The stats are staggering regarding infection. “At least 50 percent of sexually active men and women acquire genital HPV infection at some point in their lives and by age 50, at least 80 percent of women will have acquired genital HPV infection”. However, current research finds that most HPV goes away on its own.some research estimates a many as 90% of people carry it - the most conservative estimate that I know of is about 50%
HSV-1 and HSV-2 cause genital herpes.everyone who carries the virus will develop genital herpes
Although genital HPV is linked to 99.7% of cervical cancers, your statement that “everyone who develops cervical cancer will have the HPV virus”. I have a friend who just has a hysterectomy after testing negative for HPV.everyone who develops cervical cancer will have the HPV virus.
Mandatory vaccine progams for entering US schools were developed to protect students from diseases transmitted through casual contact. Obviously, the mandatory vaccine programs have evolved.Vaccination programmes are not really about protecting the individual. They are more about what is called herd immunity. This is where if we greatly reduce the chances of about 80% of a population from carrying a germ, then that germ