I originally came here out of curiosity for the catholic faith. Perhaps even seeking a church. But I soon found myself being attacked for having two fathers, having my family insulted, and told I had been deprived of something.
I don’t approve of personal attacks and try to avoid them wherever possible. However, ideas are fair game. That homosexual acts and legal arrangements between them weaving an illusion of a marriage are evil may not be something someone doesn’t want to hear and may
feel insulted hearing it is just too bad because we can’t obscure the Truth.
Now I come because I enjoy seeing that stray comment from someone with some sense. Someone who doesn’t believe the church dictates everyone else.
As I often say, if I refuse to go to Mass on Sunday, twelve Swiss Guards are not going to kick in my door, carry me off to the nearest parish, and chain me to a pew. The Church proclaims the Truth. No one is forced to live according to it.
Someone who can comprehend the difference between a catholic marriage and a civil one. Also, to be honest, I am entertained to see so many members living in some fantasy world, unable to understand why no one else in the country agrees with them.
Frankly, you are falsely characterizing here. I think most people here understand exactly why most of the country doesn’t agree with them: it’s because most of the country has succumbed to the bad, incoherent, demonstrably self-refuting philosophies of moral relativism and consequentialism. These erroneous worldviews are the death of intellect.
I enjoy seeing the reactions to bans being ruled unconstitutional every week. This is smug, I admit, but I enjoy it because of how so many here treated me.
Well, given your penchant for mischaracterizing your opponents, I would need to see some concrete examples of mistreatment to accept that.
I am entertained when members here claim ownership to marriage.
Marriage is a real thing and it is no more claiming ownership than insisting that a dog is a dog and not a cat is ownership of the concept of dogs.
I enjoy seeing the stray person come along and obliterate some silly argument against gay people, then watch as the other person counters with something totally based on faith and not logic.
I imagine there are some silly arguments against gay people, but there are some good ones as well. Faith and logic are not opposed. That homosexual sex is wrong can be demonstrated by reason, history, science, and simple apprehension.
You people think eating crackers and drinking wine is the same as eating Jesus and drinking his blood. You continuously worship other saints as Gods (then deny it, despite the evidence being in every other members signature).
Wow. NOW who is the bigot? You sound like the Westboro Baptist Church right there.
You smugly proclaim you are the one true church and religion, and mock others (yes, I’ve seen it).
Every jot and tittle of the claims of Catholicism can be defended. Like I said, I don’t approve of mocking, but even if it did happen, what of it? No one here is claiming they are perfect.
You are living out a fantasy on CAF - and you’re able to do that because there are others just like you here, others who remain in the minority of Catholicism.
Whether we are a minority or not is irrelevant. The Truth is the Truth in and out of season.
It’s no wonder everyone leaves the church.
As I’ve said before, the ironic thing is that as a parish or even other denominations embrace Politically Correct nonsense, the more they languish. This is demonstrable in places like Diocese of Rochester until recently. The more they cleave to authentic Christianity, they prosper. Also, Christianity is growing outside of the West. Sexual perversion is evidence of a civilization in decline, so this whole “the Church is dying” stuff is really just a matter of a receding tide lowering all boats.
Spend an hour on this forum and its as clear as day: you feel superior, despite all evidence outside the church contradicting you. You wonder why the Catholic Church is laughed at…read this forum! It’s hilarious.
Whistling past the graveyard.
Why would we ban you?
That won’t prevent me from continuing to read this forum, OR joining again if I feel the need to step forward and call someone out or tell someone else they’re not alone. My IP changes daily. I can’t be banned.
Do you realized that you are essentially admitting to willing to be dishonest?
Immature? Maybe. But that’s the online response I can give to a forum that immediately questions the faith. I see it happen all the time here. “Agree with us or be banished!”…and that by itself shows not even the members here are totally comfortable in their faith. They squash opposition as to not burst their fantasy bubble.
Be seeing you all. Banned or not.
I’m not sure where you are getting all this banished stuff from. I’ve seen people with vehement disagreement with the Church last a long time here. That’s because they know how to disagree without being a jerk about. The only fantasy I see here is yours.