Sorry, I thought you posted that is was mutilation and you did not, so sorry.
All I have ever said was that this is a personal decision for a parent to make, I can’t choose if its right for your family and vise versa. And I can see that there can be pro’s and con’s to both sides.
That is all I have ever tried to state.
I was stating only that it is possible for later in life problems to arise as it did for my dad and my dad found out from several doctors that he was not the first patient to complain of such problems.
All, I’m trying to get across is #1 personal decision for parents to make #2 for people who say nothing will ever happen if you are not circ’d as far as pain later on, that is not always true.
So, each parent must make a decision that is right for them.
I’m not saying one is right or wrong both are fine.
Jesus was circumcised so I feel very good with my decision for my sons, my dad’s parents did not have him circumcised, thats fine, that was the decision they made and thats great.
In the end its up to the parents,