Pennsylvania: Nearly 60,000 Mail Ballots Unaccounted For In Trump-Heavy County

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I realize many people think that voter ID mandates were considered as race based but all the actual objections made against it were that it places an undue burden on those that live in back country areas. It wasn’t a racial argument. It was the fact that many poor people live in out of the way areas that have difficult access, no transportation and also many handicapped people find it a burden as well.

I also understood that voter impersonation is extremely rare and insignificant. Other types of fraud are more likely but even that too is rare.

I’m in Colorado where we have had mail in voting for years now and it’s delightful for those who have difficulty getting to or standing in lines to vote. We do have three choices. We can vote in person at a polling station. We can drop our ballots off at a polling station or we can mail them in. It works great and many states have looked into our system in order to evaluate it for their state! Done correctly, it works!
Sloancaprice . . .
Right, I quoted it and posted an article so everyone could read for themselves. It was tested on a line of cells from an aborted baby.
No it wasn’t “tested on a line of cells” either (earlier you said “based on”. That was not in the article and was wrong too).

It used a protein that was produced by that illicit cell line to gauge antibody strength.

Your quotes are fine.

Your interpretation of those same quotes is off.
Haaa,they counted and recounted til they got the result they were wanting,don’t kid yourself.We are in for more of the same in a few weeks,ughhhhhhhh
Except that Republicans are the ones that have engaged in voter fraud most recently.
With all due respect. You might be getting your news in a bubble. Have Republicans been caught in voter fraud or inaccuracies? Yep. Have Democrats? Absolutely. The most recent ones have been this year, for both. I can not recall were hit was but there was Democrat election that was called off or something like that this year, in the New England region.
sloancaprice . . .
Maybe you need to read the article again.
I was just thinking about telling you the same thing.

There was no “cell line” involved except using a protein from an illicit cell line to test the potency of a licitly produced drug.

They need to come up with a better test.

Not necessarily a better drug.
You are conflating my answer.

Here it is again re-stated differently . . .

No bad cell line incorporated in the drug.

Bad cell line incorporated into the TEST for STRENGTH of the drug.

Like I suggested. Go back and re-read your own article please.
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If you think I am “harassing” you, I’ll quit responding to you about that subject then. I’m OK with that.

But I don’t want the readers left
with the false impression that the antibody drug from Regeneron, was illicit.

It wasn’t illicit.

I don’t want the readers left
with the false impression that the antibody drug from Regeneron, was manufactured from aborted fetal cell lines.

The drug is not manufactured from aborted fetal cell lines.

A TEST that Regeneron crafted or purchased
to determine the STRENGTH of that drug
IS illicit. I agree with that part.

In the meantime, let’s get back to the topic of the thread.

Nearly 60,000 Mail Ballots Unaccounted For In Trump-Heavy County in Pennsylvania.
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"This is the third, 6-figure voter mistake in a battleground state this week."


sloancaprice . . .
The article you posted clearly states that their vendor was behind in shipments and was catching up this weekend. To say they are unaccounted for or suggest that it is fraud is ridiculous.
Why are you harassing me about this?

I said potential fraud.

Here it is again:
Yet more potential voter fraud going on . . . .

From the article:
County officials blamed the lost ballots on an independent contractor responsible for distributing the ballots, saying that the ballots were not lost — rather, they were never sent out.
There IS potential fraud associated with not sending out ballots on time. If you read all the article they discuss WHY.

There should be more scrutiny placed on the mail vendor, Mid-West Direct, to ascertain exactly what may have led to the problem in the first place. It is not clear if Mid-West Direct only processes the ballots for mailing as provided by the county or whether or not they produce ballots and mail them from data provided from the county.

If the ballots were to be provided this week and were not, this could lead to a challenge in the courts to extend the deadline for the ballots to be returned. In neighboring Allegheny County, home to Pittsburgh and a Democrat-heavy area, mailed ballots on September 24th, 12 days before Westmoreland County even disclosed the issue with the unsent ballots. That means that an argument can be made for an extension of at least three or four days for the delay, if not closer to 10 or 12 days, for the difference from other counties that distributed ballots earlier.

This is the third, 6-figure voter mistake in a battleground state this week. Yet, somehow, we are supposed to have confidence in officials’ ability to conduct this process without screwing it up or opening it up to massive fraud. Excuse me for not buying it.
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They just need the fraud in the battleground states. This is how they can put up such pitifully bad candidates and still expect to win.

It’s already a huge mess.
No, I don’t think the Republicans need fraud to win. But I agree that they are putting up a pitifully bad candidate.
Mass participation for BLM/Antifa protests across the country.

But Biden can’t generate that level of enthusiasm?
Sloancaprice insisting that “potential fraud” is
the same thing as “fraud”
(presumably when you are talking about it on a forum post) . . .
That is the same thing as suggesting it is fraud.
No it’s not the same thing.
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sloancaprice . . .
You are suggesting it is fraudulent without a basis in facts.
No I am not. Why are you hassling me about this sloancaprice?

I am leaving it open either way.

If more details come out to confirm it one way or the other (for me), then I will not leave it open either way.

Right now the best I can say is it is fraudulent, or potentially fraudulent.

And I stand by that.
sloancaprice . . . .
So, you are saying it’s fraudulent
No sloancaprice.

For the last time I said it is . . .
I am leaving it open either way.

If more details come out to confirm it one way or the other (for me), then I will not leave it open either way.

Right now the best I can say is it is fraudulent, or potentially fraudulent.
Please stop saying things I am not saying.
Please stop hassling me over this.
Don’t you think if there is voter fraud that it will go both ways in approximately equal proportion, or do you think the Reps are totally innocent of such things?
If only the Republicans could approach the level of fraud that the Democrats excel at!
That is NOT ALL I said.

What is fraudulent is how you are partially quoting me.

Please stop hassling me.
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Wow! Thanks PattyIt for posting this yet another potential source of voter fraud.

We need to be informed of these election aberrations.
sloancaprice . . .
So, you agree that there is nothing fraudulent about these ‘60,000 mail ballots’?
No. I don’t agree with that statement.

There is a third option and I posted it. Several times.

But you keep ignoring it. And continue to harass and hassle me while doing this.
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sloancaprice . . .
Can you explain why you think it is fraudulent?
I could attempt to answer you deeper, but I won’t.

The reason your argument is fraudulent is because the premises of my argument have been changed by you.

Would you please stop asking the same questions (with the same built-in pre-supposition) here to me? Would you please stop responding to me on this thread?

Thank you in advance.
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