Perpetual virginity?

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For the womb that Christ inhabited to be used by any other mortal being would be blasphemous, and on par with Uzza the Israelite’s touching of the Ark of the Covenan
But it is ok to put the same body in your mouth and swallow it? How do you reconcile these two things?
Because Christ told us to do it
In saying this (and I do not mean to cause offence, it’s a serious question) are you not attributing irrationality and capriciousness to God? If a human were to hold these two views at the same time we would attribute to him or her the most imperfect mental state of cognitive dissonance. Surely the God in which you believe would not hold contradictory views?
The thing is, Uzza touched the Ark of the Covenant in disobedience and defiance.

Catholics reccieve the Eucharist in order to comply with the divine law and achieve salvation.

your point is a very good one, though - I’ll see if there’s anything more I can dig up to help you.
But it is ok to put the same body in your mouth and swallow it? How do you reconcile these two things?
Hang on… what is there to reconcile?
One situation is putting a sinful mortal being in a holy sinless womb
The other situation is putting a sinless body in a sinful being in order to give it spiritual strength as spiritual food.
They are different situations.
How do you reconcile these two things?
Mary was a consecrated virgin. She was obligated not to have sex with anyone. It’s not the “sharing of the womb” that is, per se, blasphemous. It’s the breaking of the consecration that would have been blasphemous. I’m not even sure that blasphemous is the right word.
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yes as in John 1:13 who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.14 And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth.
well said
Revelation 11:19 Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple; and there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.Revelation 12:1 A great portent appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.
The verse Is 7:14.Being virgin which was, at most important, and God obviously will selects a virgin who is a pure vessel. The perpetual virginity of Mary is a Marian doctrine taught by the Catholic Church and held by a number of group since Christianity which asserts that Mary (the mother of Jesus was “always a virgin, before, during and after the birth of Jesus Christ.” because Jesus came out of her like a light, a miraculous birth. John 1:4, 5 in Him was life and the life was the light of all people.5 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it. Those people who mistranslated as young women give silly excuse to discredit Mary’s status and of being a virgin
The perpetual virginity of Mary is a Marian doctrine taught by the Catholic Church and held by a number of group since Christianity which asserts that Mary (the mother of Jesus was “always a virgin, before, during and after the birth of Jesus Christ.” because Jesus came out of her like a light, a miraculous birth. John 1:4, 5 in Him was life and the life was the light of all people.5 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.

Did not Jesus also performed what was prescribed in the Law? same way here, Mother Mary also obeyed the Law
I do not know if I understand you well. Otherwise, there is some distinction to be made between virginity state , virginity virtue , and material virginity.
The virtue of virginity is the commitment of the will to perpetually abstain from the joys of sexuality.
  • A girl who wants to remain virgin until her marriage, is in a state of virginity, but does not practice the virtue of virginity because her will is not to remain virgin perpetually.
  • A girl who is committed by vows to remain perpetually a virgin, but who has been raped has lost material virginity, but has not lost her virtue of virginity, nor her virtue of chastity.
  • A virgin girl who has voluntarily desire to have an unlawful sexual activity but never to act, has lost the virtue of chastity, but not the virtue of virginity. If she confesses and spreads her sin, she will recover the virtue of chastity.
  • A virgin girl who has voluntarily experienced the sexual act has lost her virtue of virginity and this loss is irremediable. If her sexual experience is done outside of marriage, she will be able to recover the virtue of chastity after her repentance, but she can never again recover the virtue of virgnity.
The crown of the virgins in Heaven concerns only those who have practiced the virtue of virgnity as explained above, without ever having lost it.
Does Mary’s perpetual virginity add anything to her holiness? In other words, does marital relations detract from holiness according to the Church?
Yes to part one and NO to part Two

Being a Virgin is a special call to those God enables to do it. It requires extraordinary grace so YES this attribute does add to Mary’s exalted position.

NO; married sex with its TWO primary purposes is God’s expectation for married LOVE.

The Two reasons are Procreation {Always open to the possibility of child birth} and what we can term “recreation”; “marriage cement” or that which builds and BONDS . Sex is to be enjoyable for both partners.

Married sex is the expectation of marriage

Easter Blessings,
In other words, does marital relations detract from holiness according to the Church?
That has indeed been a common theme in the development of Catholic thought, often justified on the basis of 1 Corinthians chapter 7, in which Paul seems to say that the celibate state is superior to the married state. This has, of course, been a topic of ABUNDANT discussion and debate over the last 2000 odd years.
The crown of the virgins in Heaven concerns only those who have practiced the virtue of virgnity as explained above, without ever having lost it.
Respectfully toward. Mboo thank you kindly for all the info on virginity!!! 🙂 Peace
That has indeed been a common theme in the development of Catholic thought, often justified on the basis of 1 Corinthians chapter 7, in which Paul seems to say that the celibate state is superior to the married state. This has, of course, been a topic of ABUNDANT discussion and debate over the last 2000 odd years.
My friend, I’m a 73 year old life time Catholic; a trained Apologetic’s teacher for about 30 years and NEVER heard what you expressed as being part of the Ordinary Magisterium or Sacred Tradition.

CERTAINLY virginity is to be honored and esteemed for THOSE {as Paul teaches} who GOD calls to that State of Life.

Easter Blessings,

CERTAINLY virginity is to be honored and esteemed for THOSE {as Paul teaches} who GOD calls to that State of Life.
Virginity is a virtue, which is the highest degree of the virtue of chastity. So, it must be appreciated and valued, not according to those who are called to that state, but because of its excellence. Even if everyone is not called to virginity, because of his excellence, it should be given great esteem.
A precision. I do not say that virgins should be honored more than those who are married (for a married man may be more holy than a virgin), but one should have more esteem for virgnity than for marriage.
you do not know what you are talking about. I advise you to read the encyclical Sacra Virginitas
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