Political Correctness

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To be politically incorrect, I think women and men have different nuances in the way they communicate. Because women are more empathetic, they tend to be more focused on feelings. Men tend to be more task driven and direct. Biology plays a big part in that.
I think a large part of that is nurture rather than nature. Boys and girls are to a large extent differently socialized.
Problem is you’ve got to associate with some people - co-workers, for example. And some people take advantage of that to get away with being offensive, and rely on the fact that you can’t refuse to aasociate with them (short of the sometimes impossible option of quitting).

Why should I (assuming I’m not being over sensitive) be punished by being forced to restrict where I go and what I do just because you can’t be an adult and choose to express yourself with a common or garden degree of tactfulness?
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I don’t know how much people choose to be offended. Example if someone called me a racial slur. My first reaction would be hurt because it was unexpected. Sure someone would argue I technically shouldn’t feel that way or let it bother me. In the moment it would be difficult for me not to let certain words offend me.
Some things said are indeed rude or offensive. I am not sure if 100% agree that it is always wrong or irrational to respond emotional to wrongs.
I do agree political correctness has stopped people from having deeper meaningful relationships. People are too afraid of offending each other instead of saying what they think is true.
I think people are still responsible for what they say and how they say it
Nature and nurture. But my point was that this particular subject is unpopular, non-PC. That’s why people have irrationally dismissed the biological aspects of it. Controlling the narrative is the goal of political correctness.
Negative. In that no one can just be themselves anymore. Fear of offending people has taken over; and the thing is that those who really could be offended haven’t said a word!
If someone told me, “i’m offended that you’re wearing a pink shirt” i’d be like get some therapy!
If anyone is “offensive” in the way you mean it then they would be out of a job that very afternoon, but some groups can be offended and others can’t so I see your point.

Your second point is a bit puzzling. Did I say anything about restricting where people go. Many years ago I was picked on and what did I do? I learnt how to fight as well as sharpened my wits and now whenever someone insults me I leave them so confused they wish they hadn’t. Perhaps you should do the same. Sharpen your wits as I did.
It’s a negative because it’s gone too far, not only with regard to language but deed. I’m talking about the MeToo movement. Of course sexual misconduct should be punished, but whatever happened to the principle of due process in the investigation of allegations? The movement has gone amok, in my view.
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