But how odd that we now need to speak of “traditional marriage” and “civil marriage” as though there were a gaping difference. Who decided that “marriage” was to be bifurcated?I keep reading how gay couples entering into a civil marriage is “destroying society from within” and how it is somehow harming “**traditional **marriage”. Here’s the thing…it’s not.
… I keep hearing how allowing gay people to marry each other is going to somehow have an effect on “Jack and Lisa”, but no one has provided a single bit of evidence that it ever has or ever will. **“Traditional” marriage isn’t changing. **It’s not as if it is no longer going to be available. Jack and Lisa can still get married.
Curiously, we don’t “all” agree that abortion (murder of the unborn) is wrong. That would not suit some individuals.…Now, we can go on and on until the sun don’t shine about “morality”, but morality is subjective. Sure, there are some moral views that we all agree on…rape is wrong, murder is wrong, …
Oh, is that not Marriage??But allowing homosexuals to enter into a civil marriage? …
State recognition of a relationship is NOT the problem. The State recognises all sorts of relationships. It is that the State recognises the relationship in question as “Marriage” that many find objectionable. Were the State to establish a framework that facilitated those civil benefits that befit a couple who wish to share assets, provide mutual care, visitation and inheritance rights and the like - great! But this is not marriage, the sexual union of man and woman which is the building block of the society.I think it’s silly to imply that giving a homosexual couple a piece of paper that states that their relationship is legally recognized by the government…