Perpetual virginity?

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Which says specifically and clearly that virginity in itself is not a virtue, and can even be a vice. I quote:

"Here also it must be added, as the Fathers and Doctors of the Church have clearly taught, that virginity is not a Christian virtue unless we embrace it “for the kingdom of heaven;”[14] that is, unless we take up this way of life precisely to be able to devote ourselves more freely to divine things to attain heaven more surely, and with skillful efforts to lead others more readily to the kingdom of heaven.
  1. Those therefore, who do not marry because of exaggerated self-interest, or because, as Augustine says,[15] they shun the burdens of marriage or because like Pharisees they proudly flaunt their physical integrity, an attitude which has been condemned by the Council of Gangra lest men and women renounce marriage as though it were something despicable instead of because virginity is something beautiful and holy, - none of these can claim for themselves the honor of Christian virginity.[16] "
If you had said that virginity can be a virtue, you would have been correct. But you were totally incorrect when you said that virginity is a virtue without elaboration.
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"Here also it must be added, as the Fathers and Doctors of the Church have clearly taught, that virginity is not a Christian virtue unless we embrace it “for the kingdom of heaven;
I speak about virginity sacred not about any virginity. If you had read all that I have written since, you would not have made this remark …
Sacred Virginity is a vertu if you want this precision.
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Sacred Virginity is a vertu if you want this precision.
If you are going to be quoting Papal Encyclicals on a Catholic forum, where you can assume that other participants have also read them, quoting them with a high degree of precision is of course to be expected. The post of yours that I responded to was imprecise to the point of being erroneous.
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Virginity is a virtue, which is the highest degree of the virtue of chastity. So, it must be appreciated and valued, not according to those who are called to that state, but because of its excellence.
Why are things we do considered a virtue? Because they benefit fellow humans. Patience, kindness, moderation, etc. Virginity benefits no one. Chastity benefits no one. Unless population control could be considered a benefit. People’s feelings about sex being somehow worse than no sex probably was born from watching animals reproduce. i know people who raise horses. I’m still rather disgusted when watching horses reproduce. I find it an ugly act. I believe from the beginning people have seen sex as necessary, even fun, but basically an ugly action. And therefore developed the idea that no sex was a better more beautiful act. The idea that God loves virginity seems out of sync with His command to increase and multiply and fill the earth.
Since the notion of the perpetual virginity of Mary is such an integral part of Catholic doctrine I wonder why scripture is totally silent with regard to it?
Hmm, a virtue is a habitual disposition of our soul to do good. But the greatest good is to love God. By the perpetual sacred virgnity the human prefers the divine love to the human love, in some way the man chooses to marry God rather than to marry a human, that is why in return to Heaven God gives a more intimate place to those who have dedicated their virginity to him. From this point of view, virgnity is a great virtue because it manifests a preferential love for God.
On a more human level, to renonce of a private family to better care for humanity in distress is a highly commendable act. I am thinking of a certains doctors in African country who prefers to live in celibacy to have more time and means to devote himself to their patient, given the great shortage of doctors in Africa, especially in the countryside, and the poverty that prevails there. So the time, and the financial means they could have used for their private family is used to care for their patients who are very poor and very numerous. Such a sacrifice is something excellent and from this point of view also virginity in celibacy is an excellent virtue.
And finally God gave only one command to Adam and Eve, the ban on eating the apple. And even though procreation was a commandment, it was addressed only to Adam and not necessarily to all their descendants, otherwise eating the apple would also be a sin even today.
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