For twelve years I searched through many, many different denominations. It is true that there are some protestants who have nothing in common with Luther or want nothing to do with Luther, but it is not many. The main ones that I encountered that feel that way are those of the “restoration movement”. They are what they called “non denominational” before “non denominational” became popular. Also the anabaptists, but then both of those groups had their own reformers.What form of “Protestant “ were you?
There are many “Protestant “ communions who have no more in common with Luther than they do with Rome.
For the most part, though, most protestants see Luther as a hero. In our area we used to have “reformation days” at a park, where many protestants came together to re-enact the so called evils of the Catholic church and the so called heroic acts of Luther. That type of celebration might sound like something from the time of Luther, but no, just recently.