Perry orders anti-cancer vaccine for schoolgirls

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If the health community really wanted to save lives it would really educate,

(a novel concept considering how most young women know absolutely nothing about reproduction or their sexual organs even through public sex-ed but know how to correctly put on a condom),

rather than just throwing us stuff to make it easier to have sex at younger and younger ages.
Amen, Jennifer. Although, nuts though we may be 🙂 , we know full well that there is no money to be made in educating people. A drug company will only start to educate if NOT educating costs them money, as is the case with the tobacco industry.

And I appreciate the correction someone made, one has only to be unchaste, not promiscuous, to get any STD.
And thus we have found the root of the problem.

The crazy people think they’re doing the Lord’s work by opposing life-saving vaccines. That’s what makes them crazy. It’s also makes me wonder if the people who say religion is dangerous aren’t right.
There’s no good reason to oppose the life-saving powers of chastity. It protects body and soul. 😉
Amen, Jennifer. Although, nuts though we may be 🙂 , we know full well that there is no money to be made in educating people. A drug company will only start to educate if NOT educating costs them money, as is the case with the tobacco industry.

And I appreciate the correction someone made, one has only to be unchaste, not promiscuous, to get any STD.
I can appreciate the argument made that abstinence education may be unreasonable and that this vaccine is needed for “health issues”. I disagree but that is something that can reasonably be discussed.

What I don’t appreciate is the fact that they, the health community and many of the leftist agenda, took the power of education and choice away from these young women, who have now died, because they didn’t think women could control themselves in the matter of sex. Very many of our young women today have very little knowledge of their own reproductive cycles, of how their own sexual organs function, of how ABC works or what really, scientifically, happens through abortion in spite of widespread sex “education” but yet they have gall to call us “uneducated” or that we want to restrict “choice”. It’s absolutely appalling.
Complex issue here, IMHO, with land mines carefully placed.

So TX and other states want to make this a public health issue. Funny there are no detailed cost/benefit analyses offered for our perusal to support the cost this type of program.

Funny how the benefits of pap testing, complete with recent technological advances (eg. computerized screening, HPV testing) are not addressed much in this debate.

Funny how it’s now OK for the state to base it’s agenda on a purely one dimensional emotional argument (What? You’re against fighting cancer?).

Funny how we’re supposed to pay $$ for a vaccine that may protect against high risk HPV types 16 and 18, but not have any effect against other high risk types 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68, etc. And, we don’t know how the prevalence of these other types might be affected, if 16 and 18 were knocked back.

Funny how in this vaccine they have added HPV types 6 and 11 to the mix. These types just cause genital warts (gasp), and never killed or hurt anyone. So why are these included? Go figure.

My suspicions? Industry is mostly behind this, but there are more than a few eager facilitators. Just follow the money and the agenda, but mostly the money.

(BTW, first post, lurker no more.)
Why don’t the men have a dog in this fight?

I agree that it should be left to the parents of the young women to decide. However, keep this in mind, unless you are positivily, without a doubt, sure that your daughter will be marrying a virgin (male)…the shot may be the way to go. Because he may pass on the HPV (not knowing) to your daughter.

I do agree with Thelka, if this were on the men…there would be a line around the world to get the shot.
Why don’t the men have a dog in this fight?

I agree that it should be left to the parents of the young women to decide. However, keep this in mind, unless you are positivily, without a doubt, sure that your daughter will be marrying a virgin (male)…the shot may be the way to go. Because he may pass on the HPV (not knowing) to your daughter.

I do agree with Thelka, if this were on the men…there would be a line around the world to get the shot.
Ok, I have read a bunch, thought a bunch, prayed a bunch – I don’t think the issue here is the vaccine itself – the issue is “MANDATED FOR ATTENDANCE” – that is where I take great issue – say nothing about morals, values, etc – if you take that off the table, just look at this as parental rights issue. MMR, Whooping cough, etc. – ok, those are things my kid could get/give while in school; I can see saying “if you’re going to send your kid here, they need to be vaccinated against these things, b/c we don’t want 45 cases of measels or whatever; highly contagious, hard to contain” – got it. Then it’s my choice to vaccinate or choose somewhere else to send my kid – I can see that “for the good of the whole” thing; may not agree with it, but I can certainly see it.

HPV? What exactly is my child going to be doing at school that could spread HPV…hmmm? If the school is doing it’s job, this isn’t an issue of “protecting the other kids from something my kid could be spreading, or vice versa” – there is NO reason to mandate it for attendance; the only reason they’re doing that is so they can try to eradicate the prevalance of the disease, and this is the fastest, most cost effective way to ensure mass vaccination; make it a requirement for something that (almost) everyone does; school. it’s economics, plain and simple. what’s the age group recommended? where are kids during that time? ok, lets mandate it for there and then – boom, done, problem solved (they think). In theory it makes sense from a strictly “how do we” standpoint; but everything is simple “in theory” - forcing parents to vaccinate against something that has nothing to do with school attendance to gain the RIGHT to said attendance…well, it sure aint scottish, and if it aint scottish…:cool:
Ok, I have read a bunch, thought a bunch, prayed a bunch – I don’t think the issue here is the vaccine itself – the issue is “MANDATED FOR ATTENDANCE” – that is where I take great issue – say nothing about morals, values, etc – if you take that off the table, just look at this as parental rights issue. MMR, Whooping cough, etc. – ok, those are things my kid could get/give while in school; I can see saying “if you’re going to send your kid here, they need to be vaccinated against these things, b/c we don’t want 45 cases of measels or whatever; highly contagious, hard to contain” – got it. Then it’s my choice to vaccinate or choose somewhere else to send my kid – I can see that “for the good of the whole” thing; may not agree with it, but I can certainly see it.
HPV? What exactly is my child going to be doing at school that could spread HPV…hmmm? If the school is doing it’s job, this isn’t an issue of “protecting the other kids from something my kid could be spreading, or vice versa” – there is NO reason to mandate it for attendance; the only reason they’re doing that is so they can try to eradicate the prevalance of the disease, and this is the fastest, most cost effective way to ensure mass vaccination; make it a requirement for something that (almost) everyone does; school. it’s economics, plain and simple. what’s the age group recommended? where are kids during that time? ok, lets mandate it for there and then – boom, done, problem solved (they think). In theory it makes sense from a strictly “how do we” standpoint; but everything is simple “in theory” - forcing parents to vaccinate against something that has nothing to do with school attendance to gain the RIGHT to said attendance…well, it sure aint scottish, and if it aint scottish…:cool:
Exactly my point!! Mandated vaccines are established to protect students from diseases transmitted through casual contact (sneezing, touching), so what is the rationale for the HPV vaccine based on the evidence? I understand that non-sexual transmission is possible, and the risk is of this is unknown.
sure that your daughter will be marrying a virgin (male)…
Not only a virgin, a chaste man with no history of sexual contact (skin-to-skin).
The health community have known for years that HPV caused the majority of cervical cancers in women. They chose not to release the information because they knew condoms could not stop transmission. It is spread through skin contact in the area of the chest to the knees, so one doesn’t have to be promiscuous, but rather, unchaste.

The health community does not think young women, or any person, can not stop their sexual urges, much like animals in heat. They chose to keep it an open secret rather than teach abstinence, or at least let women know HPV exists and causes cancer. They chose to promote condoms and sex “education” rather than to tell young women the risks of being unchaste. Young women have died from cervical cancer not knowing how it most likely was contracted.

Who are the misogynists?
I don’t understand why more women aren’t very angry about this.

When I was a young woman in the eighties, condoms were presented as the miracle preventative for every type of STD. You could have all the sex you wanted, just make certain that your partner used a condom. 😦

I even remember reading a new paper article mocking a abstinence program because the teacher said that condoms didn’t prevent all types of diseases. The article stated that the teacher was using false scare tactics against the kids.
leaner has it…right on.

MANDATING this vaccine for school admission is ridiculas.

As for the other required vaccines, parents still have the option to get a waiver. My mother recd a waiver for me in 1963 so I could attend school without a smallpox vaccine. That waiver had to be presented EVERY year up until about 1970(?). I also could not be in close contact with anyone who had a "fresh’ vaccine. When I was in kindergarten, I remember sittting by myself…alot. My mother had to go through hell to get the waiver…the paperwork was insurmountable. But contact with the live vaccine was deadly for me.

I also know of parents who got waivers for the MMR (DTP) (never sure which one)… because of the “mercury”, which may cause autism.

I have an aquaintence who is a new ager…and she NEVER had her girls vaccinated against anything. She believe the drugs were poison. The girls are in their 20’s now, and have opted to get their shots.

With regard to sex and abstinence. Again, where are the boys/men? The posters who have a problem with sex issue are short on reality. Unless they know someone who is going to lock their son up until marriage to a friends daughter who has been sheltered away…how are they going to know the man their daughter is marrying is not a virgin?

The mandating of the vaccine is way off base. My daughter has decided to get the shot. She is 21, and is the age of consent. Had I told her at age 11 that the state was going “make” her get this shot…I would have had a lot of explaining to her as to why. The values that we teach our young women (and men) about waiting to have sex become null and void. I have always told my daughter, YOU decide to have sex…not the boy, YOU. I told her the risks and reminded her of the emotional upheavel it may cause. I prayed she would listen. That is as much her father and I could offer.

We need to continue the dialog with our children and present factual information on the physical and emotional risks of sexual activity in their teens and casual sex. The risk factors speak for themselves without having to hit them over the head with church doctrine.
The dilemma to is that some governors and some legislators thinks they are doing a good thing. They are limited in what they can do. This bill comes before them. If they were to say, let’s take this money and use it for breast cancer while doing a study, the general public would say no, and why is the state getting involved in breast cancer? Since their hands are tied, they feel they can at least do this but it just doesn’t solve it…😦
As for the other required vaccines, parents still have the option to get a waiver.
This does vary by state.
how are they going to know the man their daughter is marrying is not a virgin?
Not just a virgin… a man who has had no sexual activity since the virus is transmitted through skin-to-skin contact.
The dilemma to is that some governors and some legislators thinks they are doing a good thing.
Right because who wouldn’t want to prevent cervical cancer.
Right because who wouldn’t want to prevent cervical cancer.
Exactly. If I haven’t been clear about this, I apologize. I don’t think anyone, myself included, is necessarily against vaccination nor for cervical cancer.

IMHO the problem is the mandatory requirement for a vaccine for an STD to young children. If I had a daughter of age to make mature adult decisions I would have no reservations about her getting the vaccine, although hoping she would know enough to still be chaste in her own life.

My other problem is that it took big money for people to care about women’s health in this issue. It’s just so very unfortunate to say the least that the health community took away information and choice from women, essentially letting them die rather than gasp acknowledge condoms aren’t a “cure all”. This may seem hysterical, but I see the deaths of these young women as sacrificial for the agenda of the COD. The only reason there is not more anger over this is that the information is suppressed and the MSM won’t touch it, most of them being supportive of that agenda themselves. It’s just easier to ignore it, and now that there is a vaccine it’s old news.
Looks like Texas is going to be the first state to mandate that young girls get this vaccine against the sexually transmitted virus that causes cervical cancer.

I hate the fact that are society thinks it is okay to tell everyone “well get this vaccine because we know your going to have sex anyone so this will save us all money down the road”. Education is the key. Educate girls about what STD can do to you bodies and sex in general! Also have faith in girls. Educate!!!

I also have a problem with the drug company being the one to lobby for the mandate. Yes they spent alot of money but how much are they going to make??? Well the schools let parents know that they can opt out of the vaccine or are they going to push it under the table so you to have ask for the infomation or are they going to be told?
You know, this is about the third thread that I’ve seen on this board with the same type of subject.
What I find amazing is that everyone keeps saying how this promotes sexual promisculity, but not one commercial I have seen lists this as a sexually transmitted disease.
Unless a child was seriously researching this disease, they would never know. I don’t see how it would promote any type of promiscuity based on the commercials that I have seen.
Furthermore, you can contract this disease without having sexual intercourse., You can contract it from skin to skin contact and even skin contact on inanimate objects.
I do not see how this is any different than Hepatitis vaccinations.
Those are required in my state as well.

I really think that the most important idea here is protecting your daughters, sisters, mothers etc… from this disease which can lead to cervical cancer. It is not simply a sexually transmitted disease.
It is not simply a sexually transmitted disease.
You are right, you don’t have to be sexually active to contract HPV. It is only theoretical though that it can be contracted via an inanimate object.

The primary transmission is skin to skin contact, from the area of the chest to the knees. Any other location has not sufficiently shown to transmit the virus.

One is usually not rubbing their skin against another person’s skin from the area of the chest to the knees unless they are at the very least being unchaste.

In the case of married couples, it is only one of many dangers that can come from being unchaste and unfaithful. I don’t think anyone really has a problem with young women and men being vaccinated. I know I am for one not against vaccination in general.

The problem is that the state in requiring parents to vaccinate their young girls, as early as elementary school, for what is yes, primarily, an STD. If the health community is not being honest about how HPV is contracted, ie saying definitively it can be transmitted through inanimate objects and that it is not an STD, then they once again are not being honest, and are putting lives at risk.
but not one commercial I have seen lists this as a sexually transmitted disease.
Unless a child was seriously researching this disease, they would never know.
Who benefits from being kept in the dark about these issues? Certainly not women and children. Interesting.
Please, especially pro-lifers, let’s not be cynically led by calls about “health” into the trap the COD sets for us. I really think we need to learn to be more discerning.
I’ve heard that the shot needs to be given before girls reach puberty. What is the reason for this?:confused:

I know that most vaccinations have side effects, what are the possible side effects of this vaccine.
I don’t understand why people are opposed to life-saving vaccines.

Good for Gov. Perry. At least somebody in this ridiculous state has a little bit of common sense.
Maybe because they have done the research and know more about it than you do. There are over 100 strains of HPV and only 13 are connected to cervical cancer. This vaccine is “thought to prevent” 4 of them. It may not even work on those 4. It is lauded as “preventing cervical cancer for life” and that is an unbelieveably brazen lie. Based on the manufacturers information, at the very best, if everything goes perfectly (as it NEVER does), it MIGHT reduce the chance of getting the disease from 4 of the 13 possible sources. Couple that with the generally poor record of vaccines which have caused all sorts of horrible side effects that are suppressed by the drug companies and the media and you have an incredibly irresponsible decision to force parents to expose their children to a potentially dangerous and completely unnecessary drug just so someone else can make billions, that is right, BILLIONS of dollars.
I’ve heard that the shot needs to be given before girls reach puberty. What is the reason for this?:confused:
“Officials of both companies noted that research indicates the best age to vaccinate would be just before puberty to make sure children are protected before they become sexually active. The vaccine would probably be targeted primarily at girls but could also be used on boys to limit the spread of the virus.”

""Some people have raised the issue of whether this vaccine may be sending an overall message to teenagers that, ‘We expect you to be sexually active,’ " said Reginald Finger, a doctor trained in public health who served as a medical analyst for Focus on the Family before being appointed to the ACIP in 2003, in a telephone interview.

“There are people who sense that it could cause people to feel like sexual behaviors are safer if they are vaccinated and may lead to more sexual behavior because they feel safe,” said Finger, emphasizing that he does not endorse that position and is withholding judgment until the issue comes before the vaccine policy panel for a formal recommendation.""

Emphasis mine of course. 😛
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