The Church is very direct on the immorality of contraception.
Which act, I am told, is determined by intent. So if the intent to prevent pregnancy is what turns a pill containing estrogen and progesterone (two naturally occurring hormones) into a contraceptive, how does it not follow that the same intent to avoid pregnancy turns calculated abstinence into a form of contraception as well?
If NFP is considered immune to the effects of purpose and intent simply because singular acts are unimpeded, that is an arbitrary and relativistic distinction.
The pill does not impede acts either. Taking it provides the body with a steady stream of estrogen and progesterone, which suppresses the body’s own production of certain hormones from the pituitary gland. Without FSH, the ovaries will not be stimulated to develop new follicles into eggs. Without a drop in estrogen, no egg will be released (ovulation).
Similarly, without the rise and drop in estrogen, the uterus will not develop a thick endometrial lining. It is important to note here: I often read about how the Pill “thins the lining” and “makes it hostile to the embryo.”
This denotes a profound misunderstanding of the menstrual cycle. The pill does not “thin” the lining. It prevents the uterine walls from developing endometrial lining to start with, as a result of the same action that prevents ovulation.
Normally, the luteal phase of a woman’s cycle is when the endometrial lining is shed. Please note, any hypothetical embryos in the neighborhood will find her uterus “hostile” to implantation. No lining = poor implantation conditions.
This is a normal, natural occurance. The pill works by using the very same hormones already at work in the body to lock her cycle into a pre-follicular phase.
It does not use barriers. It puts her cycle into neutral gear, and holds it there indefinitely.
Now, I keep reading and hearing about how the pill prevents “sharing everything” with your spouse, as if the Pill is sitting in bottom of the uterus shooting down incoming sperm like a demented version of Spaced Invaders.
The truth is, Pill users are doing the same thing NFP users do - taking advantage of the non-fertile phase of a woman’s cycle. One group does it by (name removed by moderator)utting hormones into the system to lock her into the infertile phase of her cycle. The other by taking careful note of system output - data from cervical mucous, temperature readings, etc. to specifically time intercourse to…take place again when a woman is infertile.
Now, someone will breathlessly tell me how NFP is still different because the pill is still an active outside agent working on the reproductive system to render it inert.
I would say all the charting, classes, temp readings, mucous sampling, etc. are actions taken to directly render the sexual act infertile as well.
It’s just taking the end run approach.
Same intent though.