I know there are people, especially the elderly, the mentally and or physically handicapped who are vulnerable to poverty and for the love of God, it is up to us to help them.The way you apply this truth to the social welfare question has a logic fault. While it is true that prayer for material help can sometimes bring about material help, you cannot assume that someone who does not seem to be getting material help is not praying for it, and trying for it on their own in every other way as well. But that is exactly the conclusion you would need to reach your point that those who are not achieving material success are somehow necessarily personally responsible for that failure to succeed, which allows you to justify denying social welfare in the first place.
OK, so poor people just need to abstain from sex. But that does not answer the question of why the poor should be considered less worthy to have children than the rich.
First, I don’t think that if government stepped out of the picture, charitable people would step in with an equal amount of help. To see that all you have to do is look at historical periods and even present day places where there is no government welfare. In none of those places and times has private charity ever provided the level of support that is anywhere near what government provides now.
Second, you just admitted that many people are waiting for government to step out of the picture before they will become more charitable. In other words, there aren’t enough poor people right now to encourage private charity. Since you obviously consider private charity a good and desirable thing, and the only way to achieve it is to create more poor people, you are essentially contradicting your first sentence where you said you did not want to make more people poor.
What is the point of that? That we should cut back on foreign missionaries, doctors and dentists so we could serve those in the US instead?
I am not bitter towards anyone, including the unfairly wealthy. But this is another example of the logic fault I mentioned about. Yes, there are many forms of prayer for material blessings, and it is always good to pray for our needs, both spiritual and temporal. But you cannot assume someone has not prayed just because they don’t seem to be getting richer.
I assume that you are implying that these 40% could get a job if they wanted to. Couldn’t it also be that they have given up because they know no one will hire them right now?
Will you admit there are people who are quite happy to game the system by living off government benefits where they could earn a living but simply won’t?
I have heard the phrase, poor people have poor ways. How do you interpret that? Do you believe God just has it out for some? Do you not see that the person who has only a few dollars and spends them unwisely is perpetuating their problem? If I need nutritious food for the kids, I need to pay the rent and utilities and I buy drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gamble, get a tattoo, spend it all on myself or buy candy and soda pop instead of nourishing food with the money I have, have I made a poor choice? Yes! Did I set a good example for the next generation? No! I have set an irresponsible, immature, selfish example. All I am asking is that responsible behavior be encouraged, even by negative pressure so that more people will regain their dignity and self respect and take care of themselves when they are able. If a person has to be frugal during their entire lifetime they have their honor, dignity and self respect. What is wrong with being frugal and responsible? Your replies to me sound as though it is a sin to want people to be responsible.
I did not ever assume the reason any person is poor is because they have not prayed. You are the one who insisted "God gives us the means to avoid sin and be with Him in heaven. That is all. "
What is your definition of unfairly wealthy? My definition is those who have made their money criminally or who pay immorally low wages to persons who have no recourse such as illegal aliens who cannot go to the law so are taken advantage of by employers. I do not consider wealth to be unfair just because it is inherited or because someone is smart in business or investing.
It is not the number of poor people that should stimulate private charity. All charity should be private in that it is not from the government, it is not it’s job and it doesn’t do it well. I also believe charity (love) begins at home, right here in this country, then go abroad. How can we show love in a foreign land when our own countrymen need to see this love of God? Apparently there are soooo many resources out there we can step around our own to take care of the world… while our own country falls apart?
I did not say the poor need to abstain from sex. You argue as though you are 12. If the only people having sex were married people that would be half the battle won right there.
Maybe the 40% should pray for a job:
I don’t have unlimited financial resources but I haven’t found a problem yet that doesn’t have a prayer with which to battle it. Try it. While you are at it, join me in praying all those who need a job.