Passage from catechism of trent

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I agree. Comments such as the ones we’re discussing are plainly and flatly misogynistic, especially when we have saints like St Gianna Beretta Molla, a doctor, and are cheering at the nomination of a pro-life Catholic Justice of the US Supreme Court who also happens to be a wife and mother.

It is sad that Catholic women on this forum have to be exposed to such rude and intolerant comments. Imagine if someone posted that Blacks or Jewish people should not have certain jobs. Why is it okay to say these things about women? I can only hope and pray that the people who say these things are not raising children, especially daughters.
I apologize if one is offended but that is not my intent in any way. My intent is actually the opposite to praise women for the motherhood role. I think the offense some are taking is due to the influence of the lie of feminism.
I am a woman and there is absolutely no apology needed here and I know many other women who would be upset if they received an apology here.
And I am also a woman and I agree with Montrose that the comment was rude and should not be tolerated on this forum, and I know many women on here who agree with me as we have discussed it between us every time we have to read these types of insensitive posts.
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no one said that, we are not even talking about feminism, i don’t tink there are a lot of quality men round either and it has nothing to do with salaries, it has to thei lack of faith in god and refusal to be authentically cahtolic and follow church teaching
Hmmm…so what you are saying is that the less a women earns, or better yet, earns nothing, the better her chances of finding a husband?
I’ve heard it countless times myself and we hear it all the time. Women say there are no good men out there. This is a lie. There are plenty of good men but women will not consider many men based on their status. People can deny that all they want but it is true.
I’ve heard it countless times myself and we hear it all the time. Women say there are no good men out there. This is a lie. There are plenty of good men but women will not consider many men based on their status. People can deny that all they want but it is true.
My friend. When you are in a hole you should stop digging!
That didn’t come across the way I meant it to and I apologize. However, in times past, all it took was for a female to be of childbearing age to be of the age to marry, hence with a marriage, the running of a home. That tends to be the thing among the evangelical families that are featured on TV with very large families- the young teen girls are doing all the household management while the mom has another baby (the Duggars come to mind). So, that’s the point I was making in that if women were to only be taking care of the home, there was no need for God to give them the ability to attend college and do anything else. Let me state this- there is nothing wrong with only having a high school education and choosing to be at home with no other job. There is nothing wrong with having a post-doctorate and choosing to be at home with no other job. There is nothing wrong with any combination of those and choosing to be at home or working.
Many women will work, go to college, etc. and there is nothing wrong with that. Single women have to work. No one is saying that is wrong. The problem is when women who are married and have husband can have children but put it off for job or education. Many women put off children to seek education or jobs as these things take priority rather than bearing children. This is a lie of feminism. It is permeating our culture in every aspect.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
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I repeat my earlier comment. You owe all women an apology for such an attitude.
Please stop saying all women!!! because that is not true. The poster is praising women for the beautiful role of motherhood and I do not want an apology for that. Motherhood is the greatest gift God created in me. All women are called to be mothers, even if it is spiritual motherhood.
It was not meant in any disrespect. You are not understanding my point. It is not to say a woman cannot do a job, but rather to imply that being a mother is better than any job for a woman. We are seeing the consequences of feminism today. This feminism idea is what has empowered women to seek after this workplace success, but they do not find happiness no matter what their job success. Feminism has twisted it that attaining success is good and being a mother is not that great. That is a lie. Motherhood should be held in the highest esteem.
This is very true. Women are more angry and unhappy today than they have been for a very long, long time.
This is a lie of feminism. It is permeating our culture in every aspect.
Feminism has lied to and deceived so many women.
That didn’t come across the way I meant it to and I apologize.
However, in times past, all it took was for a female to be of childbearing age to be of the age to marry, hence with a marriage, the running of a home.
Just saying, in times past, many men did not have college educations either but rather worked a trade or worked a farm.
So, that’s the point I was making in that if women were to only be taking care of the home, there was no need for God to give them the ability to attend college and do anything else.
Except that as I said, there are seasons in a woman’s life. There will be a time before she starts a family and a time when her family is grown. Also a woman having a college education can aid her in helping her children with their schoolwork, or manage a home business, help her husband with a family business…
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Also a woman having a college education can aid her in helping her children with their schoolwork, or manage a home business, help her husband with a family business…
Or bring in the money to support herself and the family when Husband is out of a job, disabled, or dies at a young age, which happens quite a bit.

Not to mention those sad but also unfortunately frequent cases where Husband just up and deserts the family.

I saw literally all of this within my own extended family - if not my own parents then there were aunts, uncles and cousins dealing with these situations. Gender roles go right out the window when you have bills to pay and kids to feed.
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And yet we have a wonderful example in Amy Coney Barrett- she is showing one can have many children and have a successful career at the same time. Liberals can’t handle that because it goes against their rhetoric of children are a hindrance to a career and the mad-rad-trads* and MGTOW can’t handle it because she shows that a career is not a hindrance to having a lot of children.
I am very, very glad that Amy Coney Barrett has been appointed by President Trump, though I do believe we need to lift her up in prayer because having a large family and a very stressful career is very difficult and weighing on a family. Having a small family with or without a career can be difficult.
Or bring in the money to support herself and the family when Husband is out of a job, disabled, or dies at a young age, which happens quite a bit.
I agree, though again as I said, this would be a season in a woman’s life, not the rule of all family life.
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The poster is praising women for the beautiful role of motherhood and I do not want an apology for that.
He’s also saying that a number of us, while needing to work, are still stealing jobs from men and thereby lowering the pool of “eligible” men to marry due to the size of our incomes.

I’m tired of the blame game on this site by men and women alike. I’m tired of seeing post after post written by guys all too eager to tell me what I need to do for them in marriage, and yet only give a sentence or two about what they’ll do as husbands in marriage.
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I agree, though again as I said, this would be a season in a woman’s life, not the rule of all family life.
A man being dead is permanent. It’s not a “season in a woman’s life”. There might not be another man to come along and help. She might not even WANT another man, which is fine, she doesn’t have to have one.

It’s up to women to define their own lives. Not every woman is going to want the same kind of life. The Church understands this much more than many of my fellow Catholics seem to.
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A man being dead is permanent. It’s not a “season in a woman’s life
Yes, it is true it is permanent but it is apparent that their marriage started out with him alive. She didn’t start out as a widow. After he dies it becomes a new era in her life.
He’s also saying that a number of us, while needing to work, are still stealing jobs from men
I am not sure the poster is a he and I do not believe the poster addressed the issue of women having to work but rather women choosing to compete in the work force and put career over family and the problems with feminism.
Motherwit said:
That just isn’t true. It was because women wanted more for their daughters that they encouraged them into higher education and careers
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that’s why i was so surprised to see such a thing come out of trent, i never thought the church had actually taught that, in those words anyways, though like you demonstrated, there might be factors we are not aware of
This is very true. Women are more angry and unhappy today than they have been for a very long, long time.
That just isn’t true. It was because women wanted more for their daughters that they encouraged them into higher education and careers. The post war generation of women who were being forced out of the workforce and told to be good 50’s housewives resulted in an epidemic of prescribed opiate addiction.
Please stop saying all women!!! because that is not true. The poster is praising women for the beautiful role of motherhood and I do not want an apology for that. Motherhood is the greatest gift God created in me. All women are called to be mothers, even if it is spiritual motherhood.
He is not. He is saying women should stay at home, have kids and look after the home and stop cheating men out of jobs. Read all his posts.
I am not sure the poster is a he and I do not believe the poster addressed the issue of women having to work but rather women choosing to compete in the work force and put career over family.
Well they are taking jobs men could take. A female doctor is most likely not going to consider marrying a man who works at Walmart. The pool of eligible men for women has been greatly reduced due to this. We hear it all the time from women, “there are no quality good men for them.” Yes, because they are seeking providers that can provide more than they could provide for themselves.
Women in workplace limits the men they would choose to marry and therefore disrupted God’s plan for children and families. We see it so prevalent today.
She/he didn’t qualify those as “women who are married”. Just “women”. That second quote especially is general, not specific. I work in a job that can be done by a man and it makes a good income. Therefore, I’m stealing a job from a man and lowering the number of “eligible” men for me to marry because of my income.
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I work in a job that can be done by a man and it makes a good income. Therefore, I’m stealing a job from a man and lowering the number of “eligible” men for me to marry because of my income.
Actually, if you’re working around a bunch of men all day, you’re increasing your chances of meeting a nice, marriageable man with a job. I spent 13 years in a heavily male-dominated workplace, and every single woman who worked there and wanted to find a husband did not have trouble finding one, including me.
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She/he didn’t qualify those as “women who are married”. Just “women”. That second quote especially is general, not specific. I work in a job that can be done by a man and it makes a good income. Therefore, I’m stealing a job from a man and lowering the number of “eligible” men for me to marry because of my income.
I hear the poster saying that as women compete against men in the work force and get jobs men may have received, leaving men to get jobs that pay way less, these men are less appealing to these career women making large sums of money. I can see that happening. Maybe not by everyone but some.
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