Poll: Circumcision: yes or know?

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I see circumcision as one of these things. You don’t have to, but there probably was a reason why God has His people do it. (I’m thinking in addition to identifying them as His chosen people.)

Maybe God saw it as a bit of “preventive maintenance”. He is all-knowing after all… 😃
We had our sons circumcised. The doctor warned us about penile cancer for uncircumcised males. Cancer runs rampant in my family and since all of the men in my family have been circumcised, I didn’t know if penile cancer would also be one the the killers for my kiddos. If I can avoid a kind of cancer for them, then I will. My sister, however, did not have her boys circumcised because she wanted them to “fully enjoy the marital bed.” I believe that to be a very secular reason.
Please be aware that your sons could still get penile cancer, circumcision lowers the risk, but does not eliminate the risk. Your sons are at higher risk for breast cancer than they are for penile cancer. Also- penile cancer is very easily detected, whereas breast cancer is not.

I do not think your sister’s reasoning should be considered “secular” necessarily, God did design boys with a foreskin, so I don’t think there is anything “secular” about keeping their genitals intact, and recognizing that it does change sexual function to remove the foreskin. God created us to enjoy the marital embrace, there is nothing wrong or “secular” about that IMO.
Actually, there is an organization dedicated to restoring men to their pre-circumcision state, and wouldn’t you know it, they have a website!
Here’s another avenue to pursue…


Heaven knows you can buy anything else there!

Just heard about an anti-aging face cream that is made from circumcised foreskins:eek: . . .might want to as the hospital what they do with them. . .God also had a reason to put foreskins there in the first place did He not!! ?
My sons are not circumcised. My husband is and did not want that for his sons. I think the word mutilate is fair. That said, I do NOT think that parents who have their children circumcised are bad parents necessarily. In the procedure, healthy tissue is purposely removed. Breast cancer runs in my family, but as yet, I don’t have it, and I am not planning on mutilating myself with a radical mascectomy. Perhaps if I get cancer, I will have the procedure.
There are many arguments for and against circumcision.
Is it mutilation? For some they may have that opinion, but remember that is an opinion and only that.
Is it a sin to have your son circumcised? No Way, Jesus himself was circumcised. This is a very touchy subject because if you had your son’s circumcised you don’t want someone to come along and tell you that you were sinning, mutilating your child etc. and if you didn’t have your son circumcised you don’t want to hear anything that makes you feel your choice wasn’t right either.
Is it a sin to circumcise? Nope
Is it a personal decison? Yes
God Bless You All 🙂
Yes I would always have my sons circumcised. I have 3 boys and each of them had it done. I don’t think it is painful. My boys never even cried, in fact one of them slept through it. 😛 My dad wasn’t circumcised and he had to have it done when he was in his 40’s because it the tip were the foreskin is swelled shut over the tip and he couldn’t go to the bathroom. The couldn’t hardly get a cathetor in. I also have a friend whos son(he is 8) wasn’t circumcised. when he was born they lived in Washington state and their Dr. said most people chose it because of religous reasons. Well about a month and a half ago he had to have it done because of problems. I also don’t think we are mutilating our sons bodies. I know we don’t have to do it because the old covenant was fulfilled, but they still did it in the bible. And Jesus was circumcised, so between all that, that is good enough for me.
My wife will deliver a son in 4-5 weeks. I will have him circumcised…because I dont want to feel different.


When I worked in a hospital, I was often present in the early morning hours when the baby boys were being circumcised. They screamed in pain and that’s when I decided that if I ever had children, the boys would not be circumcised. Now, I have three girls and three boys. My husband went along with my strong feeling against messing around with our little boys’ private parts. The boys are now teenagers and have had no health problems as a result of not being circumcised. We have no regrets.
Hmmmm, this is way too long for me to read every post, but it does interest me because I have six children (one to be born in Oct.), and four are boys. My husband is Jewish (he converted six years after our marriage), and I always thought (as a lukewarm Catholic at the time of our marriage, with no real thought that my hubby would convert) that we would circumsize.

However, we just couldn’t bring ourselves to do it, and since we had both agreed that our kids would be raised Catholic, we didn’t see any reason for it (if our kids were to be raised Jewish, we could see a religious reason for it). So, we didn’t do it. For us personally, it was a good decision. There have been no problems whatsoever.

Now, as devout Catholics, both my husband and I understand baptism as the fulfillment of circumcision.

As far as why God asked for circumcision as the sign of His covenant with the Hebrew people, I remember hearing an AMAZING explanation of that while listening to a Christopher West seminar on tape. It had to do with the Jewish bridegroom sacredly revealing himself to his bride upon their consummation, and it (as all nuptial symbolism does) finds its fulfillment in Christ on the Cross. Christ is the ultimate Bridegroom and as He gave His life for His Bride (the Church), He was not wearing a loincloth as artwork depicts. The Romans were not interested in preserving the modesty of those whom they were crucifying, so Jesus would have been unclothed.

Anyway, Chris West goes on in his explanation, and since it has been years since I’ve heard it, I had better just leave those of you who are interested to find his materials. It is breathtaking, though. And it gave me a whole new perpective on the theology of circumcision.
To reply to Ms. Cilantro–I have heard from many health care people that a bris is MUCH more humane than the standard hospital procedure–maybe that’s why I can accept the religious rite more easily.

Also–remember Paul says circumcision is not a part of following Christ–so scripturally we are closer to no-circ than circ. Historically too most Catholics have not been Circumcised.
With the help of his doctor and the leading SD Childrens Urologist, we did not have this done for our son. The reason is medical so that corrections can be made as an adult if he so chooses. Otherwise, the answer would be, I have no idea. Since he is our only son at the moment, we’ll have to decide when the time arrives.
Thank you so much Shari, I finally feel like I’m not alone 😃
My dad was not circumcised because he was a home birth and now that he is 65 years old he said he might as well just deal with it but he has had alot of problems and urinary tract infectons and general irritation, mainly in summer when his jeans rub(my mom has told me all this as my dad would have a cow if he thought she had said anything) he considered having it done but the doctor said at his age the pain would be bad and he would miss some work and my dad won’t miss work, he’ll live with pain over that ( he is so stubborn) Anyway, my sister in law is an RN and she is on the delivery floor and she has assissted in tons of circumcision’s and she said each baby reacts differently, if you can have someone stroke the babies face or offer a pacifier and speak comfort they do just great she said, they don’t like being naked and she said that even the uncircd babies cry like insanity when they are not clothed, so that just doesn’t hold water for her as she has seen tons of them.
I was with all three of my sons and they didn’t even let out a peep, it was amazing to watch and we prayed over our sons before, during and after and the doctor let me touch my sons and I let them suck my finger for comfort, not a peep, that is no lie .
It is just so personal, no answer is wrong, its not wrong to circumcise and its not wrong not to circumcise. But for the person who posted her sons never had any trouble with pain not being circd, my dad didn’t have this until he turned 60, so it is hard to say if it will ever be a problem or not. 🙂
Galatians 5:6 In Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor the lack of it counts for anything; only faith, which expresses itself through love.

1Cor7:17 This is the rule I give in all the churches. Was someone called after he had been circumcised? He should not try to hide his circumcision. Did the call come to another who had never been circumcized? He is not to be circumcised. Circumcision counts for nothing, and its lack makes no difference either. What matters is keeping God’s commandments.

I think you all have broken a record for the longest post so far!


I would recommend anyone considering this issue to read the book:
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Circumcision. Very interesting and insightful.
Every parenting/Family board I go to always has the one post about circumcision. Its one of those touchy topics that is very heated and locked by days end…there are pros and there are cons (but isn’t that life in general?). I don’t believe there is a right or wrong answer in the big scheme of things, on a personal level that is a different story.

In the end, I believe people do what they think is best for their sons -if it is preserving their genitals or reducing the risk of disease. I don’t believe parents wake up and say “Hrmmm…today I think I will mutilate my son”. I think/hope the thinking is “I’m going to make the best decision that I believe my son will benefit from”.
Yes and No…

My first son was circumsized, no problem, my second son had his gential sack slightly too close to the membrane at birth so the doctor said, wait until he’s 2 years old to have the procedure done, because after so many days they have to resort to putting the child to sleep for the procedure. Anytime you put someone to sleep there are many risk factors, brain damage for one.

My son is three now, and circumcision is not even a concern for us anymore. I think either way is fine. My father is 76 years old and he was never circumsized and he’s always been in great health.

Doesn’t it make you wonder why after a certain number of days a male needs to be put under general anesthesia? I mean, really- does anyone think that newborns feel less pain or something?

I am a huge pro-life activist and one of the things we are realizing is that fetuses feel great pain, pain receptors mature as we grow, so it only makes sense that a newborn would actually be in more pain than an older child/adult male. I don’t understand why this myth is perpetuated by pro-circ. people (not aimed at you Buckeyejoe, but at your Dr.).
Here’s another Jew to skew your results. 😃 But I am a Christian so I count.

We have a 6 month old boy and he was circumcised. There are few good reasons.
  1. All the latest research (and believe me we have done the research) from the top medical institutions and publications show that there is a significantly higher percentage of urinary tract infections among uncircumcised children. There are also severl other health conisderations that have been mentioned.
Also, not to sound like a regional snob (my region is a cultural cesspool afer all) but in Boston we have the best medical institutions in the world. And our son was born at one of the finest birthing hospitals in the country and they certainly backed up the pro-circumcision position, while leaving it up to the parents with no pressure either way. I trust these folks much more than I do the anti-circumcision medical professional I have read. The anti’s I have been referred to tend to rely on outdated or faulty data and usully use a good dose of philosophy over medicine. In short they tend to be in league with those who subscribe to “hippie” medical philosophy (no multivitamins, no vaccines, acupuncture over podiatry 😉 etc.)
  1. I think it is important for a son to “look” like daddy. It will save a lot of confusions.
  2. There is no evidence whatsover that circumcision emotionally harms child. Considering it was a God instituted practice we should trust that God would not harm his children with what He has commanded.
All that being said, no Christian should circumcize their sons for religious reasons. This would violate the clear command of scripture. But for cultural and medical reasons it makes perfect sense.

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