so how do you feel about someone who is charged, prosecuted and convicted, because they wouldn’t make a wedding cake or photograph a homosexual wedding?I am not taking a position either way. I think it absolutely should be legal according to Civil law as I do not believe that morality and legality need coincide. I think the criteria for civil law should be based upon the Libertarian principle of harm as beautifully articulated by John Stuart Mill. The Church is of course free to teach whatever it wants about homosexual marriage and it is free to not ever officiate a homosexual wedding. Again, if I was gay I would certainly want to have the same civil rights and be free of discrimination that heterosexual people naturally expect and even take for granted. I don’t believe in a Gay agenda and have several gay friends and they have never pushed any agenda that I know of, other than desiring to not have to live as second class citizens. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Again I am not worried about homosexuality because there is no amount of indoctrination that could ever convince me to be gay and I am absolutely of the firm belief that our sexuality is innate and not culturally conditioned. I think we are all somewhere on a spectrum of sexuality from being almost completely or totally heterosexual, to being primarily or totally homosexual.