Poll saying white Catholics embrace same-sex marriage than other Americans

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Actually no it won’t. What you just said is a lie. Do you have any medical or scientific evidence, not religious, to back that up? I can assure you there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to your contrary, which in fact, makes your Truth a lie. :rolleyes:
It is a scientific fact that the brain release large amounts of dopamine during masturbation. These feel good chemicals are what form addictions. What kind of science are you into, theCrow? 😛
Quite ironic that so many kill themselves and others convinced their Truth, and their God alone is correct, isn’t it?
Its not ironic that peoples’ misinterpretation of the truth leads to destruction. Kind of like your misinterpretation of the truth regarding gravity, for instance. It will certainly harm you as a consequence if you choose to live by the lie that gravity isnt real. Whos truth was right? Well, the only truth that exists, was right.
Actually masturbation will indeed hurt us. It becomes an addiction and it makes us selfish. People with addictions will stop at nothing in order to feed their habits. The dopamine release and habit forming chemicals are also “doctor supported.”

Btw, welcome back to the forums theCrow 😉
Actually, it will not. That is a lie. Therefore your TRUTH is incorrect. Therefore you lose all credibility. Masturbation will NOT hurt us.

There are no harmful side effects of masturbation. Medical science has debunked many myths formally associated with masturbation, such as hair growing on the palms, insanity, or that masturbation will drain excessive energy from the body.

•Some people report feeling guilty about masturbating. Negative feelings associated with any behavior can threaten a person’s health and well being.

•The American medical community pronounced masturbation as normal in the 1972 publication Human Sexuality.

Reasons given by people who masturbate include:

•To experience pleasure

•To relieve tension (sexual tension or general tension)

•To relieve stress

•To engage in sex when a partner is unavailable or does not want to have sex

•To relax

•To learn about what feels good to them and how they like to be stimulated or pleasured

The following are myths relating to masturbation that are unfounded in medical and social science.

•Only people, who cannot find sexual partners; or who are socially inadequate masturbate.

•Masturbation leads to physical problems such as mental illness and growing hair on your palms.

•Masturbation “ruins” a person for partner sex.

•Men will run out of semen or sperm if they masturbate excessively.

•Others, including medical doctors and sexual partners, will be able to tell if you masturbate.

A number of studies have proven the benefits of self-pleasuring to mental, social and physical health.

•Masturbation alleviates premenstrual tension for many women.

•Masturbation provides a healthy sexual outlet for people who choose to abstain from sex with partners or who do not currently have available sexual partners.

•Masturbation can be a route to safer sex, to help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

•Masturbation allows for sexual pleasuring for those who are not ready to engage in vaginal, anal or oral sex.

•Increases blood flow to the genital region, which can help overall sexual functioning.

•Masturbation can induce sleep.

•Masturbation allows people to become familiar and comfortable with their body.

•Masturbation is often suggested as a therapeutic technique for overcoming sexual dysfunction.

•For women, it can help them learn how to achieve orgasm.

•For men, it can help them increase ejaculatory control and manage rapid or delayed ejaculation.

•Masturbation can help alleviate stress.
Got it.

But that isn’t really an argument against same-sex marriage. Marriage has always been abused. And, as I said before, I don’t see millions of people demanding to marry a blood relative. But I do see millions of people in valid relationships asking to receive the benefits they are already paying for in their tax dollars.

Now, I understand that those who wish to marry their siblings or whatever also pay their taxes. But, again, there is not a substantial amount of these people who are making demands. If they were, then you would have a point.
It’s an argument for equal protection. Discrimination needs at least a legitimate government interest. What is that interest? Why are we elevating certain couples?
I originally came here out of curiosity for the catholic faith. Perhaps even seeking a church. But I soon found myself being attacked for having two fathers, having my family insulted, and told I had been deprived of something.
Your hurt is understandable, but not objective. Sorry if that’s blunt. I’m reminded of a story I recently read in which two deaf parents had a deaf child and were advised by the doctor that the child’s deafness could be at least partially corrected with a surgery if it was done before he turned 5. The parents were highly offended that the doctor considered deafness to be inferior to partial hearing and refused to consider it.

This is you. In your love for the men who have been fathers to you, you’ve lashed out and implicitly declared there to be nothing particularly special about mothers or motherhood. After all, you haven’t “been deprived of something” right? Yes you have. You never knew your mother. Fathers are fine things (being one myself), but children do suffer when they have no mother.

I do not doubt that your fathers did the best they could and love you very much. But this is no reason to denigrate motherhood or to declare it of no special value (or no value beyond the benefit of having a ‘Parent A and Parent B’ of any variety).
Most gay couples do not care if you “endorse” their relationship. But the government has an obligation to.
That’s just my point, where are you getting this jurisprudential notion that any particular relationship has to be endorsed?

In order to grant special status, there first has to be a government interest. What is that interest?
It’s an argument for equal protection. Discrimination needs at least a legitimate government interest. What is that interest? Why are we elevating certain couples?
I just find it interesting that this “issue” is raised only when gay couples are allowed to enter into a civil marriage. I heard no one saying straight couples were being given special interests before the social tide began to turn in the direction of marriage equality.

Also, for the record, I’ve always supported the idea that “marriage” could be left to the churches and the government perform civil unions for any couple. I see no problem there, because even if that were implemented (which we both know never will be), no one entering into these civil unions, gay or straight, would say they were “civil unioned” - they would still say they were married.

I think as long as same sex marriage remains a civil matter and that churches are not forced to perform them (which I also doubt will ever happen, despite the scare tactics I’ve seen here), then churches have nothing to back up their insistence that civil marriage remain solely for heterosexual people.
Your hurt is understandable, but not objective. Sorry if that’s blunt. I’m reminded of a story I recently read in which two deaf parents had a deaf child and were advised by the doctor that the child’s deafness could be at least partially corrected with a surgery if it was done before he turned 5. The parents were highly offended that the doctor considered deafness to be inferior to partial hearing and refused to consider it.

This is you. In your love for the men who have been fathers to you, you’ve lashed out and implicitly declared there to be nothing particularly special about mothers or motherhood. After all, you haven’t “been deprived of something” right? Yes you have. You never knew your mother. Fathers are fine things (being one myself), but children do suffer when they have no mother.

I do not doubt that your fathers did the best they could and love you very much. But this is no reason to denigrate motherhood or to declare it of no special value (or no value beyond the benefit of having a ‘Parent A and Parent B’ of any variety).
Who said motherhood wasn’t special? Of course it is, as it fatherhood. And yes, I have met my mother. I’ve told this story before. But to recap, I met her when I was about twenty years old. She was a god-awful woman who apologized that I was “raised by f-ggots” and had the nerve to ask me for money.

Popping a baby out of uterus does not make you a fit parent, as my biological mother shows. Being a parent means putting your child before yourself. It means unconditional love and support. Being a parent doesn’t have a gender preference. It just depends on the person.

Also, for the record, I grew up with two fathers, yes, but I was never lacking in female role models, either. I had my grandmother, aunts, friends of my dads, etc…

I was never deprived of anything. For anyone to suggest otherwise is beyond arrogant.
That is YOUR opinion. I think most here on CAF realize that when we are speaking of gay marriage, we mean two CONSENTING ADULTS. Bestiality, incest and group marriage is not the subject. Is there ever a point when we required to make decisions about sexual issues and not just cite the CCC?
Hey, why limit to two?

We can leave out bestiality, but in the cases of incest or group marriages, where everyone of them is a consenting adult, why limit marriage to two?

Who are you to judge?
I just find it interesting that this “issue” is raised only when gay couples are allowed to enter into a civil marriage. I heard no one saying straight couples were being given special interests before the social tide began to turn in the direction of marriage equality.
Regardless, there is a basis for opposite-sex marriage, namely promoting the stability of the procreative couple. Many argue it is a weak basis (just Google “abolish marriage” for people who think this way), since more and more people are contracepting. However the proposed alternative, IMHO, is a substantially weaker basis.
It is absolutely astounding to hear Catholics defend masturbation. There is simply no way that one can unzip their pants, sexually fantasize about someone else as a sexual object, (and yes, it’s objectification), discharge into the sewer, and possibly believe they are within a light year of acting in accordance with what God made them for.

For Goodness’ sake even Margaret Sanger, the star of abortion, found masturbation pathetic and appalling. When Margaret Sanger starts sounding more sensible, you know you are really in trouble…
I put “truth” in quotes because it is relative. I understand that what you consider the “truth” is, simply, the truth to you. But it isn’t to everybody else.
Try living in a society where the truth is considered relative.

You might say we do so now, but try to steal, not pay your taxes and then try to convince the courts that your truth is just as valid as their truth.

See how far that gets you.

Try living in a society where there others who think it is perfectly okay to rob, rape or beat you since their version of the truth says it is okay for them to do those things.
My “authority” comes from our modern society, not the traditions from past societies.

And I’m not saying that what you consider the “truth” is evolving. I understand that the churches teaching is unlikely to ever change, but again, they do not dictate Our secular society.
So why should I accept your authority over Gods? Don’t people of Faith have just as much right to call on their authority as do those who have no faith? Why should I have to accept you version of the Truth, especially as you acknowledge it changes at the whim of the current culture.
So why should I accept your authority over Gods? Don’t people of Faith have just as much right to call on their authority as do those who have no faith? Why should I have to accept you version of the Truth, especially as you acknowledge it changes at the whim of the current culture.
Indeed. Gas-chamber mentality.
Actually, it will not. That is a lie. Therefore your TRUTH is incorrect. Therefore you lose all credibility. Masturbation will NOT hurt us.

There are no harmful side effects of masturbation. Medical science has debunked many myths formally associated with masturbation, such as hair growing on the palms, insanity, or that masturbation will drain excessive energy from the body.

•Some people report feeling guilty about masturbating. Negative feelings associated with any behavior can threaten a person’s health and well being.

•The American medical community pronounced masturbation as normal in the 1972 publication Human Sexuality.

Reasons given by people who masturbate include:

•To experience pleasure

•To relieve tension (sexual tension or general tension)

•To relieve stress

•To engage in sex when a partner is unavailable or does not want to have sex

•To relax

•To learn about what feels good to them and how they like to be stimulated or pleasured

The following are myths relating to masturbation that are unfounded in medical and social science.

•Only people, who cannot find sexual partners; or who are socially inadequate masturbate.

•Masturbation leads to physical problems such as mental illness and growing hair on your palms.

•Masturbation “ruins” a person for partner sex.

•Men will run out of semen or sperm if they masturbate excessively.

•Others, including medical doctors and sexual partners, will be able to tell if you masturbate.

A number of studies have proven the benefits of self-pleasuring to mental, social and physical health.

•Masturbation alleviates premenstrual tension for many women.

•Masturbation provides a healthy sexual outlet for people who choose to abstain from sex with partners or who do not currently have available sexual partners.

•Masturbation can be a route to safer sex, to help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

•Masturbation allows for sexual pleasuring for those who are not ready to engage in vaginal, anal or oral sex.

•Increases blood flow to the genital region, which can help overall sexual functioning.

•Masturbation can induce sleep.

•Masturbation allows people to become familiar and comfortable with their body.

•Masturbation is often suggested as a therapeutic technique for overcoming sexual dysfunction.

•For women, it can help them learn how to achieve orgasm.

•For men, it can help them increase ejaculatory control and manage rapid or delayed ejaculation.

•Masturbation can help alleviate stress.
How do you reconcile the above with the teachings of our Church?
Respectfully, this is nonsense. Here’s how a typical conversation on this subject goes around here:

Non-Catholic: “Is it ok if my girlfriend and I [insert unchaste sexual act]?”

Catholic: “No.”

Non-Catholic: “What!? Why are you so obsessed with sex!?”

The obsession is entirely on the side of people who want to do nasty things with their genitalia. Our responses are entirely proportional to the cultural onslaught to normalize offenses against Chastity. But if there is ever a Thieves’ Pride Parade, I assure you there will be more Catholic commentary on the wrongness of stealing.
What!? Why are you so obsessed with sex!?
Regardless, there is a basis for opposite-sex marriage, namely promoting the stability of the procreative couple. Many argue it is a weak basis (just Google “abolish marriage” for people who think this way), since more and more people are contracepting. However the proposed alternative, IMHO, is a substantially weaker basis.
It is absolutely a weak basis - because, as several federal judges have pointed out, our government does not promote heterosexual marriage for the purpose of children because, as you said, not everyone wants/can have children.

I’m not arguing that your description of what marriage is wasn’t the case in the past, but again, we’re in the present. Society evolves, along with marriage (I’m not going to get into the ways marriage has changed over the centuries because I respect you enough to already know that).

Same sex marriage isn’t weakening anything. That has already been proven. New England hasn’t fallen apart. Nor has Canada, The Netherlands, etc… I suppose one could argue “there hasn’t been enough time to tell”, but what exactly are we to expect to happen in places where it is legal? It’s simply an extension of rights to a relatively large class of people who want to form a family and a legal bond to protect themselves.

I’ve seen it implied, albeit not explicitly stated, on this forum, that the legalization of same sex marriage will somehow lead to more people entering into them. The rate of homosexuality isn’t going to magically increase. Odds are that the percentage of citizens who are gay is the same as it was twenty years ago, fifty years ago, one hundred years ago.

There just simply isn’t a reason to deny it. These are people that pay into benefits for every one else to partake in while being denied it themselves (I bring this up only because I read a few days ago someone saying “whose going to pay for these benefits?”). And yes, EVERYONE pays into this, including people who choose to not marry, but they HAVE the choice. It is available to them if they are heterosexual. As for polygamists and so on…again, that’s a debate to be had when there is a substantial amount of people demanding rights. But that hasn’t happened, and it probably wont…at least not for quite some time.
How do you reconcile the above with the teachings of our Church?
You can’t. This is a whole new level of moral insanity. And it goes to what Joe K was saying about heterosexuals being the primary culprits in normalizing homosexual acts. It seems like a bizarre form of hypocrisy where “I’ll be an outspoken of these other people’s offenses against Chastity, and that’ll provide cover for mine.” It’s like the old joke about why sharks don’t bite lawyers in the ocean: professional courtesy.
That’s just my point, where are you getting this jurisprudential notion that any particular relationship has to be endorsed?

In order to grant special status, there first has to be a government interest. What is that interest?
Why should straight couples be endorsed? Just because they can have babies? Marriage isnt required for that.

The interest for gay couples? Stability. Gay couples who get married likely want to contribute to society as a couple, such as raising children…perhaps many of those children who need homes.
Try living in a society where the truth is considered relative.

You might say we do so now, but try to steal, not pay your taxes and then try to convince the courts that your truth is just as valid as their truth.

See how far that gets you.

Try living in a society where there others who think it is perfectly okay to rob, rape or beat you since their version of the truth says it is okay for them to do those things.
Here we go again. Let’s discredit same sex marriage because rape is wrong, stealing is wrong, blah blah blah. I don’t think the marriage of my fathers is hurting you in any way whatsoever.
So why should I accept your authority over Gods? Don’t people of Faith have just as much right to call on their authority as do those who have no faith? Why should I have to accept you version of the Truth, especially as you acknowledge it changes at the whim of the current culture.
I’m not asking you to “accept” anything. I’m asking you to not impose your “truth” on everyone else. It holds no water when put up to debate. You can keep believing what you wsh, and I’m sure you will (as is your right), once same sex marriage is legal nationwide.
Actually, it will not. That is a lie. Therefore your TRUTH is incorrect. Therefore you lose all credibility. Masturbation will NOT hurt us.

There are no harmful side effects of masturbation. Medical science has debunked many myths formally associated with masturbation, such as hair growing on the palms, insanity, or that masturbation will drain excessive energy from the body.

•Some people report feeling guilty about masturbating. Negative feelings associated with any behavior can threaten a person’s health and well being.

•The American medical community pronounced masturbation as normal in the 1972 publication Human Sexuality.

Reasons given by people who masturbate include:

•To experience pleasure

•To relieve tension (sexual tension or general tension)

•To relieve stress

•To engage in sex when a partner is unavailable or does not want to have sex

•To relax

•To learn about what feels good to them and how they like to be stimulated or pleasured

The following are myths relating to masturbation that are unfounded in medical and social science.

•Only people, who cannot find sexual partners; or who are socially inadequate masturbate.

•Masturbation leads to physical problems such as mental illness and growing hair on your palms.

•Masturbation “ruins” a person for partner sex.

•Men will run out of semen or sperm if they masturbate excessively.

•Others, including medical doctors and sexual partners, will be able to tell if you masturbate.

A number of studies have proven the benefits of self-pleasuring to mental, social and physical health.

•Masturbation alleviates premenstrual tension for many women.

•Masturbation provides a healthy sexual outlet for people who choose to abstain from sex with partners or who do not currently have available sexual partners.

•Masturbation can be a route to safer sex, to help prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

•Masturbation allows for sexual pleasuring for those who are not ready to engage in vaginal, anal or oral sex.

•Increases blood flow to the genital region, which can help overall sexual functioning.

•Masturbation can induce sleep.

•Masturbation allows people to become familiar and comfortable with their body.

•Masturbation is often suggested as a therapeutic technique for overcoming sexual dysfunction.

•For women, it can help them learn how to achieve orgasm.

•For men, it can help them increase ejaculatory control and manage rapid or delayed ejaculation.

•Masturbation can help alleviate stress.
I dont think you grasp the concept of immediate harm versus long term harm.

People say the same things you’ve listed about alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, video games, marijuana, etc. None of these things cause immediate harm, but theres no denying that people can and do become addicted to these things. Again, nothing to do with religion and all to do with objective, “doctor approved” science and truth. 😉
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