It seems like you are very grudgingly conceding the point.Okay, I’ll grant you that “holy virginity” is a more perfect way of life than married life because it has as its sole aim or end God. That would, indeed, make it more perfect if it’s pure and unmitigated end is the perfect end of the beatific vision.
Celibacy is higher because it allows one to more fully pursue God.However, that is not to say that virginity, per se, is more perfect because there are many reasons to be a virgin. The qualifier is “holy” virginity. If your reason to be a virgin is because of social circumstance or avoidance of evil, then it is not sufficient for holy virginity since the end or reason for - shall we say - “less than holy” virginity is not God but avoidance of sin, or one’s own spiritual skin, so to speak, which is not the same as loving God for his own sake.
“If your reason to be a virgin is because of social circumstance or avoidance of evil,” that reminds me strongly of those who claim that it isn’t fair to mandate celibacy for gay people as celibacy is only good if it is absolutely and completely free of anything that might force them to consider it and by that they argue that gay people should be allowed to marry. What absolute nonsense.
That logic is so bad I could use it to argue against heterosexual marriage because heterosexuality isn’t a free choice either.Which brings me back to a point raised by cena concerning vows. If it is to be anything like a holy state or even a commitment it must involve a “free choice” in fact a continual free choice. Just as holy virginity depends upon free choice. From the Encyclical you quoted:
In order to be a vow or “permanent agreement,” marriage cannot depend upon some factor that undermines the free choice.
For gay marriage advocates to claim that homosexuality is not a choice means, by that very admission, that they undermine the very requirements for a gay union to be a marriage since, in its contractual aspect marriage must be a free choice entered into without compulsion.
Yet, homosexuality is, by the admission of homosexuals themselves, not a free choice. Ergo, homosexuality or compulsive attraction cannot be the grounds for constituting a marriage which by its very nature requires a continual free act of the will; a determination of the will that homosexuals concede they are not capable of since their “attraction” to the person they “want” to marry is not a choice.
Let me elaborate on each of these quotes:Ironic that you would say that.
Given Joie de Vivre constant claim that marriage isn’t about love, support of homosexual marriage and insinuation that same sex celibate love with homosexual undertones was once normal and accepted in Jewish tradition and I think my hypothesis is correct.
Here are some comments from this thread that I used to support my statement:
"The interesting thing is that historically it was believed that same sex sexual behavior wasn’t some sin that could only happen to a few people, it was viewed as a sin that could befall anyone as heterosexuality hadn’t been invented yet. "
“Men being physically (nonsexually) and emotionally intimate was perceived as perfectly normal.”
“I love how if a gay couple exhibits a butch/femme split then that is a problem and if they are both butch or both femme that is a problem too; damned it you do, damned if you don’t.”
Regarding Thorfl’s statement: As Cardinal Erdo wrote about same-sex unions in the midterm report from the Synod on the Family, “it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners.”
Joie de Vivre stated:
“It was not explicitly rejected therefore it could not have been categorically rejected. PS is right that not including it in the final draft of the interim report does not necessarily mean it was rejected.”
It is clear Joie de Vivre supports gay marriage, believes same sex relationships are superior to heterosexual relationships and that homosexual sexual relationships could be positive role models for the Church.
- I was commenting that heterosexuality and homosexuality had not been invented as categories of people thus it was perceived anyone could do it, also there was fairly rigid separation of the sexes meaning it’d be far easier to engage in sex with a man as opposed to a woman.
- I explicitly said “nonsexually” and thus to interpret that as supporting homosexual undertones is absurd. I am talking about things like John reclining upon Jesus, Newman and St. John sleeping in the same bed, etc.
- I was commenting how some people claim that a butch femme pairing is interpreted by some as them knowing man is created male and female with them trying to simulate it and some people claiming that if both are butch or femme that they really are engaging in narcissistic self love.
- I was elaborating on how the Church works.