Love, Agape is willing the good of the other for the sake of the other. With that said:Love resides in the will, if you love God you will love Him primarily with your will, you will determine to keep His commandments no matter what you feel. This is the noblist form of love. It is the commitment of the will not to offend God, but to please Him by doing His will. Martyrs suffered greatly in their feelings, they were crucified bodily and senses, feelings. This strength of will comes from God by the action of the Holy Spirit through
Jesus Christ. This is spiritual love, and we are part spirit like unto God who is Pure Spirit.
Human love involves feelings and thought and will. It is a great human consolation to be able to feel a deep affection and love for God, but if we are sorry for our sins because we fear punishment and the pains of hell and not because we offended God because He is deserving of all our love(that may devoid of feelings) we have imperfect contrition, but contrition all the same. If we are sorry for our sins because we offended God because we are committed to Him, and His will, we have perfect contrition. To be wholly human in our love it would be natural to have feelings associated with love. To be devoid of feelings and still remain committed to God by acts of the will, is to have Supernatural love. Again you can have supernatural love with feelings, but this condition would be considered a “consolation”. Sometimes we have to crucify the deeds of the flesh (feelings) in order to love God and neighbor.
A) You feel loved by God so do not want to offend God and are sorry for offending God- imperfect contrition. Or fear of hell…
The experience of supernatural love of being loved by God is prayer of union etc. as described by St Therese of Avila.
B) You feel love for God so do not want to offend God and are sorry for offending God - perfect contrition.
This is rare. Otherwise receiving plenary indulgences would be considered a more common occurrence than thought so now. The Blessed Virgin Mary loved God constantly because she was born Immaculate though she never sinned.
- I betray my wife through adultery. I am sorry to my wife because she loves me. It makes me feel bad because I feel like a bad husband. I know what a good husband is suppose to do. I know my responsibilities as a husband and I have failed them. Imperfect contrition.
- Judas betrays Jesus. Judas hangs himself because he feels bad for what he did- he feels that he has betrayed his responsibilities to another man Jesus; his responsibilities as friend - loyalty. He does not love Jesus but knows Jesus loves him. Imperfect contrition.