If by calling standard Christian morality ‘sophistry’ you are calling me a fool then decide for yourself.
First, no, your morality is not the same thing as Christian morality. You still haven’t established that.
Second, no, “sophistry” was not used to describe your morality, your position - it was used to describe your way of arguing for it.
Third, no, “sophistry” is not a “foolish” way to argue. It is a name used for arguments that are tortuous and fallacious.
And in this case you only had to say if you think that someone “who says, ‘You fool!’” is “in danger of the fire of hell”.
If you do, then Jesus was warning us of a real danger - and in that case, why shouldn’t we warn others of a real danger?
If you do not, we are going to have an interesting discussion about your related views.
Yet you refuse to answer, or, to be more exact, try to evade the need to answer…
All those people believe (very honestly, I presume) that they “found” God. But that is not an evidence.
Actually, it is. It might not be strong evidence of existence of God, but it is evidence. And it is very strong evidence against “divine hiddenness”.
However, I am game (as always). Let me have the method which will allow me to “find God” and let’s see if it works. However, I am afraid that all I will receive is the same cop-out, that the charlatans of the paranormal say every time: “You have to believe, because if you don’t believe, the paranormal effects will not happen”. They never happen when professional magicians are in crowd. You (in general) say the same: “if you ask for some miracle and your purpose is to test God, it will never happen”. To be very blunt: you portray God as a cosmic cheater, who will always “thwart” your attempts to “unmask” him. The so-called “divine hiddenness” is one of the insurmountable impediments to take the God-hypothesis seriously. The other one is, of course, the “problem of evil”.
Yes, we all know that “game”: “You all, try to persuade me and watch me to refuse to be persuaded.”. I do not find it to be very fun. It would be more interesting if you would be interested in learning something instead - even if that “something” is merely “what silly things will my opponents show themselves to believe next?”…
For that matter, do you imagine that God would find your “game” significantly more fun?
Yes, I do. Someone who pretends to accept something that they don’t believe.
So, even giving a correct answer didn’t help…?
Nonsense. Any claim that is rationally demonstrated will be accepted by other rational people. Since there are many non-Christians, who obviously do NOT accept those alleged “rational” demonstrations, they are must be irrational because of their skepticism. A rather strange claim to call ALL non-Christians to be irrational.
Let’s see: since there are many non-atheists (in fact, more than there are non-Christians), who obviously do not accept those alleged “rational” demonstrations that arguments for God’s existence are all invalid, then, by your reasoning, they must all be irrational. Don’t you think that calling all non-atheists non-rational is also a rather strange claim (although not necessarily unprecedented)…?
The obvious solution consists in noting that “rational” can have more than one meaning. This word can be used as a stronger synonym of “sane” or a synonym of “well reasoning”. And while it is silly to claim that all non-Christians or non-atheists are mostly insane, people can fail to accept reasonable beliefs because they are merely misinformed or inattentive (or dishonest - but I am listing the reasons that are not necessarily morally wrong).