Poll: Circumcision: yes or know?

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And remember, when you say “suggest that parents do not do this is ridiculous and mean spirited” that goes both ways. I’ve seen alot of “because there is medical evidence that it is best” - which would suggest that those of us that do not are not making the best decision.

I meant that for which ever side of the issue you are on. I think most parents try to make the best decision with the information they have available to them.
No No No No

I cringe at the thought of it. We didnt have our son circumcised and i do not regret it. My husband isnt done and if he was circumcised and had wanted junior done it still wouldnt have happened- i wouldnt allow it. In Australia -certainly where in from- public hospitals wont do it, you have to organise it yourself through a private hospital. There it 1 hospital i know of in my state that does it.
We didn’t have it done. We didn’t see any good medical reason for it. I know that things can go wrong and my son may need one later, but he may need his appendix out at some point too, if it comes to that.

Summer Marie
🙂 There definitely seems to be two camps in regards to this subject. I can see where either side may be offended by the other sides wording. So I will try not to be offended or be offensive.

Everyone here has very personal view points and that is great. What is very evident by this thread is that we all love our kids and are trying to do what we feel is best for them.

Isn’t it wonderful to have sons? That I am sure we can all agree on.👍
I do not believe in genital mutilation, regardless of the age or sex of the victim.
So you believe God commanded genital mutilation?
So you believe God commanded genital mutilation?
Yes, he also commanded that Abraham kill his only son.

Circumcision was, in the OT context, a sacrifice made by those who had a covenant relationship with God. Now that it is not necessary, I would not do it.

I understand that the term is loaded, but I think that if you look at the definition, you will see that it is accurate.

See this article for futher explanation

God Bless,
Also- the type of circumcision performed at that time was VERY different from those performed routinely on infant boys in hospitals in the US today. There was very little of the foreskin removed.
cove said:
🙂 There definitely seems to be two camps in regards to this subject. I can see where either side may be offended by the other sides wording. So I will try not to be offended or be offensive.

Everyone here has very personal view points and that is great. What is very evident by this thread is that we all love our kids and are trying to do what we feel is best for them.

Isn’t it wonderful to have sons? That I am sure we can all agree on.👍

I second that Cove, I’m just happy we did what we felt was right for us and the rest can take care of itself, life is way too short to waste time arguing over who is right and who is wrong and pretty soon we sound like our kids fighting, God bless each and everyone of us, we are parents and we are doing the best that we can by our children and that is what is the most important.
God bless All 👍
Chris C.:
Circumcision for your children? For? Against? Why?

The Old Covenant is fulfilled. We are not Jews. Some argue that there are health benefits, but are there? Are their health drawbacks? Is this a cultural dinosaur that needs to die?

Chris C.

oops–I meant “sons” not “sins” in question two–moderator can you fix?

Is it possible to have your sins circumcised?
My husband works in emergency medicine. He says a foreskin is great if there is proper hygeine and it is ALWAYS put back after being retracted. The procedure for putting it back when it has been left retracted and the glans swells, however, is by all accounts very painful. Considering all the bad things that could happen with or without one, he voted for circumcision for our sons. I agreed with his logic.

I think Acts made it clear that this isn’t a religious question for Catholics.
We had our two sons circumsised, but none of our daughters 🙂

My sister had her two oldest boys circumcised, but not the 3rd. Two different dads. The two older boys laughed and pointed fingers at the youngest because of it.
The two older boys laughed and pointed fingers at the youngest because of it.
:crying: That is terrible, I assume the parents put a stop to that quickly. :mad:
Three sons, none circumcised. I used to work in hospitals and was often present when the newborns were being circumcised. It certainly looked and sounded barbaric to me. I swore long before I had sons that I would not allow them to be circumcised. I stuck with the decision, even though doctors tried to convince me to have the procedure done. My husband was willing to let me have my way. The boys are all in their teens and have never had any problems. No regrets.
jess7396 said:
:crying: That is terrible, I assume the parents put a stop to that quickly. :mad:

My mother ( The grandmother) did. This is one of those broken home situations. When the children have visited us, My wife and I have had to intervene on several occasions for other forms of sibling cruelty.
Prayers for those children, they are fortunate to have you, your spouse and your mother there for them.
This ritualistic mutilation really does need to stop. This was but a habit of Jewish doctors pushed on our society rather forcefully. As for the cleanliness issue, proper hygiene is all that is needed. Think of what your taking away from your sons. I had a friend who was circumcised at 16 as was custom in his native Philippines. He is a person who can attest to the difference between the two. If he had had a choice he would not have, it was imposed by his family. Think of that before you make that decision for your son. You are taking away his choice in the appearance of his own body. The one he was born into the world with as God made him.

Sorry if any of this sounds bitter but I as one who did not have a choice in his own body I just find the entire practice barbaric and unnecessary and smacking of old superstition and ignorance.
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