Pascal's Wager Redux

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And yet, somehow you are not called “knowers”, you are called “believers”. Still elementary linguistics.
The term “believer” is more appropriately assigned to one who accepts teachings that are beyond demonstration for the most part.

Examples: one believes Jesus is God. One believes Jesus performed miracles. One believes Jesus rose from the dead. One believes in the Eucharist. One believes everything Jesus taught because he is the Son of God.
I wouldn’t have imagined it possible that someone could consider that an example of self interest.
It is an example of righteous self interest.

But an example of evil selfishness would be:

“Do unto others before they do it unto you.”
Self-contradiction! “any state of affairs, as long as it is not contradictory” implies **consistency with previous and subsequent states of affairs **
When he’s married he is no longer a bachelor.
According to the scriptures, God liked his creation. But when he saw the problems, he decided to wipe out the result in the Deluge. An inconsistent behavior, if I ever saw one.
Only Fundamentalists interpret the OT literally.
False! To give us free will and then prevent us from exercising it is an example of inconsistency. For God every blueprint is feasible if it doesn’t defeat the purpose of the blueprint
.Inconsistency is not a contradiction. It would be wonderful if only God would realize how irrational it is to give unbridled freedom to those who abuse it, and then simply place reasonable restrictions on that freedom.

No one has unbridled freedom. We are all restricted by our limited intelligence, lack of knowledge, physical weakness, social customs, legal sanctions and, above all, by death. Nor have you explained what “reasonable restrictions” would consist of - nor how they would be implemented.
Oh, and you are way above your “pay-grade” if you think that you know the purpose of that “blueprint”. A touch of humility would be in order. 😉
If you appreciate the value of life it should be obvious what the purpose is. What is your explanation? Or do you think life is worthless? A touch of consistency would be in order as far as you’re concerned… and I don’t get any pay… 🤷
ndeed. “current” is the key word. The** current **
state of affairs could be improved but not the entire process.How would you know that?

Because no one has produced a feasible blueprint of a perfect world.
“Agnostic atheist” is an oxymoron**:
An agnostic is open-minded. (God** may** exist)
An atheist is dogmatic. (God **does not **exist)
Only according to your incorrect understanding.
A theist says: I BELIEVE that God exists.
An agnostic says: I do not KNOW, if God exists, or not.
An atheist says: I don’t BELIEVE that God exists.

The best test of any belief is how people live. Atheist**s **behave as if God doesn’t exist. They don’t pray on the offchance that they might be heard. You’re an excellent example of a militant atheist who attacks religion as a superstition and tries to bring it into disrepute - like Dawkins who describes religious education as child abuse.
It is an example of righteous self interest.

But an example of evil selfishness would be:

“Do unto others before they do it unto you.”
Neat! And it doesn’t mean help others before they help you - unless you have an ulterior motive.😉
It is an example of righteous self interest.
Ye gods. You are doubling down on this? Treat other people as you would hope to be treated yourself is righteous self interest?

The sermon on the mount is an example of Jesus encouraging that attitude? I’m not sure you could possibly be more wrong if you tried.
The term “believer” is more appropriately assigned to one who accepts teachings that are beyond demonstration for the most part.

Examples: one believes Jesus is God. One believes Jesus performed miracles. One believes Jesus rose from the dead. One believes in the Eucharist. One believes everything Jesus taught because he is the Son of God.
So you believe a lot of stuff… but belief (no matter how strongly believed) does not constitute knowledge.
The point is that I do NOT confuse beliefs with knowledge.
What is “knowledge” but a justified belief Vera?

So your “knowledge” is nothing more, and nothing less, than what Christians have.

So, again, please don’t permit for yourself what you object to in others.
What is “knowledge” but a justified belief Vera?

So your “knowledge” is nothing more, and nothing less, than what Christians have.

So, again, please don’t permit for yourself what you object to in others.
That is not the correct definition. Usually, it is called “justified TRUE belief”. But without a way to VERIFY one’s mental image, it cannot be called “justified TRUE belief”.

Knowledge is an accurate mental image of the objective reality, or the correct result of a deductive chain stemming from some axioms. God cannot be reached by a deductive chain of thought, since there are no axioms to start. And since you deny that the supernatural could be verified, what you call knowledge is just a (strongly) held belief. Of course I have nothing against strongly held beliefs (I have quite a few of those myself), but it would be an error to confuse then with “knowledge”.
It is a greater evil to let a person reject God **unreasonably **than to appeal to his self-interest - which for Christians is not identical with selfishness.
CCC 1759 An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention" (cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, Dec. praec. 6). The end does not justify the means.
*Your objection is based on a total distortion of Pascal’s argument:
To think Pascal had such a primitive concept of God is sheer nonsense and an insult to a great philosopher, scientist and mathematician. :tsktsk:*
The thread isn’t about what a wondrously nice guy Pascal was :tsktsk: mamá.

I joined the thread to discuss the argument as laid out in the OP. If you think the OP distorts his argument then post your critique to the thread starter, but I am responding to this thread and this OP, mamá.
Where did you get the idea that Pascal speaks of God as a bogie man?

Do you believe in the existence of hell?

If not, your quarrel is with Jesus Christ. Read Matthew 25.

If you do, then you cannot possibly speak of God as a bogie man.
I don’t speak of God as bogie man, the wager does.
It always amazes me when I hear people refer to Pascal’s argument as an argument from selfishness or fear. In every aspect of our lives we act from the motive of self interest. Even our concern for others is directed toward self interest.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
What is the evil trait? :confused:
Self-interest: 1. a concern for one’s own advantage and well-being <acted out of self–interest and fear> 2. one’s own interest or advantage <self–interest requires that we be generous in foreign aid>

Self-interest is running away and hiding when the bullets fly, whereas Jesus preaches “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”.

Self-interest is stealing out of the mouths of babies and climbing over others to reach the top, whereas the mind of Christ is “in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Anyone can do self-interest, monkeys do self-interest. No one needs Christ to do self-interest.

Christ preaches the exact opposite. Paul says explicitly do not look to self-interest, but to the interests of others. I’d have thought that’s Catholic 101, but if not then it’s little wonder you guys can’t see how the wager appeals to everything Christ is against.
It seems impossible to argue with people who really haven’t read Pascal’s “Pensees”. They probably got their explanation of Pascal’s Wager from the internet.
I think you’ll find that Pascal’s argument doesn’t contain any clause requiring us to do that (although some of us have), but in any event we’re discussing the argument as laid out in the OP, so what you said here is ad hominem fallacy.
It is an evil act to appeal to an evil trait.
CCC 1759 An evil action cannot be justified by reference to a good intention" (cf. St. Thomas Aquinas, Dec. praec. 6). The end does not justify the means.
 It is a greater evil to let a person reject God **unreasonably **than to appeal to his self-interest - which for Christians is not identical with selfishness..
Play nice Tony, playground name-calling is no substitute for a rational argument.
“playground name-calling” is an unjustified term of abuse whereas it is a fact that for Christians self-interest is not identical with selfishness
The OP has “E. If you don’t believe in God, and you are wrong, you will suffer eternal damnation.”
The wager replaces the beatitudes with the terror of an irrational monster who damns everyone who doesn’t profess belief for all eternity. For ever and ever. Simply for not believing. The Almighty King reduced to perverse narcissism.
Christ didn’t inspire that.
“Bogeyman …] is a common allusion to a mythical creature in many cultures used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. This monster has no specific appearance, and conceptions about it can vary drastically from household to household within the same community; in many cases, he has no set appearance in the mind of an adult or child, but is simply a non-specific embodiment of terror.” -
Your objection is based on a total distortion of Pascal’s argument:

Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]

To think Pascal had such a primitive concept of God is sheer nonsense and an insult to a great philosopher, scientist and mathematician. :tsktsk:
The thread isn’t about what a wondrously nice guy Pascal was :tsktsk: mamá.
I joined the thread to discuss the argument as laid out in the OP. If you think the OP distorts his argument then post your critique to the thread starter, but I am responding to this thread and this OP, mamá.
The OP did not make the following assertions:
The wager replaces the beatitudes with the terror of an irrational monster who damns everyone who doesn’t profess belief for all eternity. For ever and ever. Simply for not believing. The Almighty King reduced to perverse narcissism.
Christ didn’t inspire that.
“Bogeyman …] is a common allusion to a mythical creature in many cultures used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. This monster has no specific appearance, and conceptions about it can vary drastically from household to household within the same community; in many cases, he has no set appearance in the mind of an adult or child, but is simply a non-specific embodiment of terror.” -
You should be capable of recognising Pascal’s true argument rather than deliberately distorting it:
Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]

NB The use of “mamá” is provocative and out of place in a philosophical discussion.
I think you’ll find that Pascal’s argument doesn’t contain any clause requiring us to do that (although some of us have), but in any event we’re discussing the argument as laid out in the OP, so what you said here is ad hominem fallacy.
You should be capable of recognising Pascal’s true argument rather than deliberately distorting it.
I don’t speak of God as bogie man, the wager does.
Pascal argues that a rational person should live as though God exists and seek to believe in God. If God does actually exist, such a person will have only a finite loss (some pleasures, luxury, etc.), whereas they stand to receive infinite gains (as represented by eternity in Heaven) and avoid infinite losses (eternity in Hell).[2]
Self-interest: 1. a concern for one’s own advantage and well-being <acted out of self–interest and fear> 2. one’s own interest or advantage <self–interest requires that we be generous in foreign aid>
Self-interest is running away and hiding when the bullets fly, whereas Jesus preaches “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”.
Self-interest is stealing out of the mouths of babies and climbing over others to reach the top, whereas the mind of Christ is “in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”
Anyone can do self-interest, monkeys do self-interest. No one needs Christ to do self-interest.
Christ preaches the exact opposite. Paul says explicitly do not look to self-interest, but to the interests of others. I’d have thought that’s Catholic 101, but if not then it’s little wonder you guys can’t see how the wager appeals to everything Christ is against.
**The wager is not intended for Christians **but for atheists who reject Christ’s teaching. Pascal is using the thin end of the wedge to persuade them to give Christianity an opportunity to prove its worth rather than write them off as hopeless cases and just ignore them…
I think you’ll find that Pascal’s argument doesn’t contain any clause requiring us to do that (although some of us have), but in any event we’re discussing the argument as laid out in the OP, so what you said here is ad hominem fallacy.
It’s better to have the whole picture of Pascal. If you don’t know anything about his personal life and the times he lived in, you will have a distorted image of his wager. But hey, that’s how most people argue these days, without very good knowledge, just off the top of their heads.🤷


**The wager is not intended for Christians **but for atheists who reject Christ’s teaching. Pascal is using the thin end of the wedge to persuade them to give Christianity an opportunity to prove its worth rather than write them off as hopeless cases and just ignore them…
The thing is that at that time, everyone was aware of the teachings of the Church, but they chose to ignore them and pursue money. Today many people have no religious upbringing at all. So atheists today and atheists at that time are a breed apart. But still, I think his wager is valid.
It is a greater evil to let a person reject God **unreasonably **than to appeal to his self-interest - which for Christians is not identical with selfishness…
The lesser of two evils - “It is a serious problem that this “principle,” now apparently part of our national lexicon of political ethics, is being mouthed by Catholics. If the relevant Wikipedia article is correct, the origin of the principle is found in U.S. foreign policy statecraft of the Cold-War era. Whatever its source, the dictum is anything but Catholic.” -
“playground name-calling” is an unjustified term of abuse
You said that before and I chose not to respond. I said playground because I think your “unreasonable and unChristian” was an unjustified term of abuse, but let’s not get into baiting. Peace. 🙂
whereas it is a fact that for Christians self-interest is not identical with selfishness.
“Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” - Phil 2
*Your objection is based on a total distortion of Pascal’s argument:
To think Pascal had such a primitive concept of God is sheer nonsense and an insult to a great philosopher, scientist and mathematician. :tsktsk:
NB The use of “mamá” is provocative and out of place in a philosophical discussion. *
I think your editing went awry there as points were repeated, but again, I joined the thread to discuss the OP, and if you think it doesn’t accurately represent Pascal’s argument then it would be better to post your comments to the thread starter.

As for thinking that wagging your finger at me is not provocative and out of place in a philosophical discussion, the name of the :tsktsk: smilie is “:tsk tsk:”, which is said by mothers to naughty children. So as you choose to role-play my mamá, I can’t see your objection, unless it’s a sense-of-humor failure.

Peace 😃
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