimming suit home from the pool when it is -10 F out? Children are required to shower and dress after gym class or sports practice for school. If the child doesn’t comply with the rules they will be given a failing grade. You must pass gym class to get your high school diploma. Are you not from the US?
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Yes. My Catholic high school, which was huge, must have been more sensitive. This was back in the 80’s. You always took gym as the last period of the day, then you just went home. If you wanted to change, you just went into the bathroom stall in the locker room and changed in privacy. It was no big deal. We took swimming two weeks out of every year. That was simple. Stand under the shower in your wet bathing suit and get rinsed off, then go into the bathroom stall and change.

Honestly, I just don’t see what the big deal is here. All locker rooms I have ever been into have private toilet stalls. If one wants or needs privacy, that is the place to go.
Yes, I know about back-alley abortions. But the American people were lied to in order to get abortion through the Supreme Court
For an account of how statistics were handled by pro-abortionists in the years leading up to Roe v Wade, see Bernard Nathanson’s book, “Aborting America.” When worrisome statistics were needed. the abortion lobby simply made them up.
There are 2 toilet stalls for 50 girls. How long would that take? The Swim team practices in the morning before school. The different grades and classes use the facilities throughout the day. There should not be biological men in there with the girls. What about their needs for privacy? Why do the needs of less than 1% of the population trump common sense and everyone else’s rights?
There are also signs posted on the toilet stall doors in the locker room “No changing in stalls”…
I’m afraid that statement doesn’t match my own observation.
Well this is the problem. Two toilet stalls to be shared between any group of 50 individuals is inadequate. Personal modesty is just that. I really don’t know where anyone got the idea of same sex people all piling in a shower together, naked, and getting naked in front of eachother is OK just because they are the same sex.

I guess maybe I just don’t worry about the right things. Seems to me if a guy has surgery to convert to female anatamy, the last thing she is going to want to do is strip down and shower and dress in front of 50 of her peers. I don’t really see it as a threat to anyone other than the poor soul who had the surgery to begin with.
Well, I think most trans children have not yet had surgery so a “trans-woman” would have a penis and scrotum. There are only two stalls in the locker room because there are other restroom facilities throughout the school. This is in fact a problem. There have been at least 2 US court cases where a transgender person sued the school because they were asked to use a single person restroom to change and they insisted they be allowed in the area for people of the gender they wished to be. They claimed it was “ostracizing”. These are the real issues our public school children and regular people are facing. You are fortunate that your parents had tuition for private Catholic school and did not encounter these problems.
What worries me is the vulnerable people who are being set up for failure. I will give the example of someone I used to know called ‘Fred’. Fred is an anatomically normal, tall, broad, XY man. In his late 30s after marrying and fathering a child he comes out as trans. Obviously I don’t claim to know his state of mind.

Is it really a good thing to encourage someone like Fred to believe that some hormones and a dress are going to make the rest of the world see him as a woman? I know this sounds unkind but this person looks more like a man in drag.
What was really needed for Fred was counseling to help him accept himself for what he is—a man.

And now,with trans theory being taught as young as kindergarten, what is a young girl or boy expected to think when they are told that they might become the opposite sex? If I had been told that in kindergarten, it would have worried me too.
That’s right.

Boy: Mom, this lady said I can be a boy or a girl if I want.

Mom: What lady?

Boy: I don’t know. She gave us some stuff to read. Here.

Mom: We’ll talk about this later.

Mom to school principal: My boy just brought some reading material home about gender and I found it very troubling. Very inappropriate.

Principal: I’m sorry, Mrs. Brown but my hands are tied. This is now school policy.

Mom: Well, my hands aren’t.
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That’s interesting, why? I mean we did quizzes on ths kind of thing through out PDHPE (our physical development class). They were simple and normally involved a lot of labelling.

Having seen parents teach children things about this that were just plain wrong (such as the idea that using two condoms is safer or that HIV is only contracted through anal sex to name just a couple); what would be wrong with a quiz showing the student actually understands the topic?
Satan is Satan! God is God! If an Atheist, one would say—good and bad energy. The DEVIL ( bad energy) MADE ME DO IT!
There is so much pain w LGBT life style. To fulfill their happy bubble, they cause distress to family. Some do not survive. They cannot have children. They have to stand on heads to get children. Adoption, surrogate mothers, etc. Our body is a pattern. Follow NATURAL LAW. Don’t put leg in the arm of a shirt. Look up many scripture verses against ABOMINATION OF SODOMY. HMMM
Why is this an issue for Bible believers??
Homosexual behavior since Sumerians & Greeks& Romans was a free for all! WHY did a Monotheistic God, State it’s an abomination??
4000 yrs ago! What a mean Monotheistic God!
God has given us places where He cared for us—EDEN! We goofed. He continually gives us advice on how to live healthy.i.e. Mildew= through it away. Don’t eat meat of cloven hooved animals=trichimonous. Certain things hurt us=DONT! =Good things=HAPPY HAPPY!
Things that make us FEEL GOOD are NOT NECESSARILY GOOD FOR US!! Sex is a blessing for procreation in families. I hear we are allowed to continue after menapause and enjoy it! SMILE!
I wonder, if we buy, a lot of sex toys, doesn’t it elevate sex to a god, not a natural joy?? Having the biggest orgasm is not a key to enter heaven.
We forget we are asked to be chaste till death, unless married. God gives us SELF CONTROLto manage the journey. Personal happiness isn’t our goal. Loving and pleasing Our FATHER is our goal. IF YOU LOVE ME, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS. SIGH…
In Christ’s Love
I admit I couldn’t entirely follow that, I’m a tad sleepy. But I have a coupe of questions for clarification; were you saying that sex toys were good or bad?

It would also seem that many gay people are able to have children, often via adoption which I view as a great good as it provides a loving home to these children. Interestingly in nature where we get things like gay penguins they are known to adopt abandoned chicks, as the heterosexual penguins would need to neglect their own breeding pattern to do so. It’s rather nice.
Do you or would you use alternate pronouns such as ze, hir, etc?
I’ve actually never encountered someone who uses these who doesn’t also use “they/ them”. I’d talk to the person in question and explain that I think they/ them has a greater chance of becoming a recognised neutral term than others and ask if it may be acceptable to them. If not, sure I’ll call them what they want. It doesn’t hurt me after all, but the alternative may hurt them.
So, I’m happy to discuss the issue with you but using hate speech only makes you look ignorant and derails the conversation.
I don’t care how I look to you.

You’ve already established clearly what you stand for, and you aren’t my ally.

I will continue to treat trannys with respect.
Using the word “tranny” is not respectful. The definition of this word in says:
noun, plural trannies. Slang: Disparaging and Offensive. 1. a contemptuous term used to refer to a transvestite, a transsexual, or a transgender person.
You noticed the part where even your dictionary listed it as offensive and disparaging?
In my case?

Parental prerogative (and my professional background and education). An optional curricula is optional. Testing my child on what I chose to teach him or her or how I teach it (and I can bet you with my kid you’d get 256% of the age appropriate answer, LOL) takes away the option.

Here’s what you’d be presenting me: “your kid can take our class, or you can teach them at home - but we’re still going to test them to make sure you taught the class”. That’s not optional.

Schools are always saying “parents don’t take enough responsibility” and that “parents aren’t involved enough” - and in many cases that’s a spot-on observation. There’s a huge swath of students who have pretty much no involvement from home. I would be, though.

You can’t penalize a child for the decision of the parent.

The implication was more than diagrams and labeling, which I did in sixth grade as part of basic health class - it wasn’t even “sex ed” per se, just basic anatomy (women have ovaries and a uterus, men have testes, that sort of thing). The details came in seventh grade about birth control and all that. I’ve got no issue with answering questions about birth control (even if you’re against it within the teachings of a faith, I’m all about information, and wouldn’t want to have oblivious children) or even transgender issues, but seriously - I would want it presented in a way that aligns with what I want them to know, and how I want them to know it.

In seventh grade at the age of 13, I was told that if I wanted birth control, all I had to do was go to the Health Department and ask and they’d give it to me and they didn’t have to tell my parents. Chuckling at myself because for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I would need to know that (I knew what sex was, I wasn’t naive, I just had no idea WHY at my age) or how I’d pull it off because - well, I couldn’t drive, for one, and I lived 15 miles away from the office!
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There are not stalls in all changing or locker rooms. Locker rooms at schools, community centers and YMCA are open floor plan with just banks for lockers. Why should women be forced to dress and shower in front of biological men?
I feel like the best answer would be get some stalls? I don’t know why we’re forcing anyone to change in front of anyone.
It offends me just hearing that this is the new way of life for kids. And they are so innocent, learning maybe that is the normal way. And how do kids know anyway if they “feel comfortable in their own skin”?
How did you know? That doesn’t change.
There are not stalls in all changing or locker rooms. Locker rooms at schools, community centers and YMCA are open floor plan with just banks for lockers. Why should women be forced to dress and shower in front of biological men?
I feel like the best answer would be get some stalls? I don’t know why we’re forcing anyone to change in front of anyone.
I agree with that, and I don’t like the open bay concept for high school age kids either. Even in military training when the new facilities for the USAF were built eight years ago, they did away with that - and that contract was written long before DADT was lifted or before transgendered service members were known.
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