I keep reading how gay couples entering into a civil marriage is “destroying society from within” and how it is somehow harming “traditional marriage”. Here’s the thing…it’s not.
Let’s take two scenarios. Both are occurring at the same time. However, one is occurring in a United States where civil marriage for homosexuals is banned. The other is occurring in a United States where it is legal.
US - Banned:
Jack and Lisa fall in love. Jack proposes to Lisa, and she accepts. The couple marries six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country and go on to have four children, two boys and two girls.
Bill and Tom fall in love. They cannot legally marry each other. They just decide to live together.
U.S. - Legal:
Jack and Lisa fall in love. Jack proposes to Lisa, and she accepts. The couple marries six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country and go on to have four children, two boys and two girls.
Bill and Tom for love. Tom proposals to Bill. They get married six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country. They go on to have children of their own.
Notice anything? Jack and Lisa’s story didn’t change. I keep hearing how allowing gay people to marry each other is going to somehow have an effect on “Jack and Lisa”, but no one has provided a single bit of evidence that it ever has or ever will. “Traditional” marriage isn’t changing. It’s not as if it is no longer going to be available. Jack and Lisa can still get married.
As for “destroying society”…laughable. I believe someone in another post said it best when they compared this argument to beating a dead horse. The reason society’s opinion has been shifting is because every day people are beginning to see that those ominous, scary tales of a society crumbling as a repercussion of allowing gays to marry never came to fruition. It’s been legal at least in one state for 10 years now. It’s been legal elsewhere for even longer. There have been no serious repercussions anywhere. The sky hasn’t fallen.
Now, we can go on and on until the sun don’t shine about “morality”, but morality is subjective. Sure, there are some moral views that we all agree on…rape is wrong, murder is wrong, theft is wrong…but one doesn’t need to be Catholic, or even Christian for that matter, to see why the vast majority of society holds this view. These kinds of things have victims. Someone is harmed in some way.
But allowing homosexuals to enter into a civil marriage? No one can prove harm because there is no harm. Again, we have over a decade to reference and nothing has happened. Sure, you could say that it hasn’t been around long enough for us to really know, but consider what other evidence we have: homosexual relationships. Those aren’t new. Those have been around for as long as heterosexual relationships. Homosexual relationships haven’t proven to harm society, and I think it’s silly to imply that giving a homosexual couple a piece of paper that states that their relationship is legally recognized by the government is going to do/has done any damage…because homosexual relationships haven’t done any damage to society. At all.
I also think it’s important to remember that there is a difference between a civil marriage and, say, a Catholic marriage. If there is one thing we can all agree on, I think it is that the Catholic Church is NEVER going to allow same sex couples to get married in the church. The Catholic church will continue to not consider these unions a marriage, and I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of homosexual couples who seek a civil marriage or have already entered into one care what ANY church thinks, let alone the Catholic Church. They don’t need a church’s blessing for their marriage to be legally recognized.
- Let’s entertain the idea that there is a couple who would actually try and sue the church, or any church for that matter. First of all, they have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a lawsuit that demanded a church marry them. Also, the “couple” in question is not the rule, it is the exception. Most gay couples aren’t interested in suing a church because 1) if they really want a church wedding, there are churches already out there willing to marry them and 2) they just…don’t…care.
- As for the lawsuits that many love to point at and scream “Religious Freedom!”, I agree with you. As do most people that are homosexual. Again, these stories are not the rule, they are the exception. There’s a reason they made the news, after all.
We can’t take the actions of some random gay couple with a vendetta and then generously apply our anger onto the gay population as a whole. That would be hypocritical, because lord knows we don’t like being prematurely judged as “the Catholics” when we are all individuals. The same goes for gay people. They are individuals.
I’ve read every single post on this thread, and many, MANY others involving this topic. I have yet to see any rational, solid evidence that would justify banning two people of the same gender from entering into a civil marriage. Religious arguments are useless, morality arguments usually stem from religion anyway, and what little secular “evidence” i’ve seen provided here falls short, as it never actually proves anything.
No one here is going to change their mind. If you are against same-sex marriage, you likely will always be that way. Likewise, I am unlikely to ever suddenly decide I’m against it. The only point I’m trying to make here is that the reason that these marriages are becoming legal at such an astonishing rate is glaringly obvious - no harm has been proven.