You’ll need to be prepared to explain how you reasoned that out. It appears to be an opinion with which one might disagree. Not every one feels a creation is obligated to have feelings of respect for a creator. Deist would be one example (but not the only example) of a person that may believe there is a god but have indifferent feelings towards that god.
That seems like something that would better resonate with some one that had already been convinced of your god-concept. But such a person doesn’t need Pascal’s Wager.
I’ve got no clue what you mean here. But okay.
This is most unconvincing to me.
Let’s say I go to a sperm bank and give a donation. A woman uses that donation to produce a child. (Or, if you prefer something more
natural, suppose I have a one night stand). Decades later the child heads over to does a DNA test and we discover each other. I wouldn’t expect that child to necessarily have feelings of respect for me or acknowledge me as a “father” even though it can be shown that I was one of her genetic donors. It’s not supreme insolence.
A possible consideration for the allegedly obligatory respect might be the relationship that a parent has with that child. An adopted child might feel deep respect for her adoptive parents if there is a loving relationship there. Not being a direct offspring of the adopted parents might not matter. A nearly life long absent genetic donor might not motivate feelings of respect and a child might not feel obligated to acknowledge him.
I’ve already had this conversation with a friend that discovered the person she had thought to be her father for over 30 years actually wasn’t. Both she and he found this out by accident when she was about 30. For the both of them the discovery also brought about the realization that the genetic relationship was not nearly as valuable is the emotional one. She respects him and still calls him father not because of some creator-creation relationship, but because of a caring relationship. After the discovery her mother’s behaviour changed radically to the point of damaging the relationship that she had with her mother. She enjoys the company of the person that is not actually her father and prefers to avoid the company of the person that is her actual mother.