Pennsylvania: Nearly 60,000 Mail Ballots Unaccounted For In Trump-Heavy County

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Yet more potential voter fraud going on . . . .

Pennsylvania: Nearly 60,000 Mail Ballots Unaccounted For In Trump-Heavy County​

Posted at 8:30 pm on October 10, 2020 by Scott Hounsell

In Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, a county that Trump won by over 30 points in 2016, has had a “snafu” in the distribution of ballots. The ballots, which were supposed to be sent out this week to voters, never arrived. . .

. . . . County officials blamed the lost ballots on an independent contractor responsible for distributing the ballots, saying that the ballots were not lost, rather they were never sent out. County officials stated that the issue was resolved . . . .

. . . We all know that if this were a Democrat-heavy county this would have made national news. Trump won Pennsylvania by about 45,000 votes so a 60,000 vote alleged mistake could decide the outcome of the election for the State of Pennsylvania. There should be more scrutiny placed on the mail vendor, Mid-West Direct, to ascertain exactly what may have led to the problem in the first place. It is not clear if Mid-West Direct only processes the ballots for mailing as provided by the county or whether or not they produce ballots and mail them . . .
You are getting closer to fraud that might be large enough to affect an election.

But if Trump won the county by 30%, 60,000 random ballots would only give him an extra 18,000 votes, well below the 45,000 vote margin. 150,000 ballots would get to the 45000 vote margin needed to change the election.

60,000 = 39000 Trump, 21000 Biden= 65% Trump, 35% Biden.
Wow a distributor got caught in a backlog and will get through the missing ballots this weekend.
since when are political bloggers legitimate news sources? I suppose when it fits one’s own narrative .
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This is further evidence that post-election, should President Trump lose, the next civil war will be battled in the courts. For me, whether he wins or loses, I’d prefer to just move on.
Dovekin . . .
You are getting closer to fraud that might be large enough . . .
No Dovekin. This sample (60,000 ballots) of fraud or potential
fraud has far surpassed the margin of election victory.

Add in the other twelve stories (or thereabouts) I have posted here on CAF regarding other vote fraud issues in other stories,
this vote cheating phenomena (or at least easy potential for vote cheating phenomena) over the last several weeks shows things pretty clearly.

The national leftists if they have their way, will have turned this election into another food fight. And maybe worse.
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This is the first story I have seen that even comes close to being large enough to make a difference.

And then it is only if ALL the ballots were for Trump, a pretty unlikely scenario.

There are lots of opportunities for fraud.

There are not a lot of instances where the fraud will be large enough to make a difference.
Dovekin . . .
This is the first story I have seen that even comes close to being large enough to make a difference.
Dear Dovekin.

Either you have not seen other stories I posted, or you are wrong.

Signed: “Chad”.


For those about to report me for posting a “name” . . . The above is a rhetorical name (not literal).
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Yet JB said yesterday that the only way he doesn’t win is if there is checaniry at the polls🙄
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sloancaprice. . .
. . . Trump getting a treatment based on a line of cells that was originally from an aborted baby . . .
The treatment was NOT “based on” an aborted cell line.

THAT was the (wrong) conclusion that could easily be brought out from your article.

WHY are you posting this wrong information here?

The antibodies were tested and titrated against a protein that was derived from aborted cells admiteddly.

But that is a lot different than saying they are “based on a line of cells”.
Don’t you think if there is voter fraud that it will go both ways in approximately equal proportion, or do you think the Reps are totally innocent of such things?
For the most part .Yes I think the republicans are far more trustworthy than the Dems who have a history of stealing elections.Think Mayor Daley,etc
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Melterboy2 . . .
Don’t you think if there is voter fraud that it will go both ways in approximately equal proportion . . .
Not answering for Jeanne_S but my 2 cents.

It is irrelevant which “way” as far as voting PRINCIPLES.

Voter ID ONLY where you live and in person with few exceptions would take care of the problem.

The disenfrachisement of black (or other minority) voters claim is just a prejudiced view that blacks can’t get an ID. It reduces the black person down to less than a white person.

We have seen videos of blacks discussing that principle here before. I know because I posted it.
The black Americans did not like being treated different than whites based upon the color of their skin (and I agree with the blacks in the video).
ProVobis . . .
My personal experience has not led me to the same conclusion.
If you really believe that ProVobis, join me in the call for universalized voter ID.
Sloancaprice . . .
used to assess the potency of its antibodies
Is different from “based on” an aborted cell line.

Thanks for correcting that on your post.
That’s what I already said.

Here it is again (with a typo correction) . . .
The antibodies were tested and titrated against a protein that was derived from aborted cells admittedly.
The medication was NOT derived or “based on” an aborted cell line.
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If you read my post I said for the most part the republicans are more honest and reliable. I stand by that statement.
Al Franken was a joker literally and the way that election went down was pure fraud,he is just one of many over the decades
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