Plz Xplain

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Are you being honest? yes

Your interpretation of the Bible was not influenced by your reading other interpretations? as what do you mean?

Are you being honest? yup
Your faith comes from scripture alone? yes
Your pastor has not influenced your faith? influenced? how so? what my minister teaches is from the Bible, easily broken down, and everything he teaches can be found in the Bible, it is always told with reference to where he got it, book chapter and verse.
Your minister has not influenced your interpretation of the Bible? no

Are you being honest? **yes **
Scripture alone? that is all we have to go by…that is all God intended us to go by
You have studied scripture for yourself?? yes
You did it all by yourself? yes
If you were so honest you wouldn’t have started this thread in the manner you did.


You claim to reject this tradition – yet, it is thanks to the traditions of the Catholic Church that you have those books in your KJV that you hold so dear! If you claim not to accept its traditions… then why do you accept those books in your KJV as being valid? The Bible didn’t just fall down from Heaven in its current form! The Church precedes the New Testament – the New Testament does not precede the Church.

As Henry Graham states in his excellent book:
The Church and the faith existed before the Bible; that seems an elementary and simple fact which no one can deny or ever has denied. Thousands of people became Christians through the work of the apostles and missionaries of Christ in various lands, and believed the whole truth of God as we believe it now, and became saints, before they ever saw or read, or could possibly see or read, a single sentence of inspired Scripture of the New Testament, for the simple reason that such Scripture did not then exist. – Graham, Henry. “Where We Got The Bible”, Page 9
Then further along, on page 15…
[The Bible] is intended for instruction, meditation, spritual reading, encouragement, devotion, and also serves as proof and testimony of the Church’s doctrines and divine authority; but as a complete and exclusive guide to heaven in the hands of every man - this it never was and never could be. The Bible *in * the Church; the Church before the Bible - the Church the maker and interpreter of the Bible - that is right. The Bible above the Church; the Bible independent of the Church; the Bible, and the Bible only, the religion of Christians – that is wrong. The one is the Catholic position; the other is the Protestant. – Graham, Henry. “Where We Got The Bible”, Page 15
Once again, I beg you to purchase and read this book. I think it will really help clear up a lot of confusion you might have on the issue. (And no, it is not brainwashing material! :nope: )
If you were so honest you wouldn’t have started this thread in the manner you did.

how so? i gave a link to what i believe…and i was questioning how catholics reason with this…
Luke 1:46-49…“all generations will call me blessed…” Do you? I do, because it is in there. Revelation 12:1…who is the woman clothed in the sun, with the moon under her feet and crowned with stars, isn’t she important to recognize? I do not know anyone who dresses like that unless God has truely blest them. Also check the verse before that, why is the Ark shown before the woman?

Look, tell me that you honestly beleive every verse in the Bible literally as the inspired word of God. No Catholic, no protestant, just that you accept each and every chapter and verse in its entirety wheather you understand it or not. I do. Another question: who put the Bible together? WE know that Jesus and thoe alive before him had what we call the Old Testement, but who chose the New? Where is the Acts of Peter? Acts of Paul? Protoevangelium of James? Gosple of Thomas? Why are there no letters from Barnabus? There were a lot of Christian writings from the first century, where are they in the Bible?

I do not want to argue. Just tell me if you accept everything in the Bible and where the actual list of books came from. If I am wrong, I can admit it, if I am right, can you?
Plzxplainwbcv said:

This is not an attack on the catholic church…i’m just simply trying to get an understanding…and if you can please explain your reasonings that would be great…

You said you were “simply trying to get and understanding”.

From your other posts this is OBVIOUSLY not true. You aren’t here to understand you are here to present your own opinion and your original claim was dishonest.

I’m sure…and if God wanted them to be taught or really studied, he would have included them…obviously they were not needed…
Wrong, for 2 THE 2:15 has this to say:

2 THE 2:15 said:
“Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours.”

Case closed, the oral statement is just as valid as a written statement: The NT Letters, or the Gospel of Luke, which Paul edited. You can have an oral statement alone you must believe, or a written statement alone you must believe - it’s not only the Scriptures and not only the oral traditions - it’s both.
because the Bible is complete…all apostles are dead, so there is no one who can now claim to be able to have the authority to write down more than what is in the Bible…and since you belive there is ‘another source’ when was authoritygiven to and who…to write something more?
The bible is complete, but the doctrines we are to believe are not all written in the bible as 2 THE 2:15 implies, and John states explicitly:

John 21:26 said:
“There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written.”

Plzxplainwbcv said:
“Where does it say in scripture that the apostles wrote EVERYTHING down? Note: I expect you to ignore this question”

John 16:13 “But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth. He will not speak on his own, but he will speak what he hears, and will declare to you the things that are coming.”

Nowhere do I see the phraise “everything is written down in the bible, that you need to believe.” This verse is instead talking about the Holy Spirit.
2 Peter 1:3 “His divine power has bestowed on us everything that makes for life and devotion, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and power.”
Nowhere does it say “everything is written down in the bible, that you need to believe.” It says that “everything that makes for life and devotion, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and power”

This does not preclude oral tradition being part of that “everything.” Since it does not say “oral tradition is precluded from this ‘everything.’” you simply have assumed it is in your own mind.
Acts 20:20,27 “…and I did not at all shrink from telling you what was for your benefit, or from teaching you in public or in your homes.”
Where does this verse talk about scripture at all. You have just proved my point, for Paul said he did not “shrink from telling them everything”, not writing to them everything. Welcome to the Catholic Church. 🙂
Acts 20:27 “for I did not shrink from proclaiming to you the entire plan of God.”/quote]

He may have told them the entire plan of God, but that doesnt mean he gave them every doctrine. For a plan is a strategy****, and a doctrine is a statement of fact.

Matt 28:20 “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
It says teaching them all I have commanded you, not writing to them all I have commanded you. Where did you take english anyway? And since they taught, it might have been in oral or written form, you assume the oral form. In the greek the word used here is Didasko, which implies an oral presentation.
1 Cor. 14:3 On the other hand, one who prophesies does speak to human beings, for their building up,encouragement, and solace.
Where does this say anything about what is contained in scripture. It states the purpose of prophesy, not what books in the bible contain prophecy, nor what the books of the bible are for that matter.

Finally it does not speak about everything being in the bible at all. Where did you take your grammar classes again? these questions about your education are not attacks, they are simply pointing to an educational deficit I think you are demonstrating.

To Be Continued…
2 Timothy. 3:16,17 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
Keep word “may be equiped,” but that this person may be equipped. Doesn’t give a guarantee either, only the statement of a possibility of being equiped. Secondly, where does it say anything about everything we need being in the bible?

Indeed all scripture is inspired of God, but where does it define which passages are scripture and which are not?

Lastly, where does it say that oral tradition is not part of this equipping? Indeed scripture is useful for these things. But Paul says many other things are useful (profitable) as well:

“This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and useful for everyone.” (Titus 3:8)

In the same letter Paul says:

“If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.”(2 Tim 2:2)

And finally"

“Formerly he was useless to you, but now he has become useful both to you and to me.”(Philemon 1:11)

So as to useful things we have:
  • Scripture.
  • Devotion to what is good.
  • Cleansing oneself from what is evil.
  • A person.
This hardly supports you position that only scripture is useful. And thats only an analysis of the word useful. Want me to analyze the other words in this text?
It might not ALL be written here, but what is needed is written in the Bible, who are we to try and add to the Bible?
Name a verse that Catholics have added to the bible? I have shown already that we are to hold fast to oral traditions and written traditions (the bible). Show me where Catholics have added a verse to the bible?
Where is it said Mary is to be praised, as the praise the Catholic Church gives her? And where does it mention that saints are able to pray for anyone?
"When he took it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones.(Rev 5:8)

Who are the elders? Abraham, Moses, David, etc. And look what they were doing before the throne of God… offering incense - a sign of prayer by the offerer.
Here on earth you can pray for yourself, and when you pray for someone you are still just giving it all to God…what makes someone a saint? Where is this found?
You can pray for yourself, but would you call the prayer of a sinless person more powerful than yours?

“…but nothing unclean will enter it [heaven], nor any (one) who does abominable things or tells lies. Only those will enter whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” (Rev 21:27)

Can you call yourself sinless? The saints in heaven can, or they wouldn’t be there, as Rev 21:27 testifies. Which prayers are more powerful, that of a sinless person, or that of a person who has sin? Do you have sin?
I have not been brainwashed, I’ve studied scripture for myself…
Thats your first mistake: Philip ran up and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” He replied, “How can I, unless someone instructs me?”(Acts 8:31)
and have no book written by modern man to go side by side with God’s inspired Word…
Paul did (2 THE 1:25).
and reading the book wouldn’t help, it seems that you might wanna be a little more open minded…I’m just simply trying to gain an understanding…but its not all adding up…
It’s not all adding up according to your backgrpund. Catholic Thought is quite different then Protestant Sola Scriptura Thought, and more in line with the Truth.

The confusion you seem to be experiencing is normal. When we learn that our old ways of thinking may be incorrect, we tend to have a fight or flight response: It can be very comfortable. My suggestion is you continue to collect your thoughts, think about what we are saying. 🙂
all that was commanded…it was not commanded to have another book to go along with the Bible…just to obey what has been commanded…
Are you under the impression that Catholics have another book considered to be the Word of God? This theme keeps showing up in your posts, and it may be an easy misconception to resolve.

Peace in Christ…Salmon
I’m afraid there’s no “secret book” that we Catholics have added to the Bible… but there is one guy that I know of…

:: cough cough Martin Luther cough cough ::

… who has subtracted some books from the Bible… but that’s a whoooole other story :rolleyes:
But how do you explain what you believe without book chapter and verse from the Bible…the only inspired Word from God?
Who says the bible is the inspired Word of God, much less the only inspired Word of God?
Plz Xplain,

Have you gone to the site, as someone has already suggested? It would be a good source for the answers you’re looking for. I say this because, as someone has pointed out, you’re all over the map and it would be more profitable for you, given the structure of a forum, to answer one question here more thoroughly than to try and address in little pieces what questions you have raised.

Regarding prayer to the saints: as Redeemerslove has pointed out, look at this verse in Revelations: “When he took it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones.(Rev 5:8)”

The elders are the saints in heaven: Abraham, Moses, as well as the other saints. The “prayers of the holy ones” are the prayers of Christians on earth. They are advancing our prayers to God—we don’t pray to the saints as gods, we are asking for their intercessory prayer, as is shown by this verse. It’s also worth pointing out that in the catacombs one can find inscriptions asking the departed to pray for those on earth—obviously, the first Christians did not find this contrary to Scripture.

You asked: “Where is it said Mary is to be praised, as the praise the catholic church gives her?”

You will find in Luke that “all generations shall call me blessed”–Catholics participate in that New Testament prophecy. Also, you can see Mary as the Ark of the New Covenant, carrying the Incarnate Word, prefigured in the Ark of the Old Covenant—the Word of God given to Moses wasn’t just put into any old vessel; it’s design was commanded by God and it was revered. The New Testament always fulfills, in a PERFECT way, its Old Testament prefigurement. WE don’t “worship” Mary as God, we honor her.

It is also important to see devotion to Mary as a part of a broad and deep theology. As the famous convert, John Newman wrote, when describing his own conversion to Catholicism, “I am not sure that I did not also at this time feel the force of another consideration. The idea of the Blessed Virgin was, as it were, magnified (emphasis Newman’s) in the Church of Rome, as time went on, —but so were all the Christian ideas; as that of the Blessed Eucharist. The whole scene of pale, faint, distant Apostolic Christianity is seen in Rome, as through a telescope or magnifier. The harmony of the whole, however, is of course what it was. It is unfair then to take one Roman idea, that of the Blessed Virgin, out of what may be called its context. Thus I am brought to the principle of the development of doctrine in the Christian Church, to which I gave my mind at the end of 1842.”

There is no basis to be found for sola scriptura where it ought to be found, in the Scriptures themselves. The verse from Timothy that is usually provided by Protestants to “prove” that does not say that Scipture ALONE is the “pillar and foundation of truth”—that title is given by Paul to the Church. That Scripture is profitable, etc., etc., is true, as any Catholic would agree with.

The word “Trinity” is not found in the Bible, but Protestants accept it even though it is an extra-Biblical concept. Somone once told me, “well, that can be readily inferred”, but that’s only easy to say in hindsight: it was a doctrine that was developed over time, and the early Arian heresy shows that it was not as “readily inferred” as you might think.

Also, there is a problem with basic logic if you maintain sola scriptura: how do you avoid the fallacy of circular thinking when asked to show the inspiration of the BIble? (It IS inspired, but I am getting at HOW you know that.) It goes like this: “How do you know the Bible is inspired?” “Because it says so in the Bible.” “But how do can you trust what it says in the Bible?” “Because it’s inspired.” This just won’t do—the Qu’ran also claims inspiration for itself, so on what logical basis would you accept the Bible but reject the Qu’ran? So, Plz Explain, HOW do know the Bible is inspired, without falling into this fallacy?
thats just it! it doesnt’ NEED an outside authority!

we can’t get past that the Bible is the only inspired Word of Christ.
OK, let’s find out something.

There are tens of thousands of differing and conflicting interpreations of scripture, all by people claiming to be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit does not lie or contradict.
  1. Where does it say, using scripture alone, which one of those interpretations is the correct one? They ALL cannot be correct!
  2. What does the Bible say to do when two or more Spirit Filled Christians disagree on what the scriptures are saying and how to settle the controversey? We can’t have doctrinal relativism (which is what sola scripturists are practicing)
The Bible is inerrant. However:

Inerrant Scripture + error prone interpretation of scripture = error.

The only way to have the Truth is:

Inerrant scripture + infallible interpretation of scripture = Truth

Now, Please show me where it says in the Bible that we are not required to have an infallible interpreter of scripture (per what you just said) after all, if we don’t need any “outside authority” as you say, then what you’re saying is Jesus said “here’s a Bible, you’re on your own, I have left you orphans” and there is no way to interpret infallibly the Bible since there is no outside authority.
Just answer me those…but i guess we’ll never have a resoultion because obviously we can’t get past that the Bible is the only inspired Word of Christ.
Two things

How do you know this?

If the Catholic Church was anti Bible why did she put it togther and make it avaliable for all the world??

God Bless and I hope you answer.
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