Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on Catholic sex abuse released

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These are not just allegations. These are substantiated in official diocesan documents which appear in the report, if you would bother to read it. It is well documented that diocesan staff and Church leadership at the level of bishop were aware of child abuse and covered it up.
Give me a page number and I’ll be happy to read that page. But a bishop acknowledging a claim doesn’t mean it is a fact anymore than him ignoring it means it is not a fact.
I missed this, sorry. The answer is that so we can learn from the mistakes of the past and make changes to make sure that institutional cover up of abuse never happens again.
That isn’t what grand juries do. Grand juries aren’t historical crime investigators. I mean do they go back an investigate slavery so we won’t repeat mistakes? Of course not. The grand jury was misused.
I understand what you are saying. I have been reading about what all is going on here and at different Catholic and secular websites. I realize what is going on, but I do not need to know the details of the perversions. Not because it would be a near occasion of sin, though without God’s grace it could be for anyone, but because I do not want those images in my mind. Images that could cause me to think bad of every priest, innocent priests.
Why is a grand jury investigating and then issuing a report about allegations of crimes that are well past their statute of limitations? There can’t be a trial to determine truth. So all this does is make the Church look bad. They can include any salacious claim in this report with no accountability.
Good point, especially yes, why look into things that are past the statute of limitations. I am sure they are not doing this to other religions, mostly because they know where to attack to create harm and it is not other religions. We have a protestant church in our neighborhood that had a sex abuse scandal, happening in the childrens church. Quite a few youth were abused. Barely made the local news.

Hmmm. Something to think about.
That isn’t what grand juries do. Grand juries aren’t historical crime investigators. I mean do they go back an investigate slavery so we won’t repeat mistakes? Of course not. The grand jury was misused.
A grand jury looks at evidence to see if there is something worth taking to criminal trial, and they did find cases within the statute of limitations. They included the accusations from before the statute of limitations because they needed to show the scale of the problem. They then recommend policies to discourage cover-ups and the kind of mendacity that occurred in these dioceses, as in so many others on a global scale.

I know that its very hard for you to accept that these priests were raping children and other priests who were not knew about it and were complicit in the actions of others, but please take the time to pray, think, and come to an understanding that once you acknowledge and accept the atrocities that have happened the sooner that the Church can move forward. People like you who prefer to dig their heads in the sand and ignore what’s happened, or even deny it, are exactly why so many are in such pain today.
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The priests were far worse then witches. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. And you still defend them and the church? This was no hatchet job. Simple truth, and so little thought for the victims, like here in Ireland. Jesus said no one is good but God.
Just another note on the statute of limitations…

The claims are not ancient. We are not speaking of something that occurred a century ago, but a scant 50 years ago. Most of the abusive clergy have not been removed from ministry or defrocked. The majority have not been handed over to civil authorities for trial. They were systematically protected by diocese authorities for decades. The statute of limitations was, to put in a certain way, consciously and systematically taken advantage of.
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complacency that ignores the suffering of the real innocents, The church has deserted Jesus. It really has.
a scant 50 years ago.
In terms of prosecution, 50 years is a really long time. Prosecutors have difficulty prosecuting 50-year-old murder cases for which there is no statute of limitations. Unless there is DNA evidence, it’s extremely hard.

Also, you said
Most of the abusive clergy have not been removed from ministry or defrocked
This is wrong, if you read the lists on the diocesan websites. I just did, and made an Excel spreadsheet with a rough count across all dioceses. (Some of the dioceses included seminarians, visiting priests, members of religious orders, and deacons.)

From the diocesan lists, by my rough count:

Number of accused clergy confirmed dead: 199

Number of accused clergy who were either alive or “status unknown”: 118, and the vast majority of them were either laicized or restricted from priestly ministry according to the diocesan websites. Some were listed as having been prosecuted or serving time.

Two of the dioceses also listed 9 priests total who had pending investigations or cases going on against them right now.

So, bottom line is, most of these guys are dead, and of the ones still alive, most of them were removed from ministry or defrocked at some point.
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Thank you for this . I am quitting this! And have no longer any affiliation with RCC thankfully. Only with the Lord Jesus who I have known and loved all my long life long. And with all who have suffered in all this who get so little genuine mention or thought here. That is a corruption in itself. Of Hi s Love. c
Sorry, what I meant to write is that most WERE not removed from ministry. The 199 dead died in ministry or after their retirement. Many of these rapists are buried in church graveyards.
I’m not sure if you’re correct there as I did not look closely at the details of all the deceased priests, and some of the dioceses provided more detail than others.

You are correct for the ones who were not accused until after their deaths. Pittsburgh diocese lists 29 of these; the info from the other dioceses wasn’t totally clear or would have required me to read a lot, but I presume they may have a few each. These priests were never punished during their lifetime. However, “innocent until proven guilty” has to apply in their case because a dead person is unable to be prosecuted or to make any defense for themself.

For the ones accused before their deaths, quite a few, although not all, were laicized, restricted, or are listed as “left the priesthood” (whether forced to or just did it of their own accord, we don’t know). Also, I would hope in the case of seminarians, that was the end of their seminary career.
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Thank you for this . I am quitting this! And have no longer any affiliation with RCC thankfully.
I hope you do not mean you are leaving the Church. Leaving the Church would be leaving Jesus, just as they did when He was arrested. He is still in the tabernacle and He needs us there by His side, just like the women were at His side at the cross.
I am late to realize this but is the actual diocese of Philadelphia not included in these reports?

The real numbers must be staggering.
Philadelphia already went through this years ago. The report is discussed on Wikipedia and on bishop-accountability.

Same for Altoona-Johnstown.
A grand jury looks at evidence to see if there is something worth taking to criminal trial, and they did find cases within the statute of limitations. They included the accusations from before the statute of limitations because they needed to show the scale of the problem. They then recommend policies to discourage cover-ups and the kind of mendacity that occurred in these dioceses, as in so many others on a global scale.
They needed to show the scale of something they can’t charge and can’t be tried? That is why I said this is a witch hunt. If they limited their report to charges that can be brought then I’d have no problem.
I know that its very hard for you to accept that these priests were raping children and other priests who were not knew about it and were complicit in the actions of others, but please take the time to pray, think, and come to an understanding that once you acknowledge and accept the atrocities that have happened the sooner that the Church can move forward. People like you who prefer to dig their heads in the sand and ignore what’s happened, or even deny it, are exactly why so many are in such pain today.
You aren’t paying attention. I know that goes on. I know it was covered up. I didn’t need this report to tell me that. This report added nothing but salacious accusations. Some may be true. But the grand jury doesn’t exist to level salacious accusations.
The priests were far worse then witches. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. And you still defend them and the church? This was no hatchet job. Simple truth, and so little thought for the victims, like here in Ireland. Jesus said no one is good but God.
Where have I defended them? Just because this is a hatchet job doesn’t mean I approve of abuse or hiding and moving around abusers.

This report isn’t about getting at the truth. It is about smearing the Church.
I know that its very hard for you to accept that these priests were raping children and other priests who were not knew about it and were complicit in the actions of others, but please take the time to pray, think, and come to an understanding that once you acknowledge and accept the atrocities that have happened the sooner that the Church can move forward. People like you who prefer to dig their heads in the sand and ignore what’s happened, or even deny it, are exactly why so many are in such pain today.
I realize you were not talking to me in this post but I know as far as I am concerned these things happened. There is no denying it and something needs to be done so we can move forward. Having said that I also know from life’s experience that there are always two sides to every story. I am not saying the priests and bishops are innocent in this report in any way, but there could be some who are and it could be some of the deceased and they have no way to defend themselves. Their names are just blackened without any defense.

Just because someone chooses to look at it that way it doesn’t mean they are turning a blind eye or digging their head in the sand or denying anything happened but chooses to be fair to victims and accused and pray.
Buddy, even if you were right that the point of this report was to paint a bad portrait of the Church, we deserve it as much as Israel deserved to be taken captive by Babylon.

One day when you read it you will understand.
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