Please explain to me why gay marriage is wrong

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Let’s not go from one extreme to another.

Other things have happened. One can know right from wrong and good from bad. That includes sexual behavior and what it means. Because most of our modern ills revolve around a misuse of human sexuality.

I agree with your statement 👍

But I don’t consider Bishop Sheen’s Plea For Intolerance to be extreme.
Deus Caritas Est.

I am using the modern definition of love because that is what people are using when they are marrying for “love”. Society has a warped and debauched concept of love hence the “scare quotes”. It used to be that only fools and young people that had such an absurd view of love, that kind that is mocked in Romeo and Juliet yet now it is pervasive and is the societal norm.
Therefore…? What exactly?

Marriage should be abolished?

You may as well contend…

I am using the modern definition of “morality” because that is what people are using when they are behaving “morally”. Society has a warped and debauched concept of morality hence the “scare quotes”. It used to be that only fools and young people that had such an absurd view of morality, that kind that was mocked by nihilists, barbarians and tyrants yet now is pervasive and is the societal norm.


…morality should be dismantled?


I am using the modern definition of “Christianity” because that is what people are using when they speak of “Christianity.” Society has a warped and debauched concept of being “Christian,” hence the “scare quotes”. It used to be that only fools and young people had such an absurd view of Christianity, the kind that was mocked by atheists and Marxists yet now it is pervasive and is the societal norm.


… Christianity should be abolished?
Joie, I believe, is female and there has been a continued and implicit (sometimes explicit) appeal to accepting homosexual attractions as legitimate in her posts.

I think BrassAnkles has understood what she is getting at.

It is a commonly used strategy. If X is okay, then why not Y? It is a strategy that relies on probing to find the intellectual and moral weaknesses of anyone promoting the opposing view and then eroding the relative few defenses they present in that area in order to find “a way in.” This might be viewed as the Achilles’ Heel approach to promoting a point of view.

The strength of it is that anyone using it can feign being personally affronted by any accusation of intellectual dishonesty since their actual points are inchoate and depend entirely upon the sympathies of their opponents. They will simply deny actually making the points, but will insist you allowed the points as acceptable which is why they brought them up to begin with. Artful dodging would be another telling label.

It may be that she isn’t doing this intentionally since rationalization and self-deception could initiate the psycho-logical strategy - a defense mechanism of sorts - but I would suggest that forensic analysis of her posts would reveal the kind of probing and ducking, questioning and reply behaviour, that would be the give away.

I could, of course, be proven entirely wrong on this opinion, and I freely admit it is an opinion, but my opinion stands until the pudding has been “proofed,” so to speak.
I have read more than a few posts that take a “chess player” approach. Move and countermove plus a feint or dodge. At that point, we have classic psychological warfare strategy which has many components and approaches but I’ll break it down. The “target,” if you will, is given a proposition. The psy-ops approach is to analyze the responses and the game begins. It is a two-pronged approach. Fact mixed with false information which is presented as a desirable goal, and then emotional appeals to cloud the issue or to attempt to create an emotional state in the target. Undesired responses from the target can result in dodging, obfuscation and in some cases, name calling. The other option is to disengage, and try again later.

Yes, but you are using the modern definition of love to claim that marriage itself should be dismantled because that is all that marriage is.

That does not follow, however, because of what love is, even in purely human terms: an active and ongoing concern for the ultimate well-being of others as other. It is this love that forms the Christian view of how we should make any decision to begin with, as well as being, just in human terms, the ground for basic human morality.

In fact, that kind of love is, indeed, the only solid ground for marriage in the first place because active concern for the well-being of one’s partner and offspring, alone, can be the appropriate ground for any married partnership and family life to rightly be called a marriage.

What you are doing is arguing from a debilitated view of marriage that an even more debilitated view SHOULD be accepted by everyone as THE definitive view of marriage, when your debilitated view doesn’t account, in the least, for the reality of what marriage is in the first place.

In other words, you are arguing an ought from an is, rather than an ought from reasoned and reasonable ends.
I have never argued for the dismantling of marriage, I have noted the logical consequences of the shell it has become and am arguing in favor of restoring the institution of marriage to how it used to be so as to completely and utterly quash any logical arguments in favor of gay marriage.
I have never argued for the dismantling of marriage, I have noted the logical consequences of the shell it has become and am arguing in favor of restoring the institution of marriage to how it used to be so as to completely and utterly quash any logical arguments in favor of gay marriage.
You will get no disagreement on the above from me, although “how it used to be” with reference to marriage is a tad undefined to warrant anything like agreement.

I am a little wary about agreeing to something when I am not clear what it is that I am agreeing to.

Achilles Heel and all that.
the institution hasn’t changed, and thus, we cannot ‘go back to the way it used to be’. people and societies change, God is constant. another generation in the future will be filled with the spirit, and will be different than this one. if not here, than in countries that are less materialistic and more easily indwelled. i’m generalizing, of course.
You will get no disagreement on the above from me, although “how it used to be” with reference to marriage is a tad undefined to warrant anything like agreement.

I am a little wary about agreeing to something when I am not clear what it is that I am agreeing to.

Achilles Heel and all that.
Marriage and especially preparing for marriage, involved a well-defined process. This process is now forgotten, distorted or abandoned. However, it is sound and must be taught.
  1. Attraction.
  2. Dating, which may or may not lead to more dates. But after attraction, how the person behaves decides for both parties if there is a desire to spend more time together. A moral compass is required.
  3. Courtship. This occurs after a series of dates where both parties get to know each other, and realize that their desire to be together is not based on just looks but on a sincerely felt compatibility and - get this - simply enjoying each other’s company.
  4. Engagement. This happens if both want children and a commitment to each other. It involves practical matters. Both should meet each other’s parents. Traditionally, the man would sit down with her father and announce his intentions. The father, having been his age once, ‘gets it.’ He will ask the practical questions, assess this man’s character and be on guard for his daughter. Sexual intercourse only occurs after the ceremony.
So, what has hindered the process? Single parent families, divorced parents, and a constant propaganda campaign that makes marriage and a lifelong commitment sound too demanding or hard or unnecessary. In spite of this, there are good parents, with a moral compass, who are willing to honor their commitments, but where’s the media fun in that? “Marriage rates increase.” “Successful marriages have become the norm.” Divorce, without cause, is ignored entirely. “More couples reject artificial contraception.”,9171,2132761,00.html

“Abortion rates decrease as more women say killing a child in the womb is wrong.”

The above would just “Ruin” everything. “More college age couples reject cohabitation in favor of marriage.”

Oh, the beauty. The beauty.

Marriage and especially preparing for marriage, involved a well-defined process. This process is now forgotten, distorted or abandoned. However, it is sound and must be taught.
  1. Attraction.
  2. Dating, which may or may not lead to more dates. But after attraction, how the person behaves decides for both parties if there is a desire to spend more time together. A moral compass is required.
  3. Courtship. This occurs after a series of dates where both parties get to know each other, and realize that their desire to be together is not based on just looks but on a sincerely felt compatibility and - get this - simply enjoying each other’s company.
  4. Engagement. This happens if both want children and a commitment to each other. It involves practical matters. Both should meet each other’s parents. Traditionally, the man would sit down with her father and announce his intentions. The father, having been his age once, ‘gets it.’ He will ask the practical questions, assess this man’s character and be on guard for his daughter. Sexual intercourse only occurs after the ceremony.
So, what has hindered the process? Single parent families, divorced parents, and a constant propaganda campaign that makes marriage and a lifelong commitment sound too demanding or hard or unnecessary. In spite of this, there are good parents, with a moral compass, who are willing to honor their commitments, but where’s the media fun in that? “Marriage rates increase.” “Successful marriages have become the norm.” Divorce, without cause, is ignored entirely. “More couples reject artificial contraception.”,9171,2132761,00.html

“Abortion rates decrease as more women say killing a child in the womb is wrong.”

The above would just “Ruin” everything. “More college age couples reject cohabitation in favor of marriage.”

Oh, the beauty. The beauty.

Like waking up from a bad dream.

We have to keep reminding ourselves of just how awful it is.
funny, some of the best non practicing catholic parents i know, who came from good catholic families, wouldn’t dream of ‘imposing’ their ideals on anyone else. what they completely ignore in the inner city, and now, society in general, they would never do themselves or want for their children. i won’t be around, but it will be interesting to see how their grandchildren are raised.
Since you seem to put so much faith in the law, what law says church and state are separate?
It’s known as: the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Have you heard of it?

The US Constitution and its amendments are an important document defining the extent of government power, and the rights of individuals under the law.

Thomas Jefferson described the this clause as the “wall of separation between church and state.”
Like waking up from a bad dream.

We have to keep reminding ourselves of just how awful it is.
Yes. Yes. Today’s “lifestyle choices” have been gradually reinforced in people’s minds for decades. Right is wrong. Good is bad. These choices have definite consequences. But people were and are living under a barrage of media messages that “engineered consent.” Once the traditional family fell to a certain level, why not gay marriage or other forms of “marriage”? And again, “engineering consent” is ongoing.

As Catholic Radio host Al Kresta put it: “Catholics need to get out of their amnesia.” And he makes reference to the last 40 years. We need to wake up and realize that, too often, we were lied to. That good role models gave way to really bad and dysfunctional role models. And deviant sexual practices? “What’s the big deal?”

Knowing the truth and living it makes life worth living. Indifference to actual truth leads to moral relativism.

Hey everyone. I am a Catholic. I converted to the Catholic Church in 2006 and I used to agree with the Catholic Church’s teaching on gay marriage. I used to agree that it is wrong but I do not agree with the Catholic Church’s teaching on it anymore. I think that there is nothing wrong with it. In fact, I think it is necessary for it to be legalized in order to protect the rights of same sex couples. For example, without gay marriage, many same sex couples would not have visitation rights in hospitals. They also probably would not be able to file their taxes jointly and get other benefits that married couples can get. I also think that by legalizing gay marriage it would help to reduce the bigotry that is out there against same sex couples and those who deal with same sex attraction. I think we can all agree that there is too much hatred out there for people who deal with it. I am not blaming Catholics for this hatred. I am saying that the hatred exists among the general population and I think that legalizing gay marriage would help to reduce that hatred because people would get used to the reality of gay marriage and as they are more exposed to it they would realize that same sex couples are not as bad as they thought they were originally. Its just that there are a lot of stereotypes out there and I think that legalization of same sex marriage could help to reduce that stereotypes and stigma by showing people the reality of same sex relationships and such.

So anyway, I know that there are a lot of religious reasons for being opposed to same sex marriage but I live in the United States and laws cannot be based on religion here because of the separation of church and state. I am all for separation of church and state. I think it would be incredibly stupid to start creating laws based on religious teachings. So, if you will defend the teaching of the Catholic Church that same sex marriage is wrong and should be illegal then please try to rely on arguments that are not exclusively religious in nature because those don’t hold much sway with me.
The Catholic Church is very slow to changed. It learned some lessons about what its opinions and teachings should be in the areas of science, when it had to come to terms with the idea of a heliocentric system of planets. So, today, it is very careful about pronouncements on science. But this took centuries of erroneous teaching to learn.

One of the issues which confronts the Catholic Church today, is the disparity between the findings of behavioral science and traditional church opinions and teachings.

There also appears to deal of confusion among Catholics as to what “Natural Law” is. It is a philosophical construct which dates at least to Plato, and which Christians later adapted to their own beliefs, and then attributed that adaptation to the word of God. The important thing to remember about “Natural Law”, is that it is neither “natural”, in the sense that it is man-made, nor is it “law”, other than that it has been made up by a people, and declared to be a law by those who agree with it. In this sense, the claim to absolute moral authority is poppycock. “Natural Law” is at heart a form of moral relativism.

Don’t expect the Church to change its opinions on this topic any time soon. Contrary to the claims you may read here, the Church has changed its moral teachings over the centuries. But these changes come slowly.
Marriage and especially preparing for marriage, involved a well-defined process. This process is now forgotten, distorted or abandoned. However, it is sound and must be taught.
  1. Attraction.
  2. Dating, which may or may not lead to more dates. But after attraction, how the person behaves decides for both parties if there is a desire to spend more time together. A moral compass is required.
  3. Courtship. This occurs after a series of dates where both parties get to know each other, and realize that their desire to be together is not based on just looks but on a sincerely felt compatibility and - get this - simply enjoying each other’s company.
  4. Engagement. This happens if both want children and a comumitment to each other. It involves practical matters. Both should meet each other’s parents. Traditionally, the man would sit down with her father and announce his intentions. The father, having been his age once, ‘gets it.’ He will ask the practical questions, assess this man’s character and be on guard for his daughter. Sexual intercourse only occurs after the ceremony.
It all sounds too sensible, too realistic, too understandable. And children have been properly represented in the process. While the biological underpinnings of “attraction” are connected with procreation, our marriage-directed behaviour is not solely about a plan to have children. In fact the Church does not require that children are a goal, only that you do not, by intent or deed, exclude them as a product of your marriage.
So, if you will defend the teaching of the Catholic Church that same sex marriage is wrong and should be illegal then please try to rely on arguments that are not exclusively religious in nature because those don’t hold much sway with me.
It’s a rather simple proposition that apparently is hard to accept in our society.

Human beings exist (we have the being in “human being”).

How do we come to exist? Through the union of a man and woman. No other union can give a human being existence.

Is it good for human beings to exist? I happen to think so. How about you?

If something is good, is it worth protecting?
For instance, if it is good for a human being to exist, and I see you drowning, should I act to protect you? Should I help feed you to keep you alive?
What if I say “no, it is good for me to look the other way”. Am I deceiving you? Yes I am. It is not good that you should suffer or die needlessly if I can help you, so I should protect you. Our society proclaims in many ways that it is good to keep human beings alive, to protect our very existence. (We are also negligent, so there is deception going on.)

it is good for human beings to exist,
marriage is the singular way that existence happens,
it is good to protect that existence…
why would I accept a deception like “gay marriage”, which cannot, by definition, be the same thing as “marriage”?

The problem with gay marriage isn’t (just) that couples practice disordered sexual acts in the privacy of their own homes. If that was it, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. The problem is that the concept is a deception, and that deception detracts from a fundamental good… human existence. That’s a bad thing for society.
I keep reading how gay couples entering into a civil marriage is “destroying society from within” and how it is somehow harming “traditional marriage”. Here’s the thing…it’s not.

Let’s take two scenarios. Both are occurring at the same time. However, one is occurring in a United States where civil marriage for homosexuals is banned. The other is occurring in a United States where it is legal.

US - Banned:

Jack and Lisa fall in love. Jack proposes to Lisa, and she accepts. The couple marries six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country and go on to have four children, two boys and two girls.

Bill and Tom fall in love. They cannot legally marry each other. They just decide to live together.

U.S. - Legal:

Jack and Lisa fall in love. Jack proposes to Lisa, and she accepts. The couple marries six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country and go on to have four children, two boys and two girls.

Bill and Tom for love. Tom proposals to Bill. They get married six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country. They go on to have children of their own.

Notice anything? Jack and Lisa’s story didn’t change. I keep hearing how allowing gay people to marry each other is going to somehow have an effect on “Jack and Lisa”, but no one has provided a single bit of evidence that it ever has or ever will. “Traditional” marriage isn’t changing. It’s not as if it is no longer going to be available. Jack and Lisa can still get married.

As for “destroying society”…laughable. I believe someone in another post said it best when they compared this argument to beating a dead horse. The reason society’s opinion has been shifting is because every day people are beginning to see that those ominous, scary tales of a society crumbling as a repercussion of allowing gays to marry never came to fruition. It’s been legal at least in one state for 10 years now. It’s been legal elsewhere for even longer. There have been no serious repercussions anywhere. The sky hasn’t fallen.

Now, we can go on and on until the sun don’t shine about “morality”, but morality is subjective. Sure, there are some moral views that we all agree on…rape is wrong, murder is wrong, theft is wrong…but one doesn’t need to be Catholic, or even Christian for that matter, to see why the vast majority of society holds this view. These kinds of things have victims. Someone is harmed in some way.

But allowing homosexuals to enter into a civil marriage? No one can prove harm because there is no harm. Again, we have over a decade to reference and nothing has happened. Sure, you could say that it hasn’t been around long enough for us to really know, but consider what other evidence we have: homosexual relationships. Those aren’t new. Those have been around for as long as heterosexual relationships. Homosexual relationships haven’t proven to harm society, and I think it’s silly to imply that giving a homosexual couple a piece of paper that states that their relationship is legally recognized by the government is going to do/has done any damage…because homosexual relationships haven’t done any damage to society. At all.

I also think it’s important to remember that there is a difference between a civil marriage and, say, a Catholic marriage. If there is one thing we can all agree on, I think it is that the Catholic Church is NEVER going to allow same sex couples to get married in the church. The Catholic church will continue to not consider these unions a marriage, and I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of homosexual couples who seek a civil marriage or have already entered into one care what ANY church thinks, let alone the Catholic Church. They don’t need a church’s blessing for their marriage to be legally recognized.

Now, as I’ve been an avid “spectator” of sorts for a long while on this forum, I already sense some of the replies I might get. “Well, it’s only a matter of time before they sue churches! Just like they sued the baker, the florist, and the photographer!”.
  1. Let’s entertain the idea that there is a couple who would actually try and sue the church, or any church for that matter. First of all, they have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a lawsuit that demanded a church marry them. Also, the “couple” in question is not the rule, it is the exception. Most gay couples aren’t interested in suing a church because 1) if they really want a church wedding, there are churches already out there willing to marry them and 2) they just…don’t…care.
  2. As for the lawsuits that many love to point at and scream “Religious Freedom!”, I agree with you. As do most people that are homosexual. Again, these stories are not the rule, they are the exception. There’s a reason they made the news, after all.
We can’t take the actions of some random gay couple with a vendetta and then generously apply our anger onto the gay population as a whole. That would be hypocritical, because lord knows we don’t like being prematurely judged as “the Catholics” when we are all individuals. The same goes for gay people. They are individuals.

I’ve read every single post on this thread, and many, MANY others involving this topic. I have yet to see any rational, solid evidence that would justify banning two people of the same gender from entering into a civil marriage. Religious arguments are useless, morality arguments usually stem from religion anyway, and what little secular “evidence” i’ve seen provided here falls short, as it never actually proves anything.

No one here is going to change their mind. If you are against same-sex marriage, you likely will always be that way. Likewise, I am unlikely to ever suddenly decide I’m against it. The only point I’m trying to make here is that the reason that these marriages are becoming legal at such an astonishing rate is glaringly obvious - no harm has been proven.
The Catholic Church is very slow to changed. It learned some lessons about what its opinions and teachings should be in the areas of science, when it had to come to terms with the idea of a heliocentric system of planets. So, today, it is very careful about pronouncements on science. But this took centuries of erroneous teaching to learn.

One of the issues which confronts the Catholic Church today, is the disparity between the findings of behavioral science and traditional church opinions and teachings.

There also appears to deal of confusion among Catholics as to what “Natural Law” is. It is a philosophical construct which dates at least to Plato, and which Christians later adapted to their own beliefs, and then attributed that adaptation to the word of God. The important thing to remember about “Natural Law”, is that it is neither “natural”, in the sense that it is man-made, nor is it “law”, other than that it has been made up by a people, and declared to be a law by those who agree with it. In this sense, the claim to absolute moral authority is poppycock. “Natural Law” is at heart a form of moral relativism.

Don’t expect the Church to change its opinions on this topic any time soon. Contrary to the claims you may read here, the Church has changed its moral teachings over the centuries. But these changes come slowly.
This is simply a confused notion of the natural law.

The natural law is not hinged on nature, per se, but on the understanding of human nature and what it takes to attain the final good for mankind. Because human nature has not changed and neither has the final good for humankind, therefore the natural law has not and cannot change.

What you are confusing are the essential principles of the moral law with the practical means for bringing about the final good. Final ends determine the good and the moral principles upon which good moral behaviour is premised. Those ends have not changed. However, since the circumstances that humans find ourselves in have changed the pragmatic “rules” derived from those moral principles are subject to change.

Go ahead and list some of the ways that you believe the Church has changed its moral teaching, and I am certain those changes will boil down to “rule” or pragmatic changes and not to the ultimate principles undergirding them.

This is true even within the laws that govern society. The practical laws - speed limits, traffic laws, building codes, etc., have changed, but the underlying moral principles such as acting for the well-being of the common good have not.

Well, I lie, modern western societies have replaced the common good with individual moral license, which is why modern cultures are crumbling before our eyes and governments have sanctioned the killing off of future citizenry to pander to the wants, rights and ostensible needs of the wealthy and influential oligarchy of the living in the name of liberty rather than the well-being of human society as a whole.
No one here is going to change their mind. If you are against same-sex marriage, you likely will always be that way. Likewise, I am unlikely to ever suddenly decide I’m against it. The only point I’m trying to make here is that the reason that these marriages are becoming legal at such an astonishing rate is glaringly obvious - no harm has been proven.
👍 👍
Bill and Tom for love. Tom proposals to Bill. They get married six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country. They go on to have children of their own.
I was planning on reading your entire post, but at this point it seemed to become entirely incoherent.

I couldn’t see past this last sentence.
I keep reading how gay couples entering into a civil marriage is “destroying society from within” and how it is somehow harming “traditional marriage”. Here’s the thing…it’s not.

Let’s take two scenarios. Both are occurring at the same time. However, one is occurring in a United States where civil marriage for homosexuals is banned. The other is occurring in a United States where it is legal.

US - Banned:

Jack and Lisa fall in love. Jack proposes to Lisa, and she accepts. The couple marries six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country and go on to have four children, two boys and two girls.

Bill and Tom fall in love. They cannot legally marry each other. They just decide to live together.

U.S. - Legal:

Jack and Lisa fall in love. Jack proposes to Lisa, and she accepts. The couple marries six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country and go on to have four children, two boys and two girls.

Bill and Tom for love. Tom proposals to Bill. They get married six months later. They buy a beautiful home in the country. They go on to have children of their own.

Notice anything? Jack and Lisa’s story didn’t change. I keep hearing how allowing gay people to marry each other is going to somehow have an effect on “Jack and Lisa”, but no one has provided a single bit of evidence that it ever has or ever will. “Traditional” marriage isn’t changing. It’s not as if it is no longer going to be available. Jack and Lisa can still get married.

As for “destroying society”…laughable. I believe someone in another post said it best when they compared this argument to beating a dead horse. The reason society’s opinion has been shifting is because every day people are beginning to see that those ominous, scary tales of a society crumbling as a repercussion of allowing gays to marry never came to fruition. It’s been legal at least in one state for 10 years now. It’s been legal elsewhere for even longer. There have been no serious repercussions anywhere. The sky hasn’t fallen.

Now, we can go on and on until the sun don’t shine about “morality”, but morality is subjective. Sure, there are some moral views that we all agree on…rape is wrong, murder is wrong, theft is wrong…but one doesn’t need to be Catholic, or even Christian for that matter, to see why the vast majority of society holds this view. These kinds of things have victims. Someone is harmed in some way.

But allowing homosexuals to enter into a civil marriage? No one can prove harm because there is no harm. Again, we have over a decade to reference and nothing has happened. Sure, you could say that it hasn’t been around long enough for us to really know, but consider what other evidence we have: homosexual relationships. Those aren’t new. Those have been around for as long as heterosexual relationships. Homosexual relationships haven’t proven to harm society, and I think it’s silly to imply that giving a homosexual couple a piece of paper that states that their relationship is legally recognized by the government is going to do/has done any damage…because homosexual relationships haven’t done any damage to society. At all.

I also think it’s important to remember that there is a difference between a civil marriage and, say, a Catholic marriage. If there is one thing we can all agree on, I think it is that the Catholic Church is NEVER going to allow same sex couples to get married in the church. The Catholic church will continue to not consider these unions a marriage, and I think it’s safe to say that the vast majority of homosexual couples who seek a civil marriage or have already entered into one care what ANY church thinks, let alone the Catholic Church. They don’t need a church’s blessing for their marriage to be legally recognized.
  1. Let’s entertain the idea that there is a couple who would actually try and sue the church, or any church for that matter. First of all, they have a snowballs chance in hell of winning a lawsuit that demanded a church marry them. Also, the “couple” in question is not the rule, it is the exception. Most gay couples aren’t interested in suing a church because 1) if they really want a church wedding, there are churches already out there willing to marry them and 2) they just…don’t…care.
  2. As for the lawsuits that many love to point at and scream “Religious Freedom!”, I agree with you. As do most people that are homosexual. Again, these stories are not the rule, they are the exception. There’s a reason they made the news, after all.
We can’t take the actions of some random gay couple with a vendetta and then generously apply our anger onto the gay population as a whole. That would be hypocritical, because lord knows we don’t like being prematurely judged as “the Catholics” when we are all individuals. The same goes for gay people. They are individuals.

I’ve read every single post on this thread, and many, MANY others involving this topic. I have yet to see any rational, solid evidence that would justify banning two people of the same gender from entering into a civil marriage. Religious arguments are useless, morality arguments usually stem from religion anyway, and what little secular “evidence” i’ve seen provided here falls short, as it never actually proves anything.

No one here is going to change their mind. If you are against same-sex marriage, you likely will always be that way. Likewise, I am unlikely to ever suddenly decide I’m against it. The only point I’m trying to make here is that the reason that these marriages are becoming legal at such an astonishing rate is glaringly obvious - no harm has been proven.

Very well said. Eloquent, concise and completely logical!

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