OK, now I’m confused by your position. Concupiscence and Original Sin don’t have anything to do with our own choice, therefore our own guilt. It is completely at the feet of Adam and Eve…isn’t this right?
This is correct in that Original Sin was caused by ADAM- he passed it down, along with the affects of that.
Original Sin is the LACK of the special Graces from the Holy Spirit passed down to every person from Adam. (Adam refused these Graces when he turned his back on God.)
As a result of the LACK of these Graces:
We die
We toil
Women feel pain during childbirth
We have concupiscence
Please note the following:
This rebellion of the lower appetite transmitted to us by Adam is an occasion of sin and in that sense comes nearer to moral evil.
However, the occasion of a fault is not necessarily a fault, and whilst original sin is effaced (removed) by baptism concupiscence still remains in the person baptized; therefore original sin and concupiscence cannot be one and the same thing, as was held by the early Protestants.
Baptism removes Original Sin. Someone has chosen (albeit for us as infants) to open ourselves to the Holy Spirit/God after Adam turned his back. In other words we are given back that which we lacked. When we are baptised, the lacking which was passed down from Adam are filled. We NO LONGER HAVE Original Sin or are as Mary was from the very beginning of her Immaculate Conception, ‘Graced’.
Concupiscence, on the other hand, is not Original Sin, but the result of it. It remains after Baptism. It is the little devil on our shoulder reminding us of all sorts of wonderful pleasures. But just because we have the “near occasion of sin” does not mean we have sinned. We can have concupiscence and NEVER SIN.
So we can be born, with Original Sin and with concupiscence. We can be baptised (which fills up what Original Sin had caused to be lacking), and we can have the near occasion of sin but never commit a sin; therefore remain sinless in our life.
And the ONLY reason that Mary was sinless was because she lacked Original Sin, therefore lacking concupiscence (if I have to type that word one more time I don’t know what I’m going to do! 8) )
This is where I believe you falter. Yes of course, Mary lacked Original Sin. In fact:
The state of original sanctity, innocence, and justice, as opposed to original sin, was conferred upon her, by which gift every stain and fault, all depraved emotions, passions, and debilities, essentially pertaining to original sin, were excluded. But she was not made exempt from the temporal penalties of Adam – from sorrow, bodily infirmities, and death.
But you assume that just because you have neither Original Sin and Concupiscence, that you are unable to sin. Then what caused Adam to sin when he was created the same way?
Free will. Which Mary had, by the way. But she could no more disobey her Lord, than I could murder my child. She and I both have the choice, but refuse to make it.
So, doesn’t it follow that, since 100% of the human race is born with Original Sin, and therefore has concupiscence, that we are BOUND to sin? I don’t see how this couldn’t follow…
Again, FREE WILL. Just because we have the near occasion of sin- doesn’t make it a sin. And once we are baptised, we are embued with all the Love and Grace that we will allow the Holy Spirit to give us.
So it’s (realistically and in ALL practicality) inevitable that humanity sins…because of the effects of Original Sin.
Original Sin increases the likelyhood yes. But it certainly does not make it inevitable.
Anyone, am I on the right RCC track here?