Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on Catholic sex abuse released

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If you empower a grand jury to look through the last fifty years of any organization you’ll find all sorts of things. So why don’t they give this treatment to other organizations or religions? More importantly why don’t they empower them to look through their own government school systems. That is where the sex abusers are worst these days.
But the Church isn’t just “any organization;” it is the Bride of Christ. As hard as it is for you to believe that these things all happened, the sad fact is that they did. Trying to minimize the evil that was perpetrated by those who are supposed to be our spiritual advisors and shepherds does no one any good. It is time that we get to the heart of this ugly matter and expose every single evil action to the light of day. (BTW, due to my husband’s job as a journalist, and his position as a seminary board member, he has had access to people who know the ugly details. This is not made up.)

And, yes, there are those who hate the Church. Sadly, they have been handed ammunition on a silver platter by many of our own priests and bishops.
Flagged. Claiming that Jesus is not in the church because humans in the church sin is just wrong on so many levels and is also disrespectful to Catholic beliefs.
5 hours until the site closes this thread but there is still so much discussion to be had.
Close the Thread, two more take its place.

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The elephant in the room is the very likely possibility that Pennsylvania dioceses aren’t the only ones with this problem, and probably aren’t any where close to being the worst.
Oh I’m sure many other dioceses are just as bad if not worse, and now there will be calls from citizens all over the nation to launch similar grand jury investigations. Any smart bishop would already be preparing for this if it hasn’t already happened where he is.
Yes, unfortunately, I think this may be just another in a long line of investigations to come.
But the Church isn’t just “any organization;” it is the Bride of Christ. As hard as it is for you to believe that these things all happened, the sad fact is that they did. Trying to minimize the evil that was perpetrated by those who are supposed to be our spiritual advisors and shepherds does no one any good. It is time that we get to the heart of this ugly matter and expose every single evil action to the light of day. (BTW, due to my husband’s job as a journalist, and his position as a seminary board member, he has had access to people who know the ugly details. This is not made up.)

And, yes, there are those who hate the Church. Sadly, they have been handed ammunition on a silver platter by many of our own priests and bishops.
This is exactly why I believe this report is only scratching the surface of what needs to be done. So far, the investigations have only focused on child sexual abuse, which as evil and hideous as that is, they have never really addressed the other half of the story, which begins with what has been happening in seminaries and elsewhere in the Church, just as long as the child abuse did. But, that has been swept under the rug by the Bishops for decades.

The details of the Ex-Cardinal’s story have been mostly ignored, because most of it concerned the sexual abuse of seminarians. This needs to be brought to the light of day, too. But, since he was the one that was in charge when they wrote the Dallas policies in 2002, they conveniently left out the need for Bishops to also be held responsible for their own actions, either in committing these vile acts, or in covering them up for any of their brother Bishops who might have played a part in all of this. They need to come clean. God, please help them to do the right thing.
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