Poll: Circumcision: yes or know?

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I’m with you, there are so many other issues that are in need of energy such as saving unborn babies, this is starting to get way too silly. I’ll leave it to those who have nothing better to do with their time. I think I’m going to focus my energy on my family and my faith. Peace 👍
I will say that this thread has to win the award for most use of the word “penis.”

That’s certainly not something you can say about many Catholic discussion threads, now is it? :eek:

Your point seems to come down to “no proven medical advantage” equals “no good reason”, and that seems to be a pretty subjective argument related to the tipping point at which “reason” becomes “good reason” (my God, I sound like Bill Clinton! :eek: ).

I guess this is where the free will that God gave us comes into play. In the absence of objective truth, you weigh the evidence and make the best decision you can given human intellect and a formed conscience. At that point, while your resulting decision might be different from mine, neither one is objectively better or worse than the other.

There, I said I would shut up and I lied. See what you made me do?
I will say that this thread has to win the award for most use of the word “penis.”
That’s certainly not something you can say about many Catholic discussion threads, now is it? :eek:

Your point seems to come down to “no proven medical advantage” equals “no good reason”, and that seems to be a pretty subjective argument related to the tipping point at which “reason” becomes “good reason” (my God, I sound like Bill Clinton! :eek: ).

I guess this is where the free will that God gave us comes into play. In the absence of objective truth, you weigh the evidence and make the best decision you can given human intellect and a formed conscience. At that point, while your resulting decision might be different from mine, neither one is objectively better or worse than the other.

There, I said I would shut up and I lied. See what you made me do?
Chris C.:
Circumcision for your children? For? Against? Why?

The Old Covenant is fulfilled. We are not Jews. Some argue that there are health benefits, but are there? Are their health drawbacks? Is this a cultural dinosaur that needs to die?
It’s only in America that circumcision is routine–in many other countries, it is considered unnatural and needlessly cruel. There are also potential dangers in the procedure to your newborn son. It’s a personal decision between a husband and wife that the baby really won’t remember in years to come but for us, we just didn’t think it was a medical need. My husband could barely tolerate the boys getting their heels pricked for blood! (It helped that our first child was born in Greece where it’s never done.)
Hi all,
I think that the decision whether or not to circumcise should be made by both parents after having done as much research as possible. It should not be done cavalierly or for cosmetic reasons.
Certainly it is morally appropriate if mandated by your religion, as in the case of Jesus, an observant Jew.

I am sorry if the definition that I posted about mutilation offended anyone, but I think that the issue needs serious reflection and research before such an irreversable choice is made. Circumcision permanently amputates part of the body. Not something I would do so that my son would look like his daddy.

Maybe the rest of the world is right, and American society is wrong on this one. I think more people are starting to come around on this issue.

My personal thoughts are that this is up to a husband, wife and God. Its ok for all of us to have our personal decision on this topic and it seems that its just that a personal decision. My wife and I chose to have our sons circumcised, I was not and my 6 brothers were not but my wife and I read anything we could get on the subject during her pregnancies and weighed the pro’s and con’s, spoke with other parents who had chose circumcision or not to circumcise and then we prayed, lots of prayer and even talked to our parish priest and deacon and we felt really good about our decision and have never once looked back or felt we made a bad decision, we didn’t do it lightly, we thought about it for nine months and looked into it heavily and were open to either. I think some people don’t even think about it and we were just the other end we wanted to be involved in every aspect of the pregnancy down to pain meds for my wife, how long her hospital stay would be, we really got into every step and feel so great that we did.

We have no son(s) as of yet…And this is an arguement already between me and my husband… I say absolutely if we have a son he will be circumsized…And my husband says"over his dead body will that ever happen to a son of his… So God will have say over this arguement is he ever sends us a boy…

Jesus was… and He said Follow Him so that is what I will do…🙂
For what it’s worth (and if anyone is still reading), my husband is an ob/gyn and performs the procedure routinely. He does NOT do it for the money and does NOT advocateit for that or any other reason–he does it if parents want it because he is an excellent surgeon who will do it correctly. He is Eastern Orthodox but has attended the Catholic church with me every Sunday for about the last 15 years, so he is no foreigner to our beliefs; he does not disagree with them on religious grounds.

That said, he does think the procedure is unnecessary and barbaric. He performs hundreds of the surgeries a year, and the babies are indeed bothered by the surgery. My only personal experience was at a bris, and I found it grueling, not something I could perform as a surgeon regularly. They do strap babies down, the babies do tend to be anguished (although I am sure there are antectdotal exceptions).

So of course, our three boys are not circumcised, and as he was born in Libya (where it is not done in a hospital), neither is he. It was a no-brainer for us. One thing on the other side I will note, although it does not change my plans for our fourth son due in Sept., is that we subsequently have moved to a much less diverse area where I suspect the procedure is more routine. My boys will probably be more different here than they were in our previous big city home, but thanks be tto God, we have so many of them they have each other for company. We wouldn’t do anything different had we known our future.
Here’s an interesting link from my doctor’s web page.

In the first paragraph, the author of this article claims that the Catholic church issues a rule prohibiting cicumcision in the 19th century and cites his source in the footnotes at the end of the article.

Thats pretty one sided, I have searched online and have found just as many articles that say the Catholic church leaves it up to the parents to decide. Try google and you could spend all week reading articles for and against it and millions of doctors who have written their own opinions, reasons to or not to circumcise etc.
If I was to post them I would spend countless hours trying to get them all in, again, it comes down to a parents personal decision and one parent may find that it is immoral and find facts to support that claim and another parent will say it is not immoral and find facts on that claim as well. 👍
I am Jewish and was not Catholic yet when my sons where 8 days old. My husband was. We had a bris for each of them. Wine soaked gause wrapped around my pinky made the perfect binky during the procedure. Vacinations were much more distressing to my little guys. Should have thought of bringing wine and gause to the pediatrician’s office. For those who think the procedure is a form of mutilation why is it not mutilation if done for religious reasons? I don’t think it is mutilation. I think God had more in mind then just a sign of those entering the covenant.
Ms. Cilantro
A lot of interesting points made. I’m still young, so no sons, but this is my belief in the matter.

There are a lot of “rules” God gave to His chosen people in the Old Testament. Now that we are more “enlightened,” we tend to see some real value in these rules. For example, Don’t eat meat that is bloody. Anyone today could tell you why.

I see circumcision as one of these things. You don’t have to, but there probably was a reason why God has His people do it. (I’m thinking in addition to identifying them as His chosen people.) Maybe in 50 years, there won’t be as much debate of whether the good benefits or the bad effects weigh more. Maybe it will be more obvious, just like bloody meat. That is the side I’m leaning toward.

(I realize this may now start a whole argument on bloody meat now…)

BTW, the modern way of spelling Unix is Mac OS X. 😉
Well, i heard that the reason for this was because, if you dont do it, it’s hard to clean around the loose skin, and if you dont clean it good, it could get infected, and cause them more pain than a circumcision could.
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