Poll: Circumcision: yes or know?

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Circumcision for your children? For? Against? Why?

The Old Covenant is fulfilled. We are not Jews. Some argue that there are health benefits, but are there? Are their health drawbacks? Is this a cultural dinosaur that needs to die?

Chris C.

oops–I meant “sons” not “sins” in question two–moderator can you fix?

Is it possible to have your sins circumcised?
and of course i meant yes or no not yes or know.
yikes–I should proofread!

Chris C.:
The Old Covenant is fulfilled. We are not Jews. Some argue that there are health benefits, but are there? Are their health drawbacks? Is this a cultural dinosaur that needs to die?
I think it probably goes beyond cultural. I think that it was more of an issue years ago when people didn’t wash themselves daily as most do now. I think it will die a natural death we seem to be headed in that direction.
Hey Arnulf–

If you are Jewish you are going to throw off my poll results

Chris C.
My wife and I did a lot of research on this one before we had our first son. As far as we can tell, there is no medical reason to have your sons circumcised. Three boys later, ages 8, 6, and 4, we have had no medical problems related to not having them circumcised.

Some in the medical establishment try to convince people that there are medical reason but I think this is misinformation. A circumcision is more money for the medical establishment, why would they support eliminating this archaic practice?

We are not Jewish. We have them baptized instead.

It is a pretty barbaric practice and obviously causes the newborn significant pain as well as risk of infection. And for what??? There is absolutely no upside to the procedure. What kind of person would cause pain to their newly born baby on a personal whim???

The most common claim that people make is that, “we didn’t want him to be different.”

My answer to that is:
  1. Only somewhere around 50% of US males are circumcised, so your son will not be in the minority.
  2. Hopefully, your son will not spend a great deal of time comparing his penis to those of other boys and hence, he will not even know that he is different.
We had our sons circumsized, but I left the decision to my husband. I asked him about it, and he said that he wanted them circumsized. I have never doubted or questioned his reasoning on this. It’s one of those areas where I have no point of reference :o

I don’t know that a causal relationship was ever established, but I’ve been told there is a correlation that women with uncircumcised partners have a higher incidence of cervical cancer. (Maybe an HPV thing?)

(Hmmm, a Google search for HPV and circumcision finds sites that seem to say there is a causal relationship, but for all I know they may be sites that already have their agenda otherwise? This is a typical hot-button topic for “religious” wars)
I have four adult sons who are not circumcised. No problems at all.

Circumcision in the United States became popular in the 1920’s as a means to prevent masturbation. I have an extensive collection of antique medical advisor books ranging from 1860-1930. Masturbation always has a chapter or two dedicated to it in these books. They believed that masturbation (self abuse or self pollution) caused a host of physical maladies. You can see in the books from the 1920’s the advise introduced to circmumcise boys to prevent this habit. They had become quite germ conscious by that era and very concerned with hygiene, and wanted to avoid any manipulation of the foreskin for cleansing which could give young boys the idea to play with themselves.

I think circumcision as a preventative for masturbation has probably been a dismal failure.
I have four adult sons who are not circumcised. No problems at all.

Circumcision in the United States became popular in the 1920’s as a means to prevent masturbation. I have an extensive collection of antique medical advisor books ranging from 1860-1930. Masturbation always has a chapter or two dedicated to it in these books. They believed that masturbation (self abuse or self pollution) caused a host of physical maladies. You can see in the books from the 1920’s the advise introduced to circmumcise boys to prevent this habit. They had become quite germ conscious by that era and very concerned with hygiene, and wanted to avoid any manipulation of the foreskin for cleansing which could give young boys the idea to play with themselves.

I think circumcision as a preventative for masturbation has probably been a dismal failure.
It is a miserable failure.
My dad who is 66 years young was not circumsised and he has had the worst problems in the last 10-15 years with pain etc.
He is extremely clean and has even gone to the doctor several times and almost had a circumcision done last year but the doctor said (at your age it will be very painful) he has said that he wishes people would think what their child may feel like as an older man someday as he is not the only person who suffers from this. People worry about the now or the little later on but what about when we are gone and our sons are older men? Then what?
You have to push the skin on the penis back and clean it every time you bathe, imagine what that would be like when you are in your 80’s & 90’s? My sister in law is a RN and has worked at nursing homes and seen many older men with this exact problem, they get sore down their because they can’t roll the skin back well by themselves to clean it but they want their pride and don’t want a nurse to do it for them. It is something to think about. 👍
I did not really have a preference one way or the other for my sons. Somewhere I read that you should take 2 factors into consideration - whether dad is circumcised and whether you live in an area where most boys are. Their dad is who they will see first and more than other people. And they will have to be in a locker room some day and teen boys can be pretty mean. So those are the only real reasons we had our sons circumcised. I had one friend who decided not to have her son circumcised and she was slightly disapproving of my choice too. I will never forget the day she came to see me a few days after my first son was born. Just as she was leaving, she spun back around and said, “Oh, and by the way, how is Todd’s penis?” :bigyikes: The look on my mom’s face was priceless. Well, Todd is 18 and he isn’t fond of that story but we have laughed over that one for years.
I do not believe in genital mutilation, regardless of the age or sex of the victim.
Well our good Lord in his infanit wisdom put it there. :o Why should we cut it off. :confused: Shure whin you get older it may be hard to keep cleen. Yet at that age thay are also some other hard to reach places that youll need help with too.

Remember as Catholics we are not suposed to multalate our bodys. 😉
I had my son circumsized, and I wasnt talked out of it by my obstetrician as he was Jewish :rotfl:

Love Kellie
My dad who is 66 years young was not circumsised and he has had the worst problems in the last 10-15 years with pain etc.
He is extremely clean and has even gone to the doctor several times and almost had a circumcision done last year but the doctor said (at your age it will be very painful) he has said that he wishes people would think what their child may feel like as an older man someday as he is not the only person who suffers from this. People worry about the now or the little later on but what about when we are gone and our sons are older men? Then what?
You have to push the skin on the penis back and clean it every time you bathe, imagine what that would be like when you are in your 80’s & 90’s? My sister in law is a RN and has worked at nursing homes and seen many older men with this exact problem, they get sore down their because they can’t roll the skin back well by themselves to clean it but they want their pride and don’t want a nurse to do it for them. It is something to think about. 👍
So, by this logic, we should all have our teeth removed when they erupt, because you have to brush them every time you eat. Not to mention orthodontics and cavities.

As for those of you who circ so that your sons will look like their father: do you get them colored contact lenses, so that everyone in the family has the same color eyes?
Hey, all I’m saying is that you can have problems with pain later in life no matter how clean you are. And please don’t say thats just a part of life, my dad is is in excellent shape and health, he is 66 and still works full time and has owned his own company for 30 years in masonry, he looks like he is 50 not 66 and in his heavy duty line of work, having your you know what giving you pain is not so fun. I’m not saying it will happen to all men but it can and I don’t like to see people say “that won’t happen to my son” I’m sure my dads parents never thought anything of it. He was a home birth and that is why he wasn’t circumcised because several years later his younger brothers were born in hospitals and were all circumcised and they have never had any problems like my dad. 👍
I hadn’t heard about the problems with pain. I have read that uncircumcised men have more sensitivity and therefore a better sexual fundtioning later in life. When the foreskin is present, it protects the penis from chafing. The uncircucised penis is moist and protected, therefore more sensitive.

My late husband was Polish, therefore uncircumcised. He never had any problen whatsoever with his penis. 😉
What a curious thread. I can’t tell whether I’m reading WebMd, Dr. Ruth, or Catholic Answers. It seems to me that the whole question comes down to a rather personal decision made for a variety of reasons, some objective and some subjective. I would imagine that both sides find their decision justified. I doubt there are many circumcised men who long for the return of their foreskins, nor are there many uncircumcised men who wish theirs’ was history. I imagine that what you like is what you got :dancing: .

As a health care professional there are some health arguments which can be made in support of circumcision as well as some that can be made against it. Parents who decide either way after reflecting on the issue should have their decision respected :hmmm: .

I think judgemental comments about genital mutilation made toward parents of circumcised sons are ludicrous and don’t make any constructive contribution to the debate :tsktsk: .
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