Great post Mel, I’m in agreement with you 

This is exactly why I did have my sons circumsized. My husband is and his father is not. He said that when he was little he felt that he was not manly like his father because he was different from the “man” that he idolized. I did this so my sons would not be different from their father.No.
We are not Jewish. We have them baptized instead.
It is a pretty barbaric practice and obviously causes the newborn significant pain as well as risk of infection. And for what??? There is absolutely no upside to the procedure. What kind of person would cause pain to their newly born baby on a personal whim???
The most common claim that people make is that, “we didn’t want him to be different.”
My answer to that is:
- Only somewhere around 50% of US males are circumcised, so your son will not be in the minority.
- Hopefully, your son will not spend a great deal of time comparing his penis to those of other boys and hence, he will not even know that he is different.
Well, I never thought I held a ‘hippy’ medical philosophy.hippie" medical philosophy (no multivitamins, no vaccines, acupuncture over podiatry http://forum.catholic.com/images/smilies/wink.gif etc.)
It has more to do with feeling masucline. I stated that my husband felt that he was not manly like his father because the male part of him that most boys and men associate with their masculinity did not look like the man that he mostly looked up to as a “man”. Of course, this is how he felt as a child. I doubt if he expressed that feeling to anyone.Well, I never thought I held a ‘hippy’ medical philosophy.
How far do you take the “so he will look like Daddy” reasoning? I have 4 sons, and penis aside, only 2 of them look even slightly like their father.
Bravo!Mama at home,
My husband did make the decision for our sons to be circumcised and as the head of our household that was totally fine with me. This is not an issue with me, I only have an issue when people try to hurt others or point fingers at others by saying that they sinned or mutilated their sons by circumcising them just like if someone came down on someone for not circumcising their sons I would get upset with that, I tend to root for the under dog so to say. I take things to heart, I hate people getting hurt, I feel for people’s pain. If it was in the bible that circumcising was a sin then I would be the first to take the side of the bible but since it is not I don’t take that stand. I’ve been told by the people who know me (not on a message board) that one of the things they like best about me is how I feel so strongly and am a very, very emotional person, thus the reputation you left me certainly stung but also shows ones true colors.
I don’t think we should attack each other personally for decisions such as this, however- IF- there is no good medical reasoning, then- I think it is a duty to “debunk” all of the myths and try to encourage people to see that this is a cosmetic surgical procedure- so that one can re-think it with future sons, or help others to make an educated decision.
It is about debating the act of circumcising ones sons- it is not about who the parents are- I believe everyone on here loves their children and wants to do what is best. When we circ.ed my first son, I THOUGHT there was adequate medical reasoning, I didn’t think about things like- “Hey- God put it there with good reason”, or- “maybe the AAP is right and it is not medically neccessary”, or “maybe that flap of skin serves a purpose”, or “maybe this is extremely painful”. I really thought I was doing the right thing, as I am sure most here did too. I am saddened to think that anyone would do it for purely cosmetic reasons (ie- to make him look like daddy- who BTW- likely has hair there too, what do you do about that? My 2 yo-circ.ed. no more looks like dh in that area than my 6 month old-uncirc.ed does).
If it weren’t for people on message boards pointing out the “other side” to me on this issue, my second son would be missing part of his penis as my first son is, I am thankful that those people trusted that I could listen to a side other than my own comfort zone and not take their discussion of a topic as a direct insult to me.
Here are some journal articles dealing with this topic and I find them more reliable than websites (no agendas here!).I don’t know that a causal relationship was ever established, but I’ve been told there is a correlation that women with uncircumcised partners have a higher incidence of cervical cancer. (Maybe an HPV thing?)
cove said:"
I guess this quote was probably directed at me, LOL
That is a good point. I had not thought of it that way in regards to daughters verses sons. And it never occured to me to view circumcision as a “cosmetic surgery”.
Oh, thankyou, I’ve been trying to word it right today and have failed very much so, but mom2boyz you have taken my thoughts and put them into words that I meant to say.I find only purpose of these polls is to divide people. As far as I know there hasn’t been anything from Rome that prohibits circumcision. That must mean it is left to the parents to make the best decision possible. To suggest that parents do not do this is ridiculous and mean spirited.
I view these polls entirely different. I see it as a forum to exchange ideas and share views and opinions, and even sometimes good information with one another. Are we only supposed to discuss things that are theological and backed by the catachism?I find only purpose of these polls is to divide people. As far as I know there hasn’t been anything from Rome that prohibits circumcision. That must mean it is left to the parents to make the best decision possible. To suggest that parents do not do this is ridiculous and mean spirited
My dad had almost the exact thing as your dad did, wow.Yes I would always have my sons circumcised. I have 3 boys and each of them had it done. I don’t think it is painful. My boys never even cried, in fact one of them slept through it.My dad wasn’t circumcised and he had to have it done when he was in his 40’s because it the tip were the foreskin is swelled shut over the tip and he couldn’t go to the bathroom. The couldn’t hardly get a cathetor in. I also have a friend whos son(he is 8) wasn’t circumcised. when he was born they lived in Washington state and their Dr. said most people chose it because of religous reasons. Well about a month and a half ago he had to have it done because of problems. I also don’t think we are mutilating our sons bodies. I know we don’t have to do it because the old covenant was fulfilled, but they still did it in the bible. And Jesus was circumcised, so between all that, that is good enough for me.