Poll on contraception

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With this mind, NFP is just another sort of contraception. It is not a catholic perspective.

But no. That is not was are are called as Catholics. We should be open to life. That is mean that conception is never exclued not in our mind not in every marital act. We never forget that end, even if we are not trying to achieve.
and it’s super easy to use that straw man as a bad representation of most people that use contraception.
Most of them are middle-class families just trying to keep it together. but it’s way easier to be ideological when we don’t look at them as people with legitimate issues…
It’s medical, and as NFP is a medically developed method and wasn’t invented by the Catholic Church, it’s accurate.
Yes and no.

First, NFP is not a method but an unbrella term for different methods that share the same proprieties and goals.

You are right that the first methods based on women cycle to help conception to trying to avoid, are not born in Church circles, but Catholics have greatly contribute to create modern method of fertility observation, to develop them and diffuse them.

The antic form of nfp the Ogino-Knauss method had been broadcast in the dutch catholic community in the 1930’s.

We would probably never had the diversity method we have today, in the same time without the catholic contribution.

Without writing the whole history because I don’t know all, The Billings method had been create because of Church teaching, BBT experiences and later standards had been established by Catholics, and many STM methods have been created by Catholics.

And some US Catholics Universities as Creighton, Marquette, Georgetown have also contributed to conceptualization and diffusion on some methos of NFP.

In a French poll on birth control that had been made in France in early 1960’s, I remember that All(yes, of course that is just a poll based on representative quotas, not a census of all the population, you can object), the respondants that have answer BBT method, are Catholics. Whixh is not the case of others methods, including rythm.

Of course their are some NFP (or FAM) organization that had since their creating no link with any Church ethic. For exemple LAM. But they are not the majority.

And to object, not all the medical community agree that NFP methods are contraception.
I have my medical file. It is writte in black and white “none” to the contraception question. even if after the medical staff have write what you consider to be an oxymoron.

The medical staff can inform patients of the existance of nfp and the different methods and refer to organization. But they cannot teach people. First they had no time for that, then, they are not qualify, unless thay made the choice to be trained in one particular method.

For exemple, I was told by my midwife their is no professional health care trained in nfp in our area. (which is not true, but almost true).

When we read some article in newspaper and others medias sign by medical doctors, even proeminent gy-ob, the ignorence of some methods and the imprecision and even false affirmations are enormous.
It tends to improove with the diffusion of internet, but very slowly.
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