People not wanting babies

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Here is the rule: every time you have a sexual relationship you must be ready to assume the coming of a child, otherwise, we abstain. To want sex without wanting to assume the coming of a baby is a sin.
Most Catholics don’t believe this. Therefore, they don’t practice it.
Which is why many Catholics have endangered their souls and need to know the way to Paradise.
To want sex without wanting to assume the coming of a baby is a sin.
Except for infertile people, right?

Because I’m part of an infertile couple and I’d hate to think we’ve been doing sex wrong and sinning all this time.
Who is talking about infertile couples?
And how does that make any sense? You or your spouse are not purposefully infertile.
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Are you saying it’s annoying when married couples don’t want children or when people in general don’t? If it’s the former, I agree, why do people get married if they aren’t open to children. But if the latter, not everyone is called to marriage and children and I don’t see why everyone should like children.

I was married for a short time and had a child but after my marriage ended years ago I decided I didn’t want any more children and eventually saw that I wasn’t called to marriage. I don’t see that as problematic in any way.
Oh I agree. I was just pointing out that it’s not always the mom who should be expected to be the parent who stays home.
I think that people who complain about babies generally are the type who complain about everything. That being said, I was thinking outloud in the lunchroom about whether all laundrey really needs to be put in the drawers, or whether I could just make life easier and put all the children’s school clothes in hamper, since we know they’re just going to wear them every week and then take the outfits out throughout the week.
I have to fess up to the fact that my kids’ clothes mainly live in laundry baskets. Each kid has their own basket and I sort the clothes into their basket as I pull stuff out of the dryer. I hang up Baby Girl’s school uniforms and put underwear and socks away in a drawer, but it would be a losing battle to expect her to be neat about her play clothes. So there’s a big basket full of clean leggings and t-shirts in her closet that she can easily access and rummage through without causing mayhem (or at least not mayhem that it takes a long time to fix).

When the big kids have time (especially during long school vacations), I occasionally ask them to put away 20 items. When Baby Girl gets a little bigger (7ish?), I’ll ask her, too.

We haven’t died yet.
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When I do sort the laundry, my 5yo can put her stuff away as long as I’ve already divided it into piles for tops, bottoms, and dresses. But I’m tired of sorting all that, just to put it in the drawer, just to take it out again. So the past two weeks, I’ve been sorting the clothes by person, and then I make a basket of my clothes, and the two kids’ clothes, divided by outfits for the week. Then when they get up, I grab and outfit off the top for each of us and we get dressed. Why put the stuff away in seperate drawers, just to open said drawers again and get them all back out every morning? The stuff that isn’t going to be needed during the week, I put away, but I’m not trying to create unnecessary steps in my life. My husband hates it. He thinks its undignified to “live out of a basket”. He’s free to put his own stuff where he likes it.
Very well put. Kinda strange this wasn’t mentioned right away in the thread.
Here is the rule: every time you have a sexual relationship you must be ready to assume the coming of a child, otherwise, we abstain. To want sex without wanting to assume the coming of a baby is a sin.
Most Catholics don’t believe this. Therefore, they don’t practice it.
And that is dissent. Is dissent annoying to the Church? Does it cause real harm to the Body?
That’s just it though. It’s not always “obviously” non-sterile people who don’t want kids. Sometimes people say they don’t want kids because they are tired of answering the question about why they don’t have kids yet. They don’t want to talk about the repeated visits to the doctor. They don’t want to hear the same trite advice about just relaxing again. They don’t want to talk about how many children they have that you can’t see.

So they say they don’t want any. Or they aren’t ready yet.
Hmmm… very misleading. But in any case, it’s the “not wanting kids” that is strange.

Spacing of Children through NFP because of certain hardships is not wrong.

But it’s not good to “not want kids” while practicing the act which produces kids.

If there is a medical reason why a couple cannot conceive, then why say something ugly like “I dont want kids”?
I explained that. Because some people don’t want to talk about their medical issues. Because when people say they are infertile or have had multiple miscarriages, some people tend to give really bad, really painful advice. So saying they don’t want kids is a way to avoid those painful conversations, especially with people they barely know.
It’s not better to lie

If I lied to avoid painful truth or to avoid bad advice, I’d be a pathological lier.
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I simply said you can’t assume the fertility status of a person based on a statement like “I don’t want kids”.
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