Poll: Circumcision: yes or know?

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You just keep hitting the nail right on.
You are writing exactly what I’m thinking! 🙂
Great minds think alike, eh? 👍
First of all–thanks to all who are participating in this survey.

I know this is a small sample size, but the folks who seem to oppose circumcision appear to feel fairly strongly about their opposition and have clear reasons for opposing the practice. I don’t even know if it’s fair to call supporters “supporters”. With the exeception of those who cite personal anecdotal medical evidence in favor of the surgery, most seem to be doing this as part of a cultural wave they can’t really justify. I do think it will die away–until the Muslims overrun the West, that is! Then female suffrage will die away, too! (Hmmmm, I think I just thought of another poll…)

Chris C.
If it was good enough for Jesus then its good enough for me.

This is not the same as abortion, this is not a problem with Jesus, how could it be a problem with Jesus when he himself was circumcised?

This is not abortion, this is not mutilation.

My sons screamed like insane when they have their immunizations done and some say those are not nessessary either(some people do believe immunizations are not nessessary)
so, I must be mutilating my children when they get their shots, and believe me, they screamed like crazy at immunizations and not a peep in circumcision, they were looking around the room and sucking on my finger 👍
Can you please try to answer the heart of the issue in the question I posed two times earlier?

Also, go back and read what I said about abortion. I did not compare the two acts. I compared the “reasoning” you used. That comparison holds.

Ok, I’ll give you that maybe you could argue its imorally wrong in some cultures but is it wrong in the Catholic church?? No it is not for if it was we would be told from the pulpit as we are told that abortion is wrong and living together before marriage is wrong etc.
But is circumcision frowned upon in the Catholic church?

Ham1, you feel it is imoral and I’m sure there is a percentage of Americans who feel the same way and I bet there are just as many who feel that it is not.

Its your view and that is all I’m getting at, I’m thrilled my sons are circumcised just like Joseph and Mary had Jesus circumcised and if thats imoral maybe you can take that up with Jesus someday.
Do more research, their is a link between penile cancer and lack of circumcision, not to mention other diseases. Everybody wants to throw out information from the medical community as if they are all lyers. The vast vast majority of them are good people trying to do good work.

If for eg. they show that there is a greater chance of developing penile cancer for those who are not circumsized then so be it. Just accept it. If the risk is small, then it is probably not a problem.

I was circumsized as a babe and my two boys, three and one are not, however the more I research it the more I am considering having them circumsized.

If we do it purely for cosmetic reasons then it is wrong, if their is an advantage, medically/health etc to being circumized, then theoretically speaking it shold be the more common practice.
The risk of cancer is miniscule, regardless of circumcision status (and not all who develop penile cancer are intact, so circumcision isn’t even a preventative). I mean, we’re talking odds that are in the single digits per 100,000 men.

Unfortunately, in the US, many drs are woefully undereducated about the care and treatment of one who is intact. And as far as correlation of STDs–a far more salient factor than circumcision status is whether the man in question has practiced chastity (before and during marriage) or not. I’ve researched extensively, and never found anything that has caused me to rethink the intact status of my sons.

And that is great for you and your family, you made that decision for your family.
My husband and I made the decision for our boys to be circumcised and the fact that my dad has had alot of troubles with his uncircumcised penis and terrible irritation did play a big role in our decision. But it was our decision and I was Never told by our priest that we should not circumcise our sons, that it was immoral, sinful etc.
You should not have to defend this decision that you made and we should not have to defend ours, to me, this is really a non issue when there are alot bigger issues in the world, such as abortion, sex before marriage, drugs, drinking, not attending church etc. This really should not be something that Christians need to argue over, its like two children saying my way of thinking is right, no mine is. Either way is the right way. Jesus was circumcised so were his parents wrong? Is it sinning to circumcise our sons? I don’t think so. So if its just a matter of the fact that it causes pain (which my husband guarantees he doesn’t remember) well, my son fell and needed stitches and it was awful and he didn’t want them and I made him and it was horrible and it was painful and it was two years ago and does he remember it? Nope!
If I had had sons, I would probably HAVE had them circumcised, not knowing any better. In fact, until I learned differently I had urged my daughter to have my grandson circumcised. (I’m glad she didn’t.)Now my views are way different. The Bible very clearly tells us in the NT that Jesus has changed all this. Baptizm has replaced circumcision. (I don’t recall exactly, but I believe it’s in
1 Cor.) Any Jew believing in Jesus and in the NT would also be exempt from any further circumcisions. As far as health reasons…well, I suppose it’s how clean the child is kept.
It’s certainly a valid concern, though.
But you can’t take away the fact that Jesus himself was circumcised and you can’t take away the fact that even a small percent that it may be like my dad have suffered (this man is so clean, so don’t even suggest thats it) he has suffered on and off for 15 years with irritation and wished so many, many, many times that his mother would have been able to have a hosptial birth and he could have been circumcised like his brothers.

If it is a sin let the pope, priests etc. get it across clearly that we must not circumcise our sons. We took baptisim classes with each of our four kids and the priest never said (by the way, if you have a boy, don’t circumcise him cause its a sin) we hadn’t had our children yet, he had plenty of time to let the class know, if its a boy you just don’t circumcise them, its wrong, its sinning, never happened.

We hear about abortion, homosexuals, living in sin before marriage, divorce, not attending church, not living a christian life, but I have never heard a sermon that says we should not have our son’s circumcised.

There are pro’s and con’s people, you want to not circumcise your kid? Good for you, great. I want to circumcise my kid, and now I’m wrong, or I didn’t know better., I tortured my baby, yadda, yadda, please, tell it to Mary and Joseph in heaven, how could you have circumcised Jesus 👍
Gee, I didn’t know this was such a big issue. Wow, quite a debate going. Frankly, I’m sorta surprised that someone’s Dad would talk about his penis problems with his daughter. I think that’s odd, no offense.

I think, on the religious side of things, this was thouroughly addressed by Paul, who said that it is a non-issue for Christians. I do know that it does not eliminate masturbation and that uncircumcised penises are pretty good, but so are circumcised ones.
Hey whitedove, its my mom who is like my best friend next to my husband of course that has told me all this, if my dad thought she told me he would die. But he did tell my mom that he sure hoped his grandsons would not have to go through what he has had to.

My dad is very personal and only tells this stuff to my mom but my mom and I share between us everything practically and she shared this with me 👍
Jesus was circ’ed. My boys are too. So has been (I assume) every male in my family line back to Abraham.

I couldn’t read all of the replies in the thread because I was getting tired of the strong opinions against circumcision. If you don’t want to circumcise then thats fine. That is your opinion and choice. It is not required as a Catholic. But it is not a barbaric procedure and it is acceptable for a Catholic to circumcise. Our Lord and Savior was probably circumcised. For me this is a conection to my Jewish roots.

It seems that the anti-circ people are on a mission. There are much better causes! 👍
Jesus Was circumcised 🙂

I agree that there are so many other bigger issues that need to be taken up and need our attention.

God Bless
We had our first son circumcised and after doing research (and him having a problem from the circ.) we decided not to have #2 circ.ed and won’t ever have another boy of ours circ.ed without the prescence of a medical problem which could only be solved that way.

As far as doing it to an infant, to avoid the slim possibility that it would be needed as an adult, please be aware that in every way an infant’s nervous system/pain response is stronger (ie- less pain threshold) than an adults- so if the cream (EMLA) is so great at numbing up the newborns, the adult men would surely be just fine :thumb. (It’s jut that adult men could express any pain they would have) As for penile cancer- your son has a better chance of getting breast cancer, but I don’t know of any people having their son’s breast tissue removed at birth as a preventative measure.

ITA with the definition of genital mutilation (although I know that is painful to hear) and yes, Jesus was circ.ed as at that time it was required by God, if it were still a requirement (ie- if I were a Jew) I would listen to God’s word as well, but, it is no longer necessary in terms of faith.

I firmly believe that God created my son’s just perfectly and not in need of immediate surgical correction.

Another site I visit a mom has a signature line that says, “If men were meant to have a foreskin, they would be born with one.” So true!
Thats great that you chose not to have your other son circ’d and thats great that my husband and I chose to have our son’s circ’d
You were not sinning not have your son circ’d and we were not sinning have our son’s circ’d.

So, you can feel great about your decision and we can feel great about ours.

How many times does it have to be said that their are Pro’s and Con’s on both sides???

I can freely admit that their would be pro’s to not circumcising and I can admit that their are also some con’s so as a parent I weighed my decision very, very carefully and prayfully.

But, everyone who chose to not circumcise their sons just can’t admit that their can be pro’s and con’s, its like (my way is the only way becasue, this, and this)

This is one area that Jesus left up to the parents and we should be supporting eachother instead of trying to tear eachother down.
I have yet to meet the male who hasn’t that didn’t wish he had… make sence?.. 👍
What I really can’t figure out is why people feel so strongly about this that they are admonishing others who don’t think the way they do?

I stated my reasons for wanting to circumsize. I am comfortable with it. It is not against Church teaching. If others wish to do otherwise, I really could give a hoot. Just stop being so self-righteous to those who think otherwise, please.
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