Polish film on the influence of Martin Luther

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I don’t see this subject listed, so I am hoping that many will watch this film and educate themselves on the “protestant revolution” (it was not a reformation).

I don’t know if the film can be viewed for free anywhere, but it can be viewed for $5 USD on the following website


It is an approximately 90 minute, fast-moving documentary that shows the beginning of Luther’s revolt against the church and how within 10 years (after 1517) it was causing immense damage to the Catholic Church.

the script is written certainly from a Catholic perspective how Luther was not a really committed Catholic priest. He entered a seminary to escape a murder charge resulting from his killing a man in an illegal duel. It shows how his errors and heresies spread owing to the desire for power and money of European princes. It depicts how Catholic priests and nuns were butchered for their faith. And, truly, as you often hear “much much more.” Luther thought God was evil, that man does not have free will, etc. – all against Catholic teaching.

Among the many questions it raises is why Pope Paul VI allowed Lutheran ministers to be actively involved in revising the Mass back in the 1960’s and why Pope Francis had a statue of Luther placed in a position of honor at the Vatican. Luther was nothing less than an enemy of the popes and the Catholic Church. Listen closely and you will get an overview.
One of the most interesting figures in the revolt was Erasmus of Rotterdam. He stood for unity through obedience and took flak from both sides of the polemic. Originally praised by ML, he was later viciously calumniated by the same man - for the sin of disagreeing with the volatile Augustinian. Not a Saint - I wonder if he should be?
The protestant revolt has continued to cause immense damage to the Catholic Church.

Apart from the damage those within the Catholic Church also continue to cause.
The protestant revolt has continued to cause immense damage to the Catholic Church. Apart from the damage those within the Catholic Church also continue to cause.
If the Church was not of divine institution, it would have perished centuries ago. I complain about her less and pray more, as I know that I am part of the problem.
I started this topic to call attention to the film. I came back here now with an additional two comments. The film is very fast moving, as I said. Prior to watching the film, I was not sure where the big ideas of the protestant revolt came from. I now seem to recall from watching the film in the last couple hours that one of the big ideas of Protestantism comes right from Luther himself, that every person should decide for himself what is right and wrong, by referring to the Bible.

Well, of course, the Bible tells us a lot about what is right and wrong, it should not be a free-for-all that Luther said it was and as it was taken to be by those who followed him.

Although Luther disparaged the popes and the Church, he made himself the Pope by coming up with all of his own ideas about Christianity. It is ironic that in disparaging the one Church, it resulted in the formation of many churches with different beliefs. All of this damage comes out systematically, but quickly, in the film documentary.

(the indication that I was responding to po18guy is incorrect; that is not what I intended)
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I agree. We must pray daily for the
Catholic Church.

Recently, I was made aware of Ecumenical Catholic Churches or
Communities part of a group of
independent Catholic churches which will no doubt continue to grow.

Sadly, the words of Pope Emeritus Benedictory XVI said words which may prove to be prophetic that one day the Catholic Church might be the size of a mustard seed.

With so many church buildings and so many denominations, I Don’t know what will become of Christianity. How can it be taken seriously when they are so many styles and beliefs?
They can’t all have the truth.
I believe we live in an age of crisis
for the survival of the Christian
I’m looking forward to watching this, thanks for posting. Obviously it comes from a certain perspective but did you find it even-handed?
The most disobedient and poorly catechized Catholics are leaving the Church. The most fervent and seeking Protestants are joining the Church. The Church is growing like wildfire - in Africa especially and also in Asia. So, all is not lost, but the west is rather sick about now.

Material wealth leads to spiritual poverty, while material poverty leads to spiritual wealth.
From what you’ve said, the film sounds like anti-Luther propaganda, and sounds inaccurate.
The reason for Luther becoming a monk was he promised to become one after traveling through a storm, during which he prayed to St Anne.
Sounds like the film is trying to get rid of the vernacular mass.
I second this. Seems like it’s just propaganda, a sort of “confirmation bias” for Catholics. I don’t see how people could have followed Luther if he openly thought God was evil. This is probably some glaring misrepresentation of what Luther taught/believed.
My guess is the truth may lay somewhere in the middle between this film and the Protestant view of Luther. I’ve seen Protestant films, can not remember the names, that paint Luther as an upright holy man that stood against the corrupt, evil Catholic Church. So it would not surprise me if this film is from the extreme of the other side. Maybe worth watching though and figuring somewhere in the middle lays the truth. I would like to see the film though and thank the OP for bringing it to my attention.
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I’m not a Luther fan, but I don’t see much to be gained after several hundred years by bashing him either. He’s dead, God can deal with him, and we have to deal with how to get Lutherans today to come back to the Church. My guess is that since their Church is against God’s church, it will go away eventually or merge back with ours, as will all the Protestant churches, but in the meantime it would be good to try to accelerate that process.
What about truth? Is there such a thing any longer? Are you proposing religious relativism as a way to view the world. It seems to me that this is the way to destroy, or ignore, the truth of Catholicism.
They weren’t all his ideas. There’s a lot of Augustine in his views
Hilaire Belloc writes about the destructive effects of the reformation in his “Europe and the Faith”. Highly recommended.
I just happened to hear about this movie the other day and then I forgot the exact title of it. So thank you for posting this link, I plan on watching it today.
I have to admit, I had never heard the claim before that Luther was a murderer.
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