At my campus parish, it’s so small that an organ (and I don’t mean one of those low-quality ones) wouldn’t fit. The baby-grand is having a hard enough time fitting. A good organ needs space for pipes (or if it’s digital, lots of cables and a big speaker (which would destroy the congregations hearing)), and that tiny parish just doesn’t have that. I do love the organ, however, and enjoy playing alongside it at my home parishes (because a trumpet/organ duo sounds so much better than a trumpet/piano duo, because when I play with the organ, I can be another stop, rather than trying not to overpower the percussive hammered strings). What I hope to do, now that I’ll be in charge of the contemporary choir (because I’m a music major, and have played trumpet for the Liturgy for 3 years), is, along with the euphonium player that I talked into playing with the contemporary group, get a couple more brass players (a trumpet and trombone, preferably) and and make the brass ensemble into an “almost organ”, but finding willing specimens will be difficult…